52% of the S+P is in the technology, healthcare and communications (AT+T, Verizon, etc.) sectors. Those three sectors, which seem to be most resilient to the impact of the coronavirus, are driving the current performance of the market (that and about $1.25T invested by the Treasury/Fed in stock market related bond transactions). The broader US economy is clearly in much worse shape than those three sectors.
Personally I have been slowly decreasing my exposure to the market over the past six months. I was probably 75% exposed in March and now am around 40%. I am sitting mostly in cash/cash equivalents. My feeling is the broader US economy is struggling and the market is over performing. While I think I understand the "why" the market is over performing (tech, healthcare and communications make up a disproportionate percentage of the S+P), I dont see it as sustainable.
There is an old saying that goes something like "Buy when there is blood in the streets". If you believe the market isn't appropriately reflecting the struggles facing the broader economy and the current performance is not sustainable (as I do) sitting on liquidity is a sound strategy.