I own the stocks, thus the calls are covered.I have no idea what this means. LOL!
I'm selling a contract which gives the buyer the right to purchase 100 stock's from me at a certain price during a certain window of time. The amount for which I sell the contract is the premium.
For instance, as I noted above I sold a covered call in Sofi. The purchaser of the options contract now has the right to buy Sofi from me for $16 by Aug 27th(I assume by the close?). They purchaser paid me $3(not $2 as I noted above) for the contract which is the premium. Sofi is currently trading for 14.69. So unless Sofi get's above $16, I just raked in $2.49(ETrade took .50 cents in fees) for nothing.
If it get's above $16 and the option is exercised I keep the $2.50, plus get the $1600 for the stock sale.
It's kind of a can't lose. I mean if it get's to $18, and I'm selling for $16, that will sting. So I'm limiting my upside, but I'm OK with that.
Again this was my first ever options trade, so I'm early in the learning curve, and this is the most basic of options contracts(and the only one I'm currently allowed to trade, ETrade is pretty tightly reigned).
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