OT: The Oscars are tonight.

I think they gave Beatty the wrong envelope.... he said it had Emma stone, LaLa land on it.
the result for best actress....

he still must feel like crap if so

He didn't do anything to feel bad about. Watch it again. He knew something wasn't right and looked to the side of the stage for someone. Dunaway took the card from him and and announced La La Land as the winner. Oddly enough, HuffPost ran a story three days ago about just such a scenario.
Since this is a sports forum...
In the immortal words of the great Jack Buck,


Or as Yogi said "It aint over til you take the trophies away and give them to the other guys"
Emma stone said that she has the best actress card from her win and never had it out of her hand from when she went on, there would have to been two of them made up....

..... it makes it even more strange.

They have two sets of results envelopes for each winner.
Faye Dunaway pulling out some Joan Crawford.

But sometimes it makes you wonder if it was just a publicity stunt to get people talking and not just Faye and Warren given the wrong card

This just sums up how utterly stupid Hollywood is-what a joke! This will be big news on Monday and will spin out of control. Hopefully they decide to end the Oscars......I can wish can't I!!!
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I went off to bed the moment the LaLa Land crew hit the stage. I thought Warren Beatty was having a senior moment with reading the cards rather than doing a Steve Harvey (which he didn't). Just assumed they won.
At least the Oscar nominations have much greater diversity this year than they have the past couple. The last two years the Academy Awards reminded me of the crowd at Penn State's "white-out" game (or any other home game in State College, for that matter).

How can anyone want diversity in an awards show? It shouldn't be about diversity it should be about the best. Would you want the RU football team to field a diverse team or the best team?
other thing - they strictly enforce 45 second rule for speeches, except Viola Davis. Went on, and on, and on. Something about dead people in graveyard?
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I am a bit one was going to watch the oscars but everyone somehow saw this screwup? hmmmmmm
Not me...

I watch.

Some of those ladies look good. Real good.

The other stuff I just tune out.
And I got home in time to see Selma Hayek and Amy Adams present.

That's what I'm looking for when I turn it on.:pimp:
He didn't do anything to feel bad about. Watch it again. He knew something wasn't right and looked to the side of the stage for someone. Dunaway took the card from him and and announced La La Land as the winner. Oddly enough, HuffPost ran a story three days ago about just such a scenario.
first time around I thought he read the winner... you are right of course
They have two sets of results envelopes for each winner.


you would think that the second set would not be used at all, but kept as a back up if the stack of during the show envelopes got misplaced back stage somehow.... here we were down to the
last nominations, the last envelope, and someone would have had to take the envelope not off the top of the back up envelopes, but go down a bit to get the wrong best actress envelope.
I would not want to be the accountant at Pricewaterhousecoopers that screwed this one up. Can't be good for the career. Makes good entertainment, though.
Why does everyone hate the Oscars again?

I don't hate it, it is just too long and boring. I just don't care enough to sit there and watch the whole thing.

I rather just see the results the next day in a few seconds while I drink coffee and move on to other stuff.
Probably because its mostly a bunch of rich arrogant pricks patting themselves on the back and this year trying to announce their political viewpoints to the world.

Could you imagine if they had a televised award show for hedge fund owners/traders? People would lose their shit.
They are entertainers, not white collar workers.

Where do people come up with these asinine comparisons to whine?
So? Giving awards for art is just as stupid as giving awards to hedge fund managers. Actually more stupid because it's subjective.

At least we won't have to hear about the #OscarsSoWhite bs anymore.

Now THIS was entertainment.
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still not convinced that it wasn't a set up. There is no such thing as bad press. No one would be talking about a boring Oscars with mediocre movies and actors/actresses. Now they are and Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty are more popular than they have been in the last 25 years.
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So? Giving awards for art is just as stupid as giving awards to hedge fund managers. Actually more stupid because it's subjective.

At least we won't have to hear about the #OscarsSoWhite bs anymore.

Now THIS was entertainment.

the Oscar so white BS is BS because it sets a quota system up. No surprise the best movie this year went in that direction and also awards for supporting actor/ 3 of the top 6 awards went black this year...legit or a response to last years uproar. Coincidence? eh, nothing in Hollywood is coincidence. Skin color should not matter in award shows. Representation in movies should matter. Thats where the concentration needs to begin...not only black but Hispanic and Asian woefully underrepresented. I find having a campaign saying Oscar so white because black actors were not being nominated in great numbers to be pretty ridiculous..its a freaking awards show...there are more important things
So? Giving awards for art is just as stupid as giving awards to hedge fund managers. Actually more stupid because it's subjective.

At least we won't have to hear about the #OscarsSoWhite bs anymore.

Now THIS was entertainment.
I think the Grammy's are now "so white". Something has to be!
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not only black but Hispanic and Asian woefully underrepresented.

Perfect example of Hollywood's hypocrisy

Four years ago, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD star Chloe Bennet was known professionally as Chloe Wang, aspiring actress and teenage dabbler in Shanghai pop stardom. In the states, however, Hollywood casting agents were less than welcoming.
At least until she changed her last name.
“Oh, the first audition I went on after I changed my name, I got booked,” Bennet tells The Daily Beast, in an interview timed to Marvel’s Women of Power month. “So that’s a pretty clear little snippet of how Hollywood works.”
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still not convinced that it wasn't a set up. There is no such thing as bad press. No one would be talking about a boring Oscars with mediocre movies and actors/actresses. Now they are and Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty are more popular than they have been in the last 25 years.
Who is this Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty you are speaking about?
Yes and the Oscars hand out $100,000 swag bags to the nominess....maybe donate that to charity. These people make multiples of what wall st execs make and provide nothing to society. I would watch but have no interest in their lectures.
nails it
Probably because its mostly a bunch of rich arrogant pricks patting themselves on the back and this year trying to announce their political viewpoints to the world.

Could you imagine if they had a televised award show for hedge fund owners/traders? People would lose their shit.

It's an award show that's semi entertaining. Loosen up dude.