Pffffft. Yeah, OK. And I have a bridge to sell you.
One of my best friend's dad's is a cop. I hear all the stories from him, and he flat out has told me they hide just to nail people.
So either your relatives are liars or they aren't that bright. They are local NJ cops, so there is a good chance it's both.
What a piece of work you are. Sorry, but if anyone comes across as a gigantic douche with a chip on his shoulder, it's you. It's no wonder you have trouble with law enforcement. Your arrogant, ignorant opinions are based on nothing but projection and compensation issues and straw man nonsense. With around a million LE officers just in the in the US, you admittedly rationalize your blindly bigoted generalizations with nothing but BS supposed stories from one person that you obviously interpreted exactly the way you wanted to hear them, if they happened at all. That's just idiotic, but predictably, according to you it's OTHER people who "aren't that bright". Right. Get some self-awareness, counseling, meds, all of the above, or whatever you need to get over your misdirected adolescent anger issues before you transfer them to that poor kid, assuming it's not too late.