OT Why do I hate Joe Buck so much?

Sorry I responded to you. You really shouldn’t make assumptions about anyone else’s life and what they have gone through. Everyone has had their challenges and issues. Try to have a happy New Year.
I didn’t mean it as an attack. This is a message board. We don’t know each other. I try to be honest. I actually think you are well above average in your contributions to this board and I would not like to think my cranky frankness offended you. .I apologize. I’ve had different life experiences than most on this board. I’ve always thought that was part of what I bring to the table. Many of the players we root for have had experiences that are closer to mine. I actually think most young people have an exaggerated view of the racial divide. It’s there but it is smaller than it used to be and headed in the right direction. The economic divide remains huge.
Really. It’s me. If it’s me I’ll work on it. Would it help if you knew I thought Steve Martin was funnier than Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor? I like Taylor Swift. I think every tattoo is stupid. Think the average cop is just trying to do a hard job. I’ve gotten over my hate for the CBS morning news team. I prefer vanilla ice cream and the missionary position- not in that order - well sometimes in that order.

I mean there is white culture just as there is black culture. Ever hear if the Beatles. Got no problem with gay people. It not even for me to say who anyone else should love, or what they do so long as they don’t get to the top of an escalator and pick that spot to decide their next move.
Put the Henny down EM and RP wayyy funnier than SM
Nope - I'm not either horn on the goat and could always oscilate.
If I liked a class, I always got an "A" - if not not also the highest mark in the class.
If I didn't like a class I wouldn't go and a C or even a D wouldn't bother me
I hung with the jocks and the freaks alike.
Being an accountant looked like death and being a Hell's Angel looked crazy.
Conformists and rebels reinforce each other.
Nobody should be a "type" and thats hard in NYC metro area because most people are.
I can be a chameleon myself, but was asking the OP.
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I don’t like Joe Biden. I don’t like Trump. I was never the biggest Obama fan. I almost died a few years back and one thing it made me realize is the waste that is hate. Nevertheless, I can’t stand Joe Buck. To me he is the worst of white culture.
Ok, I'll buy that. OP, do you hate conformists? You see yourself as a rebel I suppose?
Since I’m taking on all comers:?I think the conformist sells himself out to an indifferent world. That said, we live in a world where you wear pants. If you don’t wear pants you can’t get ahead. I wear pants. (Checks to make sure he is actually wearing pants. ). I worked many years in the corporate world in the most boring end of the media/entertainment business. It’s filled with yes-men. To be successful as a consultant you can’t be too honest or too direct, while bringing something of value to the table. In exchange they give you money. It’s the sound bargain most adults make.

Most people’s Jungian inner monologue (the story about yourself you tell yourself). romanticizes them as an unconventional with unique insight. I guess I’m no different. My father taught me to look thru things. He also said a lot of things that would melt your head. His father was the real upstart. “Rebel,” as you wouldn’t know, has negative connotations in families with southern roots like mine.
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Outside of his actual line of work, Joe Buck is a funny guy.

Love his nickname he uses for forums like this…“Balls Deep”, that’s some funny funny stuff right there.🤣
Since I’m taking on all comers:?I think the conformist sells himself out to an indifferent world. That said, we live in a world where you wear pants. If you don’t wear pants you can’t get ahead. I wear pants. (Checks to make sure he is actually wearing pants. ). I worked many years in the corporate world in the most boring end of the media/entertainment business. It’s filled with yes-men. To be successful as a consultant you can’t be too honest or too direct, while bringing something of value. In exchange they give you money. It’s the sound bargain most adults make.

Most people’s Jungian inner monologue romanticizes them as an unconventional with unique insight. I guess I’m no different. My father taught me to look thru things. He also said a lot of things that would melt your head. His father was the real upstart. “Rebel,” as you wouldn’t know, has negative connotations in families with southern roots like mine.
Ok, so you see Buck as a no-talent yes man? Maybe we should ban "rebel"? It's OK to have an inner dialog and glad that you realize it.
Ok, so you see Buck as a no-talent yes man? Maybe we should ban "rebel"? It's OK to have an inner dialog and glad that you realize it.
I wouldn’t ban any word, book, thought, or ideology. I wanted to explain why I wouldn’t perceive myself as a “rebel” per se. it is a historically loaded word. See, we do have different cultural sensibilities.
OK, to me this seems to be more than about Joe Buck. I do like that you said you are working on it. Happy New Year.
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I’ve got to go. I’m not really much of a party guy (Could you tell?!!!).but my best girl wants to go out. I’ll answer questions/reapond to challenges later. Thanks to those who participated in an open minded conversation. Happy New Year Peace Truth and Love in 2024. It’s going to be a bumpy ride. A sense of humor helps.
For the record lI love Eddie and Richard , but they are much more one note compared to Steve Martin over his long career he’s been amazing . Never heard anyone say a bad word about Steve Martin.
So OP, just to clarify, is this the kind of hate where you just don't want to ever think about Joe Buck again, or is this the kind of hate where if you ran into him on fire you wouldn't even bother to piss on him to put the fire out?

Didn't we just have a thread about hating Beth Mowins? I don't feel passionate emotion about sports announcers, hate or love.

It wasn't about hating Beth Mowins, just how annoying her voice is.
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He's like a hall monitor kid.
I remember when media realized Millennials were into beards and the sports guys tried growing them.
Buck looked like an old carpet worn down near the door lol


Old carpet by the door...lmao.

Strong analogy to end 2023 on!
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I don’t get that either. There are always multiple mentions of her.
Beth Mowins, Joe Buck, Chris Collingsworth, a few others that belong in there all fall on the same spectrum- not very good voices for broadcasting, grating intonation. At least two of the three are in there jobs for reasons other than being good broadcasters. Don't hate any of them just prefer to not have to hear them, so I turn the sound down or the broadcast off.
Really. It’s me. If it’s me I’ll work on it. Would it help if you knew I thought Steve Martin was funnier than Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor? I like Taylor Swift. I think every tattoo is stupid. Think the average cop is just trying to do a hard job. I’ve gotten over my hate for the CBS morning news team. I prefer vanilla ice cream and the missionary position- not in that order - well sometimes in that order.

I mean there is white culture just as there is black culture. Ever hear if the Beatles. Got no problem with gay people. It not even for me to say who anyone else should love, or what they do so long as they don’t get to the top of an escalator and pick that spot to decide their next move.
Wait, black people think white people favor the missionary position??
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I actually had a great childhood as the youngest of six with two parents that loved me. My grandmother was a school teacher back in segregation days. The thought of not trying hard in a class because the subject matter didn’t appeal to me is completely foreign. I can more relate to the children of immigrants from some Asian cultures. We did not walk 200 miles thru the deserts of Uzbekistan so you could get a B in Chemistry. Because of occasional bad luck and my father’s health problems, we did not always all live together. I grew up mostly in different parts of the Bronx, with stays in Newark, Jersey City, Hackensack, and Kentucky. I went to 5 different schools by 7th grade. In every grade I was the tallest and the fastest. In every school they refused to believe that I could not throw, catch or hit a ball. My coordination clicked in later. I was tall skinny, wore glasses and was painfully shy. What Rutgers did for me I can never repay.

The NYC murder rate back then was over 2,000 per year. Now they sh!t a brick when it tops 500. It was a different world. God bless Rudy Giuliani before he went crazy. I never went to the hospital though I have scars that clearly needed stitches and no police were ever called. They were different times.

I can be annoyingly precise. Other people say “I love you” and it means some vague nice feeling. When I say it, it means I place your health, happiness and welfare over and above my own. When I say I hate Joe Buck it means that if something bad happened to him, like he lost his job, I wouldn’t feel bad. If I saw him slip on a banana peel, I would laugh. I’m not wishing cancer on him and would not heckle him if I saw him on the street.
racist post that no one wants to touch which I'd call black privilege

that said, OP is a great guy, entitled to his opinion and one that I share 100% and having had dinner with the little twerp. He'd a grade A douche but has the best bar in St Louis.....or did
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