OT: Rutgers faculty union calls strike

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or a lot of things like vacation days, sick time, etc, but for the most part their time has passed
The days of The Jungle have long passed. LOL! There is a reason why unions crashed and burned over the past several decades.
Definitely would have changed the entire healthcare industry and structure.
Healthcare in the US would be much more affordable without company paid for insurance. We would have likely seen a high deductible/HSA structure become the norm decades ago. This is what insurance was meant for - catastrophic costs. Not every day-to-day expense.
They're laughably predictable and angry. Every generation of conservatives tries to fight change and tries to preserve the world they grew up in, which was a world the prior generation of conservatives hated and fought to prevent. And every generation of conservatives can't figure this out.

Oh they've figured it out now

They're going to ban women from making their own healthcare decisions, spread around guns, deny climate change, and nominate a felon.

You can really see how they're expanding their base. We saw the big payoff last week in Wisconsin and how well they did in every election 2017-today.
They know about as much about Marxism as they do about Christianity or the Constitution: whatever Fox told them.

Oh that's another thing.

I hope they didn't blow their allowances and screams in New York.

They're going to need them for Delaware.

Tuck Tuck is going to be under oath.

Someone hide the ketchup, cats, mulch, molding bowls of Easy Mac, My Pillow, etc...
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Healthcare in the US would be much more affordable without company paid for insurance. We would have likely seen a high deductible/HSA structure become the norm decades ago. This is what insurance was meant for - catastrophic costs. Not every day-to-day expense.
Or perhaps we would have what every other Western democracy has...guaranteed health care for all.
First off, while I agree that some union proposals are not related to wages & benefits such as affordable community housing, calling these & other proposals Marxist is way off base & and a red herring. Probably would be good for you to go back & review Marxism as a doctrine.
Secondly, regarding your later point about certain sports raising revenue & others not, I believe that the revenue raised stays with the Athletic Dept., though not sure about that. I would argue that having a highly capable & credentialed faculty & excellent programs serves to attract students to the university. These students pay tuition which serves to fund a plethora of the Universities' functions & programs.
Thirdly, as you may have acknowledged, Adjunct Professors are absolutely take advantage of with regard to pay, benefits, job security & just about every thing else. And they & grad assistants make up the bulk of the teaching faculty.
I really don't wish to expend more time on a back & forth with each other, but felt I owed you a better & more complete response. Perhaps we can agree to disagree on some points & issues.
Of course Adjunct Faculty are taken advantage of.

They are in it for 3 reasons:

A) build resume

B) feed their ego because they enjoy it

C) for the money

Those in it for the money aren’t thinking clearly.
The days of The Jungle have long passed. LOL! There is a reason why unions crashed and burned over the past several decades.
Reaganism is the real reason.
Unfortunately, the Jungle is still here.
It’s interesting how everybody is picking on the unions with the lowest pay. I was looking at the police compensation in my town and I see they are averaging about $165-175k a year but I don’t hear any complains about their salaries. I use to say $130k but I guess inflation caught up.

I’m not a fan of unions but it’s amazing how people selectively go after teacher union. I would be pissed at the full time professor union since I’m sure they’re are overpaid.


* Offer not valid on the Capitol Police
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It’s interesting how everybody is picking on the unions with the lowest pay. I was looking at the police compensation in my town and I see they are averaging about $165-175k a year but I don’t hear any complains about their salaries. I use to say $130k but I guess inflation caught up.

I’m not a fan of unions but it’s amazing how people selectively go after teacher union. I would be pissed at the full time professor union since I’m sure they’re are overpaid.
The police union is by far the most aggregious there is. Followed closely by the K-12 teacher's union.
Oh they've figured it out now

They're going to ban women from making their own healthcare decisions, spread around guns, deny climate change, and nominate a felon.

You can really see how they're expanding their base. We saw the big payoff last week in Wisconsin and how well they did in every election 2017-today.
Because they've chosen to try to hold on to power without moving back to the center they've gone down this dark road: 1. Pander more and more to your base to get them to turn out, then when that isn’t enough 2. Pack courts to get your way, then when that isn't enough 2. Gerrymander and change laws to manipulate vote counts, then when that isn't enough 3. Deny election results and use violence to change them. Democrats have their own issues--obnoxiously woke politics continue to drive voters away in droves, I wonder why endlessly calling people bigots and bullying them isn't getting their votes???--but those issues are undermining democracy only in that theyre driving voters away at a time when Democrats should be getting them easily given the insanity on the right.

There is a certain logic to all of these actions on the part of the right--EXCEPT that they run completely counter to their incessant rants about allegedly being against big government. They're perfectly OK with big government as long as it's in the service of their aims. You would think their heavy-handedness should be driving off more of our "less governmen" conservatives: DeSantis is now working on more ways to arbitrarily punish Disney simply because they piss him off, the absolute worst kind of government abuse of power.
The police union is by far the most aggregious there is. Followed closely by the K-12 teacher's union.
It's interesting how union bashing NEVER includes cops or firefighters. At least the right is consistent in being hypocrites.
Unfortunately, because of many of the posters on threads such as this, there is a need for unions!
That really worked out before the New Deal which gave us the NLRA which provided workers with the right to form unions & the right to bargain collectively. Before that employers held ALL the cards & there were only two classes--the rich & the poor. The establishment & growth of unions was the major factor in the establishment & growth of a middle class.

This post was intended a a response to Ridge22's post.
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That really worked out before the New Deal which gave us the NLRA which provided workers with the right to form unions & the right to bargain collectively. Before that employers held ALL the cards & there were only two classes--the rich & the poor. The establishment & growth of unions was the major factor in the establishment & growth of a middle class.

This post was intended a a response to Ridge22's post.
So true.
^^^^ Oh no....another one of those "Defund The Police" types.
I don't know what you are saying. I support the police completely and think they have a very tough job. Where did I say anything about defunding the police? I believe the opposite. I just don't believe in their union, which as stated, is one of the worst in the country. Make sure you keep generalizing a bit more though. At some point, you may actually be correct on something by shear volume and luck
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Plus they can retire after 20 years with a full pension and benefits. Many well over $100K per year for life.
yeah.. there is abuse of the system that is for certain. And it seems none of them ever take vacation days or personal time off.. and accrue plenty of OT.. so when retirement comes it comes with a giant PAYDAY based on their most recent salary. Accrue lots of vacation days and OT hours while making near the minimums.. then cash in at the maximums. Then, at 40-something, get another public employee job.. elected perhaps.. and get another retirement benefit 5-10 years later.. rinse, repeat.

Still.. they do have to put their lives on the line.. more and more lately it seems. That's why that Texas school thing in Uvalde was so disappointing.. that the cops put themselves first... and even stopped the braver among them from going in. Many.. most even.. know what they are signing up for. They deserve good pay and benefits and early "retirement".. being a physical job for many of them. Cannot ask them to say in 30-year-old shape forever. But the abuses have to stop.
students should sue the union just like victims of nashville should sue pharma and doctors that provide hormone therapy
So sue the pharma for hormone therapy put not the gun manufacturer who provide guns, right. That is the answer
Federal employees do not have the right to strike. And they are doing fine.

Public employees work for us, not a private corporation or business.
I believe though Rutgers University is mainly funded by the State of New Jersey it is considered a private employer and it's employees are hired by Rutgers and not the State

So Rutgers employees have every right to strike like every other employee of a private business can
So sue the pharma for hormone therapy put not the gun manufacturer who provide guns, right. That is the answer
Why do you so want to disarm the population? Sure, they have a right to bare arms but, sorry, no arms are for sale anywhere because we sued all those companies out of existence.

It is always about coming for their guns, isn't it?

Lately, it seems that if we could only keep liberals away from guns the problem wouldn't be so bad. Why is that? What is making you guys go nuts and shoot people? This last 23-year-old seems to have wanted to use an AR-15 so that people would be forced to do something about AR-15s... just nuts!
Why do you so want to disarm the population? Sure, they have a right to bare arms but, sorry, no arms are for sale anywhere because we sued all those companies out of existence.

It is always about coming for their guns, isn't it?

Lately, it seems that if we could only keep liberals away from guns the problem wouldn't be so bad. Why is that? What is making you guys go nuts and shoot people? This last 23-year-old seems to have wanted to use an AR-15 so that people would be forced to do something about AR-15s... just nuts!
Employees have rights that they can fight for and some of those rights have restrictions placed on them.
Americans have the right to bear arms, but that right also comes with restrictions.
No one is coming to take away guns, that's a tried and true tacit used against the fight to keep guns out of the wrong hands and make weapons of mass murder harder to obtain . Making it harder for nuts to get an AR15 use it to mow down people for any nutty reason.
The gun getting in the hands of the wrong person is the problem and laws to prevent that are fought against for the wrong reason.
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Nonsensical post. How many times you go to the doctor isn’t tied to who pays for it. D’uh.
Of course how many times I go to the doctor isn't tied to who pays for it. I'm not poor.
There are loads of people who avoid going to the doctor unless it's something serious because of their finances...or lack thereof. In fact I grew up in such an environment. Until my father got into the Teamsters union.
BOO! No least common denominator healthcare for us. We deserve higher quality care.
Since this thread is already a potpourri...

T2K, respectfully, times are not like when I got out of college, and it was an easy transition into a job that provides health care. Those types of entry level jobs are gone. If the job wasn't shipped overseas, it was converted to a part-timish job with no benefits. As my kids have come of age I have been shocked about how much tougher it is for this generation to acquire that, and many other things. (A lot of companies offer "health insurance" that turns out to be a voucher for about a 100/200 bucks a month to be applied to the purchase of health care). The job that launched my career as a computer programmer no longer exists.

My views have changed 180 degrees on this. Five years ago I would have denounced universal health care had anybody asked (nobody did, ha ha). Now I am all for it. Business has created a culture where health care is not available as part of compensation for too many people, in my opinion. It's not good for a country to have so many people walking around with no recourse when they are seriously injured or sick. And there are so many of those people. I see them in Atlantic City (a place I know you dislike) all the time -- guys dragging themselves to work with obvious injuries, for example, that they will never be treated for or recover from.

I'm a fiscal conservative and I know it would be expensive. But there is money in this society and I believe it can be found.

p.s. I saw your comment on health insurance only being for catastrophic costs. Is that how you use it? **

I hope we're still friends after this post, ha ha. Nothing wrong with some good debate, and I'm always ready and willing to be proven wrong...

** Ironically, and perhaps detrimentally to my argument, it seems to be how I use it. I'm one of those "every twenty years" types who is too busy working to visit a doctor. But I am inherently healthy, have strong teeth (1 cavity at age 18), eat well and not very much, do P90X every day, and take pretty good care of myself. Until my shoulder injury last year, I had not seen the inside of a doctor's office for a very long time. So I am a bit of a hypocrite in advocating for health care on a regulated basis rather than catastrophic only...
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