Um, this is a tweet about a Kentucky State Trooper getting into an accident in the snow ...
They'll blame Wimsatt for it
Um, this is a tweet about a Kentucky State Trooper getting into an accident in the snow ...
Thanks for noticing! Too many things going on. Fixed, just so someone does not think you are seeing things.Um, this is a tweet about a Kentucky State Trooper getting into an accident in the snow ...
We all noticed -- but we thought you were making some abstruse point that was going over our heads.Thanks for noticing! Too many things going on. Fixed, just so someone does not think you are seeing things.
Abstruse--great word!!! No, I was just being obtuse!!!We all noticed -- but we thought you were making some abstruse point that was going over our heads.
"Inconceivable!"Abstruse--great word!!! No, I was just being obtuse!!!