Media and "experts" are doing an awful job concerning Putin's standing in Russia
Putin has massive 70% approval at home - has for years
The USSR collapsed and society was a mess through 90s/Yeltsin
It was Putin who made Russia come back together and function
Russians see Putin as hero
Even Solzhenitsyn - a friend of Putin - admired Putin
Solzhenitsyn also wanted Ukriane to be a part of Russia again
Ukkraine to Russia is like CA to Americans but media make it out to be more like Cuba
If America fought to get CA back the people would cheer - Cuba hardly at all
That's how Russia sees Ukraine
"Putin, Solzhenitsyn said in an interview shortly before his death in 2007 at age 88, had brought “a slow and gradual restoration” to Russia. The admiration was mutual... After praising Solzhenitsyn at the Kremlin ceremony for devoting “practically all his life to the Fatherland,” Putin visited the writer at home, telling him how much of his program for Russia was “largely in tune with what Solzhenitsyn has written.” And recent political developments show that Putin indeed has followed many of Solzhenitsyn’s ideas, particularly in the area known as “the near abroad,” or the former USSR.
It is one of history’s ironies that the No. 1 internal enemy of the Soviet Union has now become a spiritual guru to a former KGB officer who repeatedly voices nostalgia for Soviet times. For years before his death, the fiercely nationalistic Solzhenitsyn suggested that post-Soviet Russia must include Ukraine. Solzhenitsyn did not see the Ukrainians as a separate nation: “All the talk of a separate Ukrainian people existing since something like the ninth century and possessing its own non-Russian language is recently invented falsehood,” he wrote in a 1990 essay, “Rebuilding Russia: Reflections and Tentative Proposals.”
Putin likewise sees Ukraine as an artificial state: At the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, he told then-President George W. Bush that “Ukraine is not even a state. Part of its territory is in Eastern Europe and the greater part is a gift from us."
Russia’s Soviet-style leader is following the advice of the USSR’s most famous dissident.
Vladimir Putin is seeing his highest approval rating from Russians since 2018, according to a Levada-Center poll.