So back on topic, and perhaps timely...
I'm curious about something. Presumably, at least some, if not most, of you keep a decent amount of cash sitting around in one or more domestic banks for liquidity reasons. How do you choose which bank(s) to keep that money in? Not talking about overseas banking which is a different and more complex discussion.
The larger banks (e.g. JPM Chase) pay crap for interest, but are arguably safer. Smaller banks (e.g. Capital One), especially pure online banks (e.g. Ally Bank), pay vastly better interest but are theoretically less safe (although still FDIC insured).
I mean, do y'all use Moody's or Fitch ratings or what? Or do you not GAF just so long as you split the cash across enough banks to limit balances at any one institution to the FDIC limit of $250K per person?
Not asking about anybody's specific choices (although if you want to name names, feel free). Just curious in people's selection methodology or thinking on the subject.