I think we should stop calling Steve names and read his reports and discuss, without over reacting one way or another.
To be fair - today Politi may have extended an olive branch - starting with the first line of his post presser report - " He won the press conference, and it was a rout. "
And Politi served himself up a generous helping of his own words - basically disassembling his previous 'editorial' on the whole Fiesta Bowl kerfuffle:
3. He defused his first minor controversy. Ash earned an ovation from the Rutgers staff in his room for his answer to a question about his plans to coach at the Fiesta Bowl with Ohio State rather than dedicating himself full time to his new job. I thought he should have done what most assistants do and leave now. He mentioned several of his mentors who have done the opposite. "I'll be up to the task and I can promise the fans the time I'll be in Columbus will not take away from what I'm going to accomplish here." Nicely done.
maybe this is a turning point? we shall see...
I think we should stop calling Steve names and read his reports and discuss, without over reacting one way or another.
Politi was the first reporter to call for Flood to be fired. We owe him that.
I think Politi should start writing positive articles, because I bet you he'll receive even more clicks than Kevin I'm an asshole Manahan thinks.
Normally I DON'T read his articles anymore, but I did read the one today and I nearly fell off my chair. But we all know the man can't help himself and in no time he'll find something negative to say about Ash. That's especially true because he works for Kevin Manahan.Did you read his last article from today.
Even he is on board after the presser.
I think we should stop calling Steve names and read his reports and discuss, without over reacting one way or another.