Pee Wee Herman & Elmer Flood: 2 (0-1's)


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
What's there to be said: I support my university.

I'm still upset that GS left- but I believe in Ash- though his job
just became immeasurably more difficult.

I still can't believe that Fudd was evil....just dumber than a brick.

Who cheats....without at least earning a National Championship with it?

What's there to be said: I support my university.

I'm still upset that GS left- but I believe in Ash- though his job
just became immeasurably more difficult.

I still can't believe that Fudd was evil....just dumber than a brick.

Who cheats....without at least earning a National Championship with it?


I remember something similar happening years ago and either the Targum or a local newspaper proclaimed "The Rutgers Athletic Administration can't event cheat well!"

I just want to witness the NCAA vacate R 2 2016 wins!

For the record... Kurt is actually the 4th most winning coach in RU history. At 24–16 (.600) [not counting the 3 games where he was suspended for being stupid] it puts him behind only Sanford, Harman and Burns.

vacating a couple 2014 or 2015 wins would change that..............
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For the record... Kurt is actually the 4th most winning coach in RU history. At 24–16 (.600) [not counting the 3 games where he was suspended for being stupid] it puts him behind only Sanford, Harman and Burns.

vacating a couple 2014 or 2015 wins would change that..............

Kurt? I think you should aim your comments at those really B*tching at Flood-I haven't done so. I was just quoting a media person here.
Kurt? I think you should aim your comments at those really B*tching at Flood-I haven't done so. I was just quoting a media person here.

Hmmmmmm : note to board_ you're getting your Flood's mixed up.

Curt Flood was the Center Fielder for my St. Louis Cardinals in the 1960's / s credited with bringing about Free agency. He was also
an accomplished artist (painter).

Don't know who Kurt Flood is.

Kyle Flood is a real life cartoon character that was drawn 1 square at time: 1- 0; 1-0. He became a head coach / created
an dark monstrous abyss that even our most accomplished diplomats / BS artists would have a hard time negotiating successfully.

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What's there to be said: I support my university.

I'm still upset that GS left- but I believe in Ash- though his job
just became immeasurably more difficult.

I still can't believe that Fudd was evil....just dumber than a brick.

Who cheats....without at least earning a National Championship with it?


I am more upset that GS didn't take Fudd with him.
Wait, he knew what he was doing.
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Hmmmmmm : note to board_ you're getting your Flood's mixed up.
I think it was Bob Mulcahy who said when NCAA issues were discovered with the football program that occurred in the Grossinger AD administration something along the lines of "obviously no competitive advantage was gained as a result of those violations, just look at our record", LOL.
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...Bob Mulcahy who said ..."obviously no competitive advantage was gained as a result of those violations, just look at our record", LOL.
Yes, he did.
That was a typically only at Rutgers blunder. I forget if it was the admission or Dean's office that was confirming whatever academic eligibility was required. Of course at the time RU had a bunch of separate undergraduate schools each with their own office for both admissions and student records. In one of those offices somebody, didn't know, or want to do, their job. So Athletics takes the hit and the goof-off employee probably continued to work until they collected their retirement.
I think it was Bob Mulcahy who said when NCAA issues were discovered with the football program that occurred in the Grossinger AD administration something along the lines of "obviously no competitive advantage was gained as a result of those violations, just look at our record", LOL.

That was a funny line. Was Gruninger, though...
I'm going to start another thread on this and just bump it till someone responds lol
Curt Flood =Met killer

Kyle Flood = Scarlet Knights killer.

Flood always seemed to be acting like a head coach to me... playing a role. Like he wanted to sound and look like what he thought a head coach should look and sound like. All surface, no depth. The epitome of this was his little note-taking on the sidelines. Where Schiano might be flying down the sideline to complain about a call or make some last second adjustments to a play or shout encouragements.. Flood was staring at his little notepad and then setting his jaw. (both of them refusing to wear hats with sun in their face seemed quite odd.. they can see what's going on between the hashmarks much better with a hat. What's up with that?)

Ash has some of that.. but like with Schiano, I think it is more the real deal with Ash. I hope so. I have been a bit hard on Ash with the offensive woes.. but I had no idea this NCAA issue has been brewing this whole time... and in the end we got a new OC.. so I am hopeful.