Originally posted by NJgold:
Sensitive to sound ... only wore certain clothing.
Oh yeah, definitely. As a little kid, I would only wear pants with elastic waistbands because I thought the regular waistbands felt too restricting. I was also TERRIFIED of fireworks, balloons popping, and gunshots (but now I love fireworks). Certain other sounds, like throat clearing and whiny kids, still irritate me, though.
And for whoever mentioned telling the kid to join as many groups as possible... I did just that, joined a gamut of clubs and teams, but was rarely accepted into the other kids' friendship circles. Which organization had the friendliest people? Drama Club in high school. I was super surprised, and actually looked forward to hanging out with people from there. (I also met my first real crush in Drama Club.) However, if I was in anybody's friendship circles, I was on the edge hanging by my fingertips. I still keep in touch with a few of them, though.
I also rarely, if ever, did anything with my peers outside of school-related activities. Nobody got around to inviting me places between middle and high school. The only time I went out to a movie theater with peers was a forced outing with a counseling group in junior high. The next time I was invited to go see a movie with classmates... grad school. I ended up begging my professor to move the due date for a major project so I could finally go on a movie outing with people my age! (I was invited to parties at RU as an undergrad, and in both of my grad schools. Going to a movie theater seemed like a big deal because it's a traditional place for an outing.)
I didn't meet my closest friend (whom I've mentioned a bunch of times in past threads) until the second year of my second grad program at Rowan, and it was a twist of fate for both of us. He's the closest human friend I've ever had and sees through my Aspergers. He accepts me as a person. (Once he said "f*ck your Aspergers" when we were hanging out at someone's house late one night and I was telling him how rarely I was invited to informal gatherings like that because of my disorder.)