OT: The Oscars are tonight.

Rutgers Football has award dinners every single year. Most of the actors/actresses volunteer or have created and now run their own charities/foundations. Having an awards dinner does not have an impact on ones ability to give back. How silly...

@bac2therac @NY AGENTMAN @RC85 @RUScrew85 @Underdogs88

Yes and the Oscars hand out $100,000 swag bags to the nominess....maybe donate that to charity. These people make multiples of what wall st execs make and provide nothing to society. I would watch but have no interest in their lectures.
I thought Chris Affleck and Michelle Williams were very good. But a movie story this sad.... not what I want to spend 10 bucks on. For now on, only comedies, War movies, thrillers, action movies, and Porn for me ! :grimace:
And how about Casey Affleck? Was his performance better than Chris Affleck's?
But I have a question for the folks who are complaining about the liberal political statements of some of the participants. Do you object to the political statements or do you object because they are liberal?

Uh, yes
I never watch these award shows, but the best part is reading all the hysterics and whining by folks on message boards and twitter.

Who cares what some pompous rich JO has to say about politics? These same people voted for a "billionaire" reality TV star....
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At least the Oscar nominations have much greater diversity this year than they have the past couple. The last two years the Academy Awards reminded me of the crowd at Penn State's "white-out" game (or any other home game in State College, for that matter).
My wife has this crap on. Tell the ass wipe from Iran to leave the Oscar at the door. And too all the d-bag stars who applauded his note, I hope they get to go to Iran and suffer like the folks there do!!
Libs in Hollywood love movies about libs in Hollywood. I'm sure that movie will be recognized by the liberal Academy.
Well, the Oscars are over and I haven't watched yet because I'm still at work, but La La Land was slated to win a bunch. My problem with the movie is just that it wasn't really all that good. No memorable songs, the leads couldn't dance (or sing very well), and the production numbers were terrible at the beginning and so - so throughout. I'd give it about a 6.

As to the Academy being liberal? Of course it is. Same as the rest of the arts. And the sciences. You guys got Chachi, Ted Nugent, and the Duck Dynasty Guy. And your scientists are mostly that doctor who wrote all those novels who died not too long ago. And I think Gopher from Love Boat is a Republican. So you're good.
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I love movies, so I watch the Oscars. Timberlake killed it in the opening song and Kimmel has been pretty funny and I would say gently political - and the speeches have been mostly apolitical, with a few exceptions. I doubt the righties on the board would have their panties in a bunch over this telecast, if they were watching instead of whining. Hidden Figures was my favorite of the nominated films.
Coming u at 11:30 p.m. on MeTV, the only Oscar show I care to watch;
I never watch these award shows, but the best part is reading all the hysterics and whining by folks on message boards and twitter.

Who cares what some pompous rich JO has to say about politics? These same people voted for a "billionaire" reality TV star....

Those rich people all voted against him lol
I am just going to watch to hear the silly political statements.

Last night the wife and I rented Manchester By The Sea and Moonlight. If they represent two of Hollywood's best movies, then they have to do a lot better.

I got half way through Manchester and had to quit it. I watched Hacksaw Ridge last night and it was just ok - a war film with usual formulas (the girlfriend, the mean drill Sargent etc). No desire to see the other films. Maybe La La Land sparks some new musicals. Most H'wood films today are just baskets of formulas. They stopped understanding people and good stories a long time ago.
I'd be angry too if my wife dictated what I watched and didn't let me get a second TV. Emasculating!

Sitting in the same room a**hole working on the computer. You know "working' something that is probably foreign to you judging by your number of posts. Lonely down there in the basement. Guess no one likes sitting in a room with you, so sad. Trust me I'm sure I have more Tvs than you. Next time type with both hands out of your pants.
Sitting in the same room a**hole working on the computer. You know "working' something that is probably foreign to you judging by your number of posts. Lonely down there in the basement. Guess no one likes sitting in a room with you, so sad. Trust me I'm sure I have more Tvs than you. Next time type with both hands out of your pants.
Whoa. You is angry
R.I.P. Bill Paxton--will always be Fred Haise in Apollo 13 to me.

Not watching the Oscars as I'm at work and probably wouldn't if I could. I always say that you can always tell if a R or a D is in the White House by watching an awards show. If it's full of political jokes you can tell it's a R, if no political jokes it has to be a D.

Only saw one movie here, La La Land which I have to say I enjoyed but it doesn't hold a candle to the Hollywood musicals of the past.
Instead I went to see Kung Fu Yoga with Jackie Chan. Hilarious!!!!!
One thing. Dialogue in the movie was in both English and Chinese. When they spoke English there were Vietnamese subtitles. When they spoke Chinese there were both Vietnamese and English subtitles! Lots of words on the screen!!!!!
Watched 3 minutes of it and am so glad I did. If that doesn't epitomize Hollywood I don't know what does.

Complete imbeciles, top to bottom. That was better than every shitty movie they put x 2.
Was that real?

Or did they do it for the tweet that's sure to follow?

Hmmmmm....REAL fake news anyone. LOL
Well that was awkward...
I think they gave Beatty the wrong envelope.... he said it had Emma stone, LaLa land on it.
the result for best actress....

he still must feel like crap if so
I think they gave Beatty the wrong envelope.... he said it had Emma stone, LaLa land on it.

he still must feel like crap if so

Yea definitely not his fault. His reaction before the announcement made it clear he was even very confused by what was going on. Poor guy
Faye Dunaway pulling out some Joan Crawford.

But sometimes it makes you wonder if it was just a publicity stunt to get people talking and not just Faye and Warren given the wrong card
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Guess I'm not the only one.
I got to believe they just made the mistake of handing him the best actress envelope.... if it was to be a publicity stunt, on purpose, it also is an embarrassment... which is not what you usually
want out of a stunt.... usually...... it is also done at the expense of the two people you send out
there to make the announcement..... not nice
Since this is a sports forum...
In the immortal words of the great Jack Buck,

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Emma stone said that she has the best actress card from her win and never had it out of her hand from when she went on, there would have to been two of them made up....

..... it makes it even more strange.