The snow blower in question is made by MTD for Craftsman. MTD is a huge company that has bought up many of the old brands (Yard Machines, Troy-BIlt, etc.). On the good side, MTD is a USA company. On the bad side, they make crap. People need to learn to research these purchases on the way in to see who is making the models they are buying, and what their reputation is. Appliances and lawn equipment has all undergone a huge consolidation, and most of the old "brands" are kept alive only for name recognition purposes. There are only a handful of companies still making the equipment, trading on people's illusions of quality with respect to certain brands - Craftsman, Kitchen-aid, etc.
The one's that do still exist are doing what they have to do to survive in a world in which price is the only thing most people care about. Everything is disposable now, because people won't pay for quality. Many brands also have cheapy models that are outsourced, whereas the top of the line stuff is still made in USA by the actual company. So if you don't do the research, you think you are getting a quality product, when in reality you are getting crap. This is what Briggs and Stratton does I believe.
My $0.02, when you have to replace it, go Arien's. Sold through dealers or at Home Depot, USA made, and a much better machine, IMO. Also Toro is great. Honda are great, but really pricey.