OT: Urban Meyer Fired

How things change for "winners"... lol...So Schiano is a better NFL coach... He lasted 2 full years with Tampa and won 11 games in those 2 years compare to Urban 11 months and 2 wins at Jacksonville. Not to mention Urban multiple scandals in a short period of time. Nuts

My theory is that Urban got used to winning all the time with little effort, since he had access to elite talent that only a few colleges coaches have. He doesn't know how to lose anymore with grace and class and does not know how to make good/non-elite players better anymore.

The sad part is that this guy will get multiple opportunities to coach at another elite school and will get top $$$$$ but if I was a parent I would guide my children away from these types of toxic personalities.
How things change for "winners"... lol...So Schiano is a better NFL coach... He lasted 2 full years with Tampa and won 11 games in those 2 years compare to Urban 11 months and 2 wins at Jacksonville. Not to mention Urban multiple scandals in a short period of time. Nuts

My theory is that Urban got used to winning all the time with little effort, since he had access to elite talent that only a few colleges coaches have. He doesn't know how to lose anymore with grace and class and does not know how to make good/non-elite players better anymore.

The sad part is that this guy will get multiple opportunities to coach at another elite school and will get top $$$$$ but if I was a parent I would guide my children away from these types of toxic personalities.
Spurrier 2.0.

He believed his superior football acumen was the reason for his success.

He was an innovator who certainly had an Xs and Os advantage over most others. But he also usually had better players and/or match-ups.

But the NFL is about parity with only QB and pass-rush typically the only margins separating teams.

Meyer had neither.
We know famous college coaches who failed in pros and the way they describe their experiences it seems they fail to navigate the differences they underestimate.

Lou Holtz thought he would go to the Jets and run the option - with Joe Namath. He confessed he had never even watched an NFL game until he got the NFL job.

Steve Spurrier thought the Florida “Fun ‘n’ Gun” offense would work at Washington and it didn't

Saban struggled with the draft. He couldn't just go after players he wanted but had to pick in order. He passed on Brees (shoulder issue at the time) to pick Daunte Culpepper.

Pete Carroll landed Russell Wilson and it changed everything for him. He also learned to get rid of coaches not working out . He was too nice in the past.

I recall GS saying that if being the best Xs and Os coach was most important, then a coach should go to the NFL because college coaching is all about recruiting and you wont have the time to tickle-up game plans .

You can see where a winning college coach at a top program might have struggles since you cant rely on robust recruiting to turn the corner. Recruiting is time consuming though and I think some college coaches think pros will be easier when it will be harder but in different ways.

Coaching in NFL and college is the same, only WAY different​
Coaching college and coaching in the NFL are 2 different beasts. One issue that I think many coaches making the transition to the NFL have, at least as HC, is that you are NOT king anymore. In college you are king and god, and your word is law. That ain't the case anymore in the NFL.
And the talent is similar, doesn't have a team loaded with 4 and 5 stars.
I posted about that kicker story that came out yesterday in the carousel thread and I suppose that was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Forget coaching and go back to tv, he was good at that.
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Coaching college and coaching in the NFL are 2 different beasts. One issue that I think many coaches making the transition to the NFL have, at least as HC, is that you are NOT king anymore. In college you are king and god, and your word is law. That ain't the case anymore in the NFL.
It works for some - Carol, harbaugh , vermeil , jimmy Johnson, and Switzer .
Others it don’t - spurrier , Meyer.
Amazing what happens when your not going to battle with a roster full of 5* and the opponent's roster is full of 2*&3* lmfao. FORK HIM.
You guys understand that getting the 5 star kid to come play for you is a huge part of the college job , right ?
A college coach gets credit for getting those kids there in the first place.
You guys understand that getting the 5 star kid to come play for you is a huge part of the college job , right ?
A college coach gets credit for getting those kids there in the first place.
I totally get that, but at some point, clearly, he's spent years being used to coaching with a clear advantage. Game over. NFL not
If he does decide to coach again in college, I tend to think he’ll take at least a year off like he often does.

After that, Sarkisian at Texas on the clock as in better do really well with all those recruits being pulled in. They went for Saban once. I can’t imagine how much money they would throw at Meyer. Freeman on the clock too maybe at ND. He might need to have a very good start as HC without much time to find his footing. Maybe UCLA too now that USC is filled.
This just goes to show that these winning CFB coaches are so overrated because of their recruiting prowess.
The real test of good coaching is the NFL and Meyer and Saban could not succeed there.
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If he does decide to coach again in college, I tend to think he’ll take at least a year off like he often does.

After that, Sarkisian at Texas on the clock as in better do really well with all those recruits being pulled in. They went for Saban once. I can’t imagine how much money they would throw at Meyer. Freeman on the clock too maybe at ND. He might need to have a very good start as HC without much time to find his footing. Maybe UCLA too now that USC is filled.
And if Ryan day loses to Michigan again ….
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We know famous college coaches who failed in pros and the way they describe their experiences it seems they fail to navigate the differences they underestimate.

Lou Holtz thought he would go to the Jets and run the option - with Joe Namath. He confessed he had never even watched an NFL game until he got the NFL job.

Steve Spurrier thought the Florida “Fun ‘n’ Gun” offense would work at Washington and it didn't

Saban struggled with the draft. He couldn't just go after players he wanted but had to pick in order. He passed on Brees (shoulder issue at the time) to pick Daunte Culpepper.

Pete Carroll landed Russell Wilson and it changed everything for him. He also learned to get rid of coaches not working out . He was too nice in the past.

I recall GS saying that if being the best Xs and Os coach was most important, then a coach should go to the NFL because college coaching is all about recruiting and you wont have the time to tickle-up game plans .

You can see where a winning college coach at a top program might have struggles since you cant rely on robust recruiting to turn the corner. Recruiting is time consuming though and I think some college coaches think pros will be easier when it will be harder but in different ways.

Coaching in NFL and college is the same, only WAY different​
Nick wanted Brees but the Miami Medical Staff wouldn't clear him so they went with Culpepper instead.
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This just goes to show that these winning CFB coaches are so overrated because of their recruiting prowess.
The real test of good coaching is the NFL and Meyer and Saban could not succeed there.
Well he did win at Utah and he's the one that helped put them on the national stage and Whittingham has done a nice job of keeping things going over the long haul.

Same for Saban. He did some things at MSU that hadn't been done there in awhile IIRC. LSU is a top of the top program now but I don't think it was that before Saban got there. It had been awhile since they done anything on the scale he did at LSU. Even Alabama had fallen on some tough times before he got there and they certainly weren't the consistent power they are now when he arrived.

So these guys are good coaches but not on the NFL level. They didn't start with a silver spoon in their mouths in top programs that were running all along (not that Ryan Day is a bad coach but along those lines). The reverse can also be true too you know. Just because you were good on the NFL level, doesn't necessarily mean you'll be good in college. Some guys can do both but not everyone can. Some are better suited for one or the other.
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Doug Pederson won a Super Bowl over the GOATs (Bill B./Tom B.) with his only head coach experience being in high school(!).

He had superior QB play (Wentz/Foles) and a top 5 pass rush.

In the NFL, QB and pass rush are king.
Well he did win at Utah and he's the one that helped put them on the national stage and Whittingham has done a nice job of keeping things going over the long haul.

Same for Saban. He did some things at MSU that hadn't been done there in awhile IIRC. LSU is a top of the top program now but I don't think it was that before Saban got there. It had been awhile since they done anything on the scale he did at LSU. Even Alabama had fallen on some tough times before he got there and they certainly weren't the consistent power they are now when he arrived.

So these guys are good coaches but not on the NFL level. They didn't start with a silver spoon in their mouths in top programs that were running all along (not that Ryan Day is a bad coach but along those lines). The reverse can also be true too you know. Just because you were good on the NFL level, doesn't necessarily mean you'll be good in college. Some guys can do both but not everyone can. Some are better suited for one or the other.

Short memories here. First BCS-busting coach, and as you said, set the table at UT. Then went to Florida and took an underdog Gators to the NC within a couple years, beating season-long favorite OSU. OSU wasn't exactly rolling at full NC caliber when he first arrived, either, though they had plenty of talent.

This particular fall from grace comes with choice of cushy trampolines.
It's asinine to suggest Meyer doesn't have superior coaching ability. Plenty of coaches have loaded up on 5* talent and not come near the success he has had. Just look at basically every Notre Dame & Michigan coach in the past 20 years for example. The issue here was character. He has none. The Jacksonville team wasn't good...they were going to lose games no matter what...his job was to manage that for the first year and steadily improve from there. Instead he couldn't handle the losing and imploded like a 5 year old.
It's asinine to suggest Meyer doesn't have superior coaching ability. Plenty of coaches have loaded up on 5* talent and not come near the success he has had. Just look at basically every Notre Dame & Michigan coach in the past 20 years for example. The issue here was character. He has none. The Jacksonville team wasn't good...they were going to lose games no matter what...his job was to manage that for the first year and steadily improve from there. Instead he couldn't handle the losing and imploded like a 5 year old.
I think that's just knee jerk response and I suppose a little bit of a desire to see someone like him fall on his face.

I say the same when I talk about recruiting. I see it as tiered pyramid with the tiers of similar talent getting wider as you go down. So yes he and Saban do recruit and get that top tier of talent but so do other coaches. The differentiator is how you fit, coach and develop that talent and they are both good at that. They also both lose assistants and players but things just keep humming along, can't say that about other college coaches either. Dabo is about to get real big test on that front this year. So they are good coaches but not suited for the NFL. You can maybe say vice versa too, lest we forget Weis and his schematic advantages. Some maybe can be successful at both, but not everyone.
Coaching college and coaching in the NFL are 2 different beasts. One issue that I think many coaches making the transition to the NFL have, at least as HC, is that you are NOT king anymore. In college you are king and god, and your word is law. That ain't the case anymore in the NFL.
That is true- the king personna doesn't fly anymore. Other big factors are that you don't benefit from big talent disparities from week to week and your coaching peers are studying your plays and tendencies 24/7 looking for an edge - often sleeping in their offices. You're not surprising anyone with a special scheme executed by 5-star recruits going against 3-stars.
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Not exactly a parallel - but how does Scott Frost go from a winning UCF program (previous coaching staff didn't exactly leave the cupboard bare) to a former blue-blood program, in Nebraska, with everything a HC could ever want (i.e. boosters, recruits, rabid fan base, and tons of money) and do as poorly as he has?

It really does expose how you have to know how to coach before anything else. In the college game, you can have a stacked roster but - if you don't know how to coach - it'll only last so long before you get exposed for exactly what you are.
Not exactly a parallel - but how does Scott Frost go from a winning UCF program (previous coaching staff didn't exactly leave the cupboard bare) to a former blue-blood program, in Nebraska, with everything a HC could ever want (i.e. boosters, recruits, rabid fan base, and tons of money) and do as poorly as he has?

It really does expose how you have to know how to coach before anything else. In the college game, you can have a stacked roster but - if you don't know how to coach - it'll only last so long before you get exposed for exactly what you are.
I say it often whether it's coordinator to P5 HC or G5 HC to P5 HC, it's a step up and you can't know for sure how someone will do.

I feel like he's close and he is close in a lot of games but he can't seem to fix the mistakes and bonehead plays of his team. Mind you that's a reflection of his coaching that they happen repeatedly. If he could figure out a way to fix that just somewhat, he could get over the hump in quite a few of these games.
And Ash becomes available. He will interview well no matter where he goes.
Only now he has a track record.. as opposed to just being a disciple of the all mighty Urban. That seemed to count for something, in some people’s minds, anyway.

That belief was clearly flawed, lol.
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