Parking for the silver lot

NickKnight 1

All American
Mar 22, 2003
Getting ready to re-up my season tickets. Looks like I could be bumped from 10 years of blue,
years of purple, and a few at black, to now to silver. I am considering the RAC and lowering
my donation. How is the silver? It looks like a long walk for an elderly gentlemen., (me).
and no Knightingales It's been 20 years since I've parked at the RAC. Is it still a mess?
My wife and I are well pass the 66 yr retirement age and are considering retiring, so part
of the concern is the money, partly the walk, and partly walking pass lots that don't fill up.
Thanks in advance,
We parked in the silver last year after years in purple. The walk from the silver is not too far (10 min) to where you can pick up the nightingale service, if needed. There is a nightingale stop right in front of the entrance to the purple lot.

We have not parked at the Rac in years so can't comment. Also we liked the quick exit after the games from the silver lot, easy access to Rt. 287,etc.
We parked for years in the silver and loved it. Got bumped to the RAC last year and didn't like it nearly as much. It's a long walk but the bus service is pretty good. Of the two I would much prefer the silver lot as access to the student center is a nice bonus. Not sure about nightingale service as my wife and I are both in out early 40's so walking isn't a problem.
Hey Nick, if you walk with a limp like I do or use a cane, the Knightengale carts will be fighting to give you a ride to the stadium from just past the black lot. I was in the silver lot last year snd experienced it first hand. I chose to walk back to the silver lot after each game as I found it quicker than waiting for the cart near the Athletes Glen.
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Good comments about the silver being closer to the exits, I know the blue
purple and black could take very long. We would take the knightingale from
the spot mentioned above, when we were in the black lot. So that would
still be an option. Thanks
When I posted this, I knew there would be a "donate more" comment. :)
However we are not all of the same situation. I worked in factory 6 and 7 days
a week 60 to 70 hrs a week, my wife had 2 full times jobs at the same time 80
hours a week for a period of 12 years, to make a living.
So this is why we are still working in our 70s. We need to be frugal but not give
up our season tickets.
Hey Nick, if you walk with a limp like I do or use a cane, the Knightingale carts will be fighting to give you a ride to the stadium from just past the black lot. I was in the silver lot last year and experienced it first hand. I chose to walk back to the silver lot after each game as I found it quicker than waiting for the cart near the Athletes Glen.
Actually I do walk with a cane, but this Wednesday my surgeon will let
me know if i am still on schedule to be back at work in another 8-9 weeks, and
be done with the cane for good. Again thanks for the info.
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Good comments about the silver being closer to the exits, I know the blue
purple and black could take very long. We would take the knightingale from
the spot mentioned above, when we were in the black lot. So that would
still be an option. Thanks
When I posted this, I knew there would be a "donate more" comment. :)
However we are not all of the same situation. I worked in factory 6 and 7 days
a week 60 to 70 hrs a week, my wife had 2 full times jobs at the same time 80
hours a week for a period of 12 years, to make a living.
So this is why we are still working in our 70s. We need to be frugal but not give
up our season tickets.
Handled it better than most. Nice job on your part.
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Why not try and get the pass at the Greek Lot? Ends up being cheaper once you factor out the tax deduction and is closer to the stadium
Will likely get bumped from Yellow lot this year. Debating going for Silver or Purple lot. Walking is not a problem for us, and ease of exit to 287 is highest priority. How is exiting the purple lot?
There are two silver lots that I know of. I park in the one by the BEST dorms and exiting is at least as fast if not faster than the yellow lot was when I parked there. And it is not too far from the nightingale stop at the entrance to the purple lot.
This has been suggested a NUMBER of times. This could all be addressed quite easily if they just ran some loop transportation...(vans, carts, small buses) from in front of the Busch SC to the stadium side of the Circle top the Blue/Yellow lots.

MY PPts and donations keep going up, my lots keep going back. That Silver walk is too much and I will buy spot market this year if stuck there again. SOME transportation to offset SOME of the trek would be a huge help.
There are two silver lots that I know of. I park in the one by the BEST dorms and exiting is at least as fast if not faster than the yellow lot was when I parked there. And it is not too far from the nightingale stop at the entrance to the purple lot.
Do you exit onto Davidson Road or Campus Road?
Parking for the entire season is $250 at Saint George Church. Per game,the prices is $35 or $60. It is just a few minutes walk to the stadium. Here is more information--
I would like to do my part to have money go to the University. The reality, is, however, that there is no way I will park in the Blue lot or another lot that is difficult to exit after a game. Yellow has been great, but I will lose Yellow this year, and I can't give enough this year to secure Yellow. I'm OK with walking to Silver (or Purple), as long as I can exit to 287 or 18 South easily as I do for Yellow. If that is not the case, I can park in the lot near the horse track, which is probably more of a hike than Silver.
I would like to do my part to have money go to the University. The reality, is, however, that there is no way I will park in the Blue lot or another lot that is difficult to exit after a game. Yellow has been great, but I will lose Yellow this year, and I can't give enough this year to secure Yellow. I'm OK with walking to Silver (or Purple), as long as I can exit to 287 or 18 South easily as I do for Yellow. If that is not the case, I can park in the lot near the horse track, which is probably more of a hike than Silver.

to answer your ?. Getting out of the Silver lot (I use the one across from the SC) a piece of cake . Of course depending on what Rutgers or local officer is directing traffic and IF they have the light at the bridge over Rt. 18 operating correctly and not stopping the flow out. That remains the bottleneck.
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There are two ways to get out, but it's Davidson Road either way. At least according to the map, which I suspect is wrong.
The main silver lot access is from Bartholomew Road. To enter the silver lot I park in you take a left into before Bartholomew Road (coming on Ave. E from the direction of the RAC.) Sometimes they make you exit the same way, so I take a right on Davidson and Route 18 is pretty much right there. The preferred way, which they sometimes block off for whatever reason, is to exit at the far end of the lot and take a left on what the map also calls Davidson Road. and you come up to the same light. I go right on Avenue E over 18, get on 18 north and I'm out.
Got bumped to the RAC last year after many years in Silver. RAC is better than it used to be but still hated it to the point that I am not sure what I am doing this year. The walk from Silver is not bad and as others have said if you walk a portion of the way you will hit a Knightengale stop.
Got bumped to the RAC last year after many years in Silver. RAC is better than it used to be but still hated it to the point that I am not sure what I am doing this year. The walk from Silver is not bad and as others have said if you walk a portion of the way you will hit a Knightengale stop.

this is true but that service is supposed to be for seniors and folks with a walking disability. not general purpose.
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i bought silver on craigslist last season. Great purchase not as good as yellow or other premiere lots. It is however close, decent location to tailgate etc if u get there early enough