Pike Needs to Hire an Assistant to Install an Offense

  • Thread starter anon_0k9zlfz6lz9oy
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Considering we've all seen first hand what offensive limitations can do to a teams potential (see CVS and the women's side) its a little funny everyone is defending the offense and even quoting our team record.

Between the basketball teams and the football team, I really think it is an institutional aversion to offense.
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Does anyone watch the team practice? If so, how much time does pikiell spend on offense vs defense? pikiell doesn’t care about offense. His philosophy is ifyou defend you win more games than not. That is what we are seeing. Play to your strengths. Teams that are less talented win on the defensive end of the floor. That is what we are doing. Once we can get a guy who can really score we will all laugh about wasting our breathe in a thread like this.

our guys miss open shots all the time and are so inconsistent. No amouhnt of practice time fixes their inconsistency and magically makes them good. You become a better shooter putting up shots before and after practice/games... our guys are doing that striving to get better. D1 players being able to knock down open shots consistently is not on pikiell.
@NewJerseyHawk is 100% spot on. Every team in the country runs a similar 1-4 set (not an iso, please stop calling it an iso) in late game situations. The difference between the "best" player on a college team and the 5th option on a college team is night and day. That is why you will see 90+% of CBB teams run that 1-4 set. (Link 1 is an isolation offense, Link 2 is a 1-4 offense. Very different things).

As for our offense, I am not sure there is a team in the country that distributes shots more equitably than Rutgers. You are free to argue whether that is good or bad, but it is fact. We have seven (7!) players averaging between 7.3 and 9.6 shots per game. Good luck finding another CBB team that distributes shots like that and good luck convincing ANYONE involved in CBB that you can do that without running a structured offense.
The shots are distributed evenly bc we haven't had a reliable go to scorer game in and game out combined with an unselfish team. If you're implying the coaches run an offense specifically designed to make sure the shots are equally distributed as much as possible, I dont think that is the case.
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The coach’s job is to run an offense that gets good looks and scoring opportunities. We get plenty of open shots, lobs/dunks, put-backs, run-outs off of steals, etc.

Yes, much of our offensive game is predicated on our defense/steals, running off of rebounded opponent misses, and OReb put-backs versus set plays, but that’s who we are and it plays to our strengths.

The fact that our guys aren’t making open looks from deep is partially why we were able to recruit these guys to our program to begin with. So Pike makes the best of it and here we are, 17-7 and 8-5 in the B1G. I got no complaints.
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tonight is nice and all but we got lucky that Geo just caught fire. There was no offense, it was stand around and watch geo. There was no offensive iq as pike somehow out of a timeout didnt advise our guys to go for a 2 for 1 which is inexplicable.

who are some options? I dont think it would happen but Eddie Jordan did run nice sets and thats literally all hed be asked to do. Its clear he has no ill will towards RU and pike as he was pictured with the team last summer at a team bbq. Again, dont think its gonna happen but should be looked into. Id love to see us poach an iowa assistant or illinois assistant. Both teams run nice sets and know the conference already. But this is something that must happen, we cant continue to not run an offense
Pike needs players that shoot better than 25% from 3 and then all will be well.
The shots are distributed evenly bc we haven't had a reliable go to scorer game in and game out combined with an unselfish team. If you're implying the coaches run an offense specifically designed to make sure the shots are equally distributed as much as possible, I dont think that is the case.

Respectfully disagree.

Do you think the non-Powell players on SHU (for example) have the freedom to take 7, 8, 9 shots? Maryland? Ohio State?

Many/most College offenses are designed to get the best players the most shots. We run 3 out 2 in sets, 1 out 4 in sets, 4 out 1 in sets, with the goal in each to get the best shot for whomever has the right shot come available. Except for end game, our sets are designed not to get a certain player shots but rather get any one of 6 players a good shot.

The differences in the sets Purdue runs this year versus last year is stark. They run many more variations than they did versus last year when the goal of the offense was to get Carsen Edwards in to certain spots.

So, yes the way we run our offense is designed to equally distribute shots. We certainly ran different stuff when the goal was to get Corey 15 shots.

Does the below look at all familiar ( think Yeboah as the “3” and Ron as the “4”). It’s the same motion to how Villanova runs 4 out/1 in

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Respectfully disagree.

Do you think the non-Powell players on SHU (for example) have the freedom to take 7, 8, 9 shots? Maryland? Ohio State?

Many/most College offenses are designed to get the best players the most shots. We run 3 out 2 in sets, 1 out 4 in sets, 4 out 1 in sets, with the goal in each to get the best shot for whomever has the right shot come available. Except for end game, our sets are designed not to get a certain player shots but rather get any one of 6 players a good shot.

The differences in the sets Purdue runs this year versus last year is stark. They run many more variations than they did versus last year when the goal of the offense was to get Carsen Edwards in to certain spots.

So, yes the way we run our offense is “designed” to equally distribute shots. We certainly ran different “stuff” when the goal was to get Corey 15 shots.

Does the below look at all familiar ( think Yeboah as the “3” and Ron as the “4”). It’s the same motion to how Villanova runs 4 out/1 in

Thank you, Hoops for this and the other post with the two diagrammed links. Hopefully it enables some of our posters to become more informed. Everyone should just enjoy the trip that Pike and the team has been taking us on and stop second guessing Coach.
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Pancho, I have been to many practices this season and trust me most of the time is devoted to offense. Our practices are run like clock work. Every team member is locked in and every second of every practice is planned out. I have never seen a team more tuned in than how our team is.
Pancho, I have been to many practices this season and trust me most of the time is devoted to offense. Our practices are run like clock work. Every team member is locked in and every second of every practice is planned out. I have never seen a team more tuned in than how our team is.

Just curious ... how much time do they spend on free-throw shooting? Do they devote time to in practice? Or is it one of those things where the coach says, "I expect you to put time in practicing free throws on your own before/after practice"?