OT: Sopranos

I'm guessing he would just laugh and remind us that it was just a TV show. That's my guess. Honestly, we never even talked about the ending.
how do u think JG would answer the question re if TS ended up living or getting whacked. I know I'm putting you on the spot but you were a friend of his correct?

I just read something, maybe in the Post, where JG's first reaction was "WTF", but after taking a day to process it, was like "Ah, its perfect"
The anti-hero. Draper, Walter White, Underwood, House... Tony is the quintessential anti hero.

Speaking of family and relationships in the show, one of the underlying threads throughout the series is what Christopher refers to as the “regular ness of life”. Despite all the money and violence and intrigue and power struggle, the show was about coping with the every day sh*t we all deal with. Kids, sibling drama, emotions, living. There’s a scene where Tony is at a conference about his son and he notices stuck in his pant cuff a tooth of a guy he just curb stomped for harassing Meadow. Everything is juxtaposed against that regularness. His relationship with Christopher, his uncle, his friends, illness of a loved one, our own insecurities, that’s what it’s all about. We’ve all been through exactly what he went through just in different (hopefully less violent) contexts. One of the most dramatic fights between Tony and Carmela escalated from her asking him to bring pool chairs inside, and was rooted in his years of (not philandering) being unloving and not serving the emotional needs of a husband.
On its surface the show is funny, and dramatic and intense. But it is also incredibly deep, with many many rich layers, and holds up well enough to be on today.
Blame it all on MOM.
A golf buddy of mine had a small part on The Sopranos (6 episodes I think). Nice guy who loves golf. Yeah, he got whacked.
Six eps isn’t a small part. Who did he play? Billy Leotardo?


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I was a big Feech fan. Gotta get me some New Zealand peaches, they’re the best !
Rumor is that Feech was supposed to have a bigger role in the show, but Robert Loggia had a tough time preparing and remembering his lines, so they decided to write him off sooner than originally intended. Kinda makes sense looking back, his arc did end abruptly

Great Feech scene here
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What shows nowadays are the weekly must see ? You know, the one that the family gathers around for, and your friends are all doing the same .
I don’t think any. Just not the way it is anymore.
What shows nowadays are the weekly must see ? You know, the one that the family gathers around for, and your friends are all doing the same.
I don’t think any. Just not the way it is anymore.
This is Us? ..sorry. I agree it certainly is not the same.
This is Us? ..sorry. I agree it certainly is not the same.

Never heard of it. Had to google it. The only thing I can think of is game of thrones . And I am not saying current tv is bad , but with streaming and a lot more shows there is much more inventory and people don’t necessarily watch the show “live” anymore . Can watch it on demand .
Sopranos was one of those shows that they were talking about on z100 on the way to work the next morning.
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Never heard of it. Had to google it. The only thing I can think of is game of thrones . And I am not saying current tv is bad , but with streaming and a lot more shows there is much more inventory and people don’t necessarily watch the show “live” anymore . Can watch it on demand .
Sopranos was one of those shows that they were talking about on z100 on the way to work the next morning.
Netflix ruined that
Rumor is that Feech was supposed to have a bigger role in the show, but Robert Loggia had a tough time preparing and remembering his lines, so they decided to write him off sooner than originally intended. Kinda makes sense looking back.

Great Feech scene here

Even at his advanced age, Loggia played a great psychopath. A truly scary mf. The type of guy that would stab you over a minor road rage incident.
These 2 were great small part actors in a few episodes, Mustang Sally and the older Bobby Baccila, Sr. Here a retire Bobby Bacalam(the great Burt Young) comes out of retirement, dying of lung cancer and whacks an out of control Mustang Sally:

These 2 were great small part actors in a few episodes, Mustang Sally and the older Bobby Baccila, Sr. Here a retire Bobby Bacalam(the great Burt Young) comes out of retirement, dying of lung cancer and whacks an out of control Mustang Sally:


Retired? What is this, the Navy?!
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Only one Sopranos. Only one Jim Gandolfini.
I thought he was a bad choice for the role, to me he did not come across as an Italian mobster and most of the cast
turned me off for bad imitations of my people. Watch my Brilliant Friend and see something authentic.
Rumor is that Feech was supposed to have a bigger role in the show, but Robert Loggia had a tough time preparing and remembering his lines, so they decided to write him off sooner than originally intended. Kinda makes sense looking back, his arc did end abruptly

Great Feech scene here

I heard that too. When Gandolfini died, Bobby (Steve schrippa?) was on with francsssa and said Gandolfini was very patient with loggia as he was forgetting lines . One scene he mentioned was the card game .
I thought he was a bad choice for the role, to me he did not come across as an Italian mobster and most of the cast
turned me off for bad imitations of my people. Watch my Brilliant Friend and see something authentic.

Italian-American mobster. Quite a significant difference.
I thought Paulie, Christopher and Patsy were all pretty good.
Agreed that Steve Van Zandt was liking watching a middle school play.

Also Big Pussy was waaaaaay over rated.
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Gandolfini was such a great actor. On some episodes, he had 2/3 of the lines on the show, including long soliloquies. He pulled it off with perfection. Never once did I think he was an actor playing Tony Soprano. He was Tony Soprano.