America itself is being invaded by foreigners right now. So far over 12X the number of soldiers who invaded the beaches at Normandy have broken in with help from DC. Right now another 70,000 are massing in Mexico. 80k are going to die this year from Fentanyl made in Mexio with Chinese help/materials. The cartels are decapitating, flaying, raping etc. Its dysfunctional that Americans should be caught-up in Ukraine drama ignoring worse things at home
This is especially true since it was avoidable. Putin/Russia experts know that Putin gets aggressive when he's making money with oil and/or NATO nations are distracted. Putin got an easy green light when US fuel production was intentionally crippled, and when admin helped Russian pipeline. That followed-up with the Afghanistan mess which was also intentional. US allies weren't even informed and they publicly condemned the actions in parliaments. I knew wars were coming as soon as I saw the C-17 fiasco.
The fiasco continues as Russia works to help US with Iranian oil. Thats crazy enough, but going to Iran pisses off Saudis who then refused Biden's phone calls begging for oil. Then you have Harris claiming Ukraine is part of NATO. Oh and US is taking Iran's Republican Guard off terror list and working to get Sheikh Mohammed and 4 other 9-11 captives a plea deal. This after they released 20th 9-11 hijacker to Saudi Arabia claiming he had "mental problems."
Maybe someday people in DC will stop helping enemies. Lord help US if it ever went to war with these people.
The tweet was originally posted around 8:30 p.m. Tuesday evening. A second, nearly identical tweet was posted almost an hour later around 9:20 pm.