Okay - little trivia for you.
Who / what was the first organization to collect information about purchasing habits on a "big data" scale?
Your brain is just like every other muscle in your body that needs to be exercised or risk atrophy, why walk or run when we have cars? These "primitive" mathematical skills are also very important during early development of the brain, it forms the basis for logical thinking that applies to everything else in life, something you won't get by punching numbers into a calculator.
It certainly doesn't hurt. It takes few days, weeks tops to memorize the table, it won't make a dent in your memory capacity LOL, we only use a small percentage of our brain capacity through out our life time.But does memorizing the multiplication table actually make you better at math? Or are you simply dedicating information to memory? I'm not sure what the answer is.
i wanted to get in on this calculator vs no calculator debate. I'm torn myself. How important is it to be able to multiply in your head when you have a tool readily available. As long as you know the concepts of multiplication, isnt that the most important thing? When is it time to let go of "primitive" skills. Should we still learn how to ride horses in case our cars break down? We've drifted from everyone know how to farm and grow food, to few.
I don't know what the right answer is... but i find these kinds of topics fascinating.