OT: Skin glue vs stitches


Mar 15, 2007
I got a pretty nice cut on my finger on Sunday night. Although I stopped the bleeding after about 20 minutes the skin hasn't really closed. I don't have time with work to get to an Urgent Care, was wondering how skin glue has worked for others.
If the edges of the laceration are clearly defined and can be easily closed (as opposed to jagged / not easily closed along the length of the lac) then you can glue it.
Ask our expert.... Nicky 'Stitches' Suriano

Do you have one of these?


Seriously, though, have you considered using a Steri-Strip? I've had a lot of luck using that to hold cuts on my hands/fingers closed. Put it on, then cover it tightly with a band aid or first aid tape.


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Duct tape works well.

Once brought one of my guys to the emergency room all duct taped up. She looked at me and said, "who's the idiot that did this?". I sheepishly raised my hand like a 3rd grader and replied, "what's wrong, at least I put a napkin under the duct tape and it worked, didn't it".
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Duct tape works well.

Once brought one of my guys to the emergency room all duct taped up. She looked at me and said, "who's the idiot that did this?". I sheepishly raised my hand like a 3rd grader and replied, "what's wrong, at least I put a napkin under the duct tape and it worked, didn't it".

Bleeding control in emergent situations is frequently more art than science. And triage nurses are notoriously humorless.
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I got a pretty nice cut on my finger on Sunday night. Although I stopped the bleeding after about 20 minutes the skin hasn't really closed. I don't have time with work to get to an Urgent Care, was wondering how skin glue has worked for others.

A buddy of mine had a deep cut on his finger and called a surgeon friend of ours who said to crazy glue it. Said it's basically the same as derma bond. It worked.
some finger cuts can't be stitched or glued but have to be burnt shut. Worst part was getting the needle of Novocain direct into it first.
