OT: Vaccine

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You never replied back about what I had asked though not that I expected you to. What’s your take now on how long before we see any positives from the amount / number vaccinations being done not only here in NJ but around the country. Are we going to have more than 5k -10k -25 k in Rutgers stadium for football ? Give us a balllark figure if you could.
I never quite believed we'd have all the LTC elderly vaccinated by the end of 2020, but I figured we'd have them all vaccinated by mid-Jan and we're stll not there. However, we're at about 57% as of 2 days ago, with 1.7MM LTC residents having been vaccinated vs. 3MM such residents and I'd like to think we'll be done with those vaccinations by the end of January (at least all first doses) and given that ~40% of deaths have come from LTC facilities, we should start to see COVID deaths coming down shortly.

I also still think we'll get at least close to 100MM people vaccinated by the end of March/early April (I think we can catch up) and that should put a significant dent in cases and deaths (said I thought we'd be well below 1000 deaths per day by then), especially since that's about 38% of eligible adults vaccinated, plus we'll likely have ~30% overall infected by then - there's some overlap there, so maybe we'll have 45-50% vaccinated/infected-recovered by then. And there should be no reason why we won't have 200MM vaccinated (if they want them) by mid-summer, which should cut cases to near zero (barring some unforeseen vaccine-resistant variant).

I can't answer, though, when fans will be allowed in stands, as criteria for that have not been decided yet. I'd be good with proof of a vaccine or antibodies, but I don't know that others will be. Having said all that I'd expect we'll have maybe half to full stadiums by mid-summer - that's a bit of a guess, though.
New Jersey up to 15th state/ DC in highest percentage of supply used. Florida who people keep praising is only 19th. NY is 20th. The narratives on this board are too funny.
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Gotta give numbers some props here. He answered several of my questions and was honest in his explanations. 👌🤞🪓
He really could have been a teacher, he has the patience.
You’re telling me. Anyone who can tolerate the jabs and comeback strong is ok in my book.

Thanks. While we all get annoyed with each other at times, especially over the political elements of this pandemic, the one thing I try to remember (even if I might have insulted someone or vice-versa, lol) is that we're all Rutgers fans and I truly believe in trying to help each other and I like to think I have some insights/knowledge that not everyone else has and the time to share those, so I do. It's the same logic around why I started doing the weather posts.
And unlike some others on here @RU848789 can handle the occasional bit of constructive criticism.
Thanks. The funny thing is, somehow I became an internal "expert" in what we called behavioral coaching and consequence management, which is a way of improving how teams and managers/groups interact and function, with its core being giving and receiving honest feedback, both positive and constructive. I probably trained about 1000 people in this over my last 10 years at Merck, including becoming an active coach for several VPs/leaders in how to do this better.

I think I was pretty decent at it, but I'll admit I don't always have the patience for it here, especially given how polarized things sometimes are around here - at work people are typically on "good behavior" so it's easier to practice in some ways than here, especially once the insults start. But I like to think I will listen and try to learn from well-intentioned constructive feedback. My wife does not always agree, lol.
Thanks. While we all get annoyed with each other at times, especially over the political elements of this pandemic, the one thing I try to remember (even if I might have insulted someone or vice-versa, lol) is that we're all Rutgers fans and I truly believe in trying to help each other and I like to think I have some insights/knowledge that not everyone else has and the time to share those, so I do. It's the same logic around why I started doing the weather posts.
I just want us all to get back to being Rutgers fans.Watching a game in a packed stadium is what we all need. Don’t know if September is good but maybe we see one in late fall. I want us to beat this thing for everyone’s sake. Each time I hear these stories of people unable to get the vaccine or have a parent turned away it makes me wish I could do more. It is going to be a tough mountain to climb but instead of beating each other up we need to help each other and the community come out on top. Keep Believing Rutgers✌️
I go Wednesday for round 1. I am taking my 80 year old mom who has appt at same time. Have to admit I am nervous.

What are you nervous about? People having Anaphylaxis are those with a history of anaphylaxis...sites are keeping you for 30 minutes of observation vs 15 for everyone else. Sore arm at the site of injection is the most common reaction to shot one. I do know 2 people who had body aches/tired for 24 hours.

I had shot 2 yesterday morning. I was very tired last night, a little achy. This AM my arm is sore, much more than shot 1. 2 of my employees had body aches and extreme tiredness for 24 hours. I know dozens of people who received the shot and those were the worst reactions. You should be fine.
So which is it? CNN this AM told me the worst is yet to come. How is this possible when we have a vaccine (that while not moving as fast as hoped- it’s moving).

Dr. Sanjay telling me there could be 2-11x more deaths coming.

what am I missing? Please keep politics out of this
What are you nervous about? People having Anaphylaxis are those with a history of anaphylaxis...sites are keeping you for 30 minutes of observation vs 15 for everyone else. Sore arm at the site of injection is the most common reaction to shot one. I do know 2 people who had body aches/tired for 24 hours.

I had shot 2 yesterday morning. I was very tired last night, a little achy. This AM my arm is sore, much more than shot 1. 2 of my employees had body aches and extreme tiredness for 24 hours. I know dozens of people who received the shot and those were the worst reactions. You should be fine.
Same arm?
Same arm?

yes. I had them put it in my left arm because I'm right handed. Shot does not hurt going in...hardly felt it both times. it's an hour later that your arm starts to get sore. First shot it was literally at the injection site if you pressed. Second shot upper arm hurt all around the injection site and today it's a little swollen.
So which is it? CNN this AM told me the worst is yet to come. How is this possible when we have a vaccine (that while not moving as fast as hoped- it’s moving).

Dr. Sanjay telling me there could be 2-11x more deaths coming.

what am I missing? Please keep politics out of this
Cases just peaked and deaths lag cases by 2-4 weeks, so the worst in deaths is yet to come since vaccine penetration through last week was likely not enough to reduce deaths much, but they will be moving forward since over half of LTC residents have now received at least the first vaccine dose. Having said that the peak in deaths is now around 3000-3500 per day (7 day avg), but I wouldn't expect the next peak to be more than 3500-4000 deaths per day, which is horrible, but not hugely higher than it is now. I haven't seen Gupta say anything about 2-11X more deaths coming.

State. Dose distributed Administered. %
New York1,884,325999,39953.0
Federal Entities1,811,850626,18634.6
New Jersey658,800366,01055.6
North Carolina999,650326,19832.6

The LTC or nursing homes administered by CVS and Walgreens are behind in giving shots.
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State. Dose distributed Administered. %
New York1,884,325999,39953.0
Federal Entities1,811,850626,18634.6
New Jersey658,800366,01055.6
North Carolina999,650326,19832.6

The LTC or nursing homes administered by CVS and Walgreens are behind in giving shots.
And that is due to a lack of staff to administer available vaccine.
I just spoke before the weekend with some people who have some knowledge of this. Unfortunately staffing and administering is tough. Vaccine availability is scarce. So combine them and you have an issue. Now were it me planning this I would break it up by sections and instead of dribs and drabs why not complete one facility before going on to another or doing little by little ? I don’t think that is happening . Better to finish one facility than to be having a patch quilt of incomplete LTC facilities. The more you complete the better the chance to double up or eventually triple up inoculations. It’s always another excuse to find blame in why this now. A cluster of mistakes and poor guidance .
So which is it? CNN this AM told me the worst is yet to come. How is this possible when we have a vaccine (that while not moving as fast as hoped- it’s moving).

Dr. Sanjay telling me there could be 2-11x more deaths coming.

what am I missing? Please keep politics out of this

because they have monetized covid hysteria and panic

Distributing and giving vaccine shots is a complicated problem with lots of moving parts involving lots of people. People are imperfect, including politicians. So it stands to reason that there are going to be plenty of imperfections with distributing and giving vaccines.

A person working at a vaccine facility has no control over what a US president or state's governor does. Conversely, the US president and all the state governors have very little direct control over what a person working at a vaccine facility does. So when stuff goes wrong, as it inevitably does with any human endeavor, it's a little hard to know exactly why.

The Navy spends huge sums of money to constantly study and improve its processes. A lot of that effort is about creating systems that have to function well despite constant human imperfections. It's a never-ending process of improvement that's been done forever. Even after many decades of improvement, it's still prone to failure at times due to human imperfection.

Rapid mass pandemic-related vaccination is a situation for which we've not spent much time perfecting the process. But I suspect that despite that, the vaccination process will evolve quickly and lots, but not all, of the imperfections will be resolved.

That's good enough for me. Hopefully we'll collectively take steps to identify what worked and didn't work, and do a better job of institutionally remembering those lessons learned. So we can be more prepared for the next pandemic.
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I disagree, I gave some criticism to numbers (post too long, should use a link)last week and he called me a f$cktard, probably not good for a teacher to have that sort of reaction.
But were ya being a f$cktard?
Maybe, but I was suggesting some brevity. Sometimes less is more, and I was correct in this particular case.

Show your work. Unless I'm missing something (and I looked), I never called you a fukktard. So, unless you can find a post where I called you a fukktard, you owe me an apology. There was a post, linked below, where I called Representative Greene a fukktard and then included a passage from Wiki showing what a QAnon nutbjob she is.

You then replied saying, "oh boy, back to the long post...just send a link next time, its more likely to be read." which is odd, because my actual post was only 3 lines long, which is short for me. It also wasn't particularly "constructive" - it was simply critical with a dismissive tone. But I never even responded to it and certainly didn't call you a fukktard.

Also, 99.9% of the time I include the link, but not always from wiki, if I say it's from wiki, since I assume that's so easy to look up. In addition, most people I know like seeing a passage from a link that the poster thinks is relevant, rather than just a link, since the link could refer to so many different elements.
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Distributing and giving vaccine shots is a complicated problem with lots of moving parts involving lots of people. People are imperfect, including politicians. So it stands to reason that there are going to be plenty of imperfections with distributing and giving vaccines.

A person working at a vaccine facility has no control over what a US president or state's governor does. Conversely, the US president and all the state governors have very little direct control over what a person working at a vaccine facility does. So when stuff goes wrong, as it inevitably does with any human endeavor, it's a little hard to know exactly why.

The Navy spends huge sums of money to constantly study and improve its processes. A lot of that effort is about creating systems that have to function well despite constant human imperfections. It's a never-ending process of improvement that's been done forever. Even after many decades of improvement, it's still prone to failure at times due to human imperfection.

Rapid mass pandemic-related vaccination is a situation for which we've not spent much time perfecting the process. But I suspect that despite that, the vaccination process will evolve quickly and lots, but not all, of the imperfections will be resolved.

That's good enough for me. Hopefully we'll collectively take steps to identify what worked and didn't work, and do a better job of institutionally remembering those lessons learned. So we can be more prepared for the next pandemic.
Really.? Let’s get through this pandemic before worrying about the next one. It can be solved if we get enough vaccines. The logistical part is not that difficult . What it takes is everyone working together Federal and States. Too many egos involved . As for numbers he deserves some slack from all of us including me. Like I said he did respond to me . Answered my questions and I feel was only trying to bring about some common sense Logic. Cut the man a break. He did not cause the pandemic. He did not cause the mass of mis information and confusion. We all were complicit to an extent. I just hope we can have all parties work together going forward without retribution becoming another defining issue amongst us all.
Maybe just maybe we need to involve people who are not being considered due to affiliations or conflicts. Can not stand hearing how good we are in the worst times but now we are allowing this to escalate out of control. shame on all of us.
So now it’s New Jersey wasn’t prepared ? Seems only a short while ago many on this board were quick to defend the NY and NJ gov’s and their outstanding response to the pandemic. If it wasn’t such a sad story it would be funny . The ineptness of many in positions of leadership still taking photo sessions to enhance their position amongst the voting public.
You should see Ca. What a mess.
Show your work. Unless I'm missing something (and I looked), I never called you a fukktard. So, unless you can find a post where I called you a fukktard, you owe me an apology. There was a post, linked below, where I called Representative Greene a fukktard and then included a passage from Wiki showing what a QAnon nutbjob she is.

You then replied saying, "oh boy, back to the long post...just send a link next time, its more likely to be read." which is odd, because my actual post was only 3 lines long, which is short for me. It also wasn't particularly "constructive" - it was simply critical with a dismissive tone. But I never even responded to it and certainly didn't call you a fukktard.

Also, 99.9% of the time I include the link, but not always from wiki, if I say it's from wiki, since I assume that's so easy to look up. In addition, most people I know like seeing a passage from a link that the poster thinks is relevant, rather than just a link, since the link could refer to so many different elements.
Well, I’m sitting on a phone with my chubby fingers to loom it up, not fun.

My point is that you have the ability to do so, in just a simple search here is one when you call Cali f$cktrd, most likely for having a differing opinion.

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