OT: Prime Time will crash and burn

Like for real did you forget how earlier this year you couldn’t wait to try to brag about how you got this right? Then now that it’s become apparent how wrong you got this you go with the ‘I really don’t care’ approach.

You care bro, it’s obvious reading your posts. It’s OK to admit you got something wrong man. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve been wrong on MANY predictions. Why do you take this one so personally?
Dude I did admit I got it wrong. Go away.
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Overrated, Sanders creating hype for himself with his custom cleats. Giants fans should be praying they dont draft him. Him and his dad creating hype for himself equals publicity. No such thing as bad publicity.
Dude I did admit I got it wrong. Go away.
Actually you never did admit you got it wrong.. nice to see you finally accept it, despite how butthurt you are having to admit it.

It really is amusing to see how difficult it is for anyone over the age 50 to admit they got anything wrong, even when it’s as trivial as college football.

Quit cryin’
Actually you never did admit you got it wrong.. nice to see you finally accept it, despite how butthurt you are having to admit it.

It really is amusing to see how difficult it is for anyone over the age 50 to admit they got anything wrong, even when it’s as trivial as college football.

Quit cryin’
Actually I did. You continue to be a useless waste of skin. Suck it.
The B12 is a joke. He did a great job but let’s see what happens on Wed.
Back to Arizona State and Kenny Dillignham.
Arizona State beat Iowa State and BYU (both Big 12 teams)
Iowa State beat Miami and Iowa.
BYU beat SMU

Conference Bowl Records through today:

AAC 6-1
Big Ten 4-2 (Losses to ND (Indiana lost to ND) and B12 (Rutgers lost to K State)
MAC 4-2
Big 12 4-3 (Losses to AAC (WVU lost to Memphis), B12 (Colorado Lost to BYU), and SEC (TexTech Lost to Arkansas)
SEC 4-3
Sun Belt 3-3
CUSA 1-3
MW 1-3
ACC 1-9
Pac-12 0-1
(Notre Dame & UConn 2-0)

Would not say the B12 is a joke.
Syracuse only won, because the entire defense entered the transfer portal, star QB left and head coach
1-11 to 9-4. People would be going nuts if we had that type of turnaround.

The record was just a part of it.
Colorado athletic department was broke when Sanders got there.
He took the HC job knowing they didn't have the money to pay him (AD told him so)
Col had been through three other coaches and tickets weren't selling and stands were empty
No B1G team was in such bad shape.

This year was second year of all sellouts and 7 games were on national TV.
Deion is very entrepreneurial and he also runs to problems.
The uni and Boulder are making millions - so is he now - he's like Peyton with commercials .
But he makes only 5.7 million this year
I don't like everything he did since the players get a bit too edgy but they don't get in trouble off the field.
They made the highest team GPA recently (3.0).

No other coach does what he does the way he does it.
Plus he's all over the place helping regular people with problems.
I once saw a paralyzed poster on Facebook to thank him and mention his problems.
It was 3 AM and Sanders answered in a few minutes "Message me your email" - no celeb does that.
He takes his spiritual walk seriously - no drink/drugs, swearing or thots.

“We are the most innovative university in the country, so we have the most innovative coach in the country,” Schwartz (Col chancellor) told USA TODAY Sports in an interview. “We have the most entrepreneurial coach in the country, because we are one of the most entrepreneurial universities in the country...

“You’ve got to give me some kind of credit for knowing this game of football - I played it for 14 years. I covered it for 20 years.. And I know television. I know this game. I know people. I know management. I know what my expectation is. I know how this thing is supposed to look.”

Back to Arizona State and Kenny Dillignham.
Arizona State beat Iowa State and BYU (both Big 12 teams)
Iowa State beat Miami and Iowa.
BYU beat SMU

Conference Bowl Records through today:

AAC 6-1
Big Ten 4-2 (Losses to ND (Indiana lost to ND) and B12 (Rutgers lost to K State)
MAC 4-2
Big 12 4-3 (Losses to AAC (WVU lost to Memphis), B12 (Colorado Lost to BYU), and SEC (TexTech Lost to Arkansas)
SEC 4-3
Sun Belt 3-3
CUSA 1-3
MW 1-3
ACC 1-9
Pac-12 0-1
(Notre Dame & UConn 2-0)

Would not say the B12 is a joke.
Syracuse only won, because the entire defense entered the transfer portal, star QB left and head coach
Anytime you can win that many games and win the conf title, it’s a great job. Certainly much better than Prime. But I still think what Cignetti did was more special.
Sanders brought 2 Top 10 picks in the NFL with him. Cignetti brought a slew of James Madison players to fill out IU's roster.

The best comparison will be made next year, when neither of those things will happen.