Politi article on Ash: Part 2 of 3

you know how you go from complete darkness into the sunlight? yep, the contrast is THAT blinding.

For all the years the football gods tortured Rutgers fans, they finally might have felt sorry for us. We reached the point of precipice. Behold, our salvation is at hand. :)
First time I clicked on an article by him in years. it was great.

I will click and read the new one.
His work ethic reminds me of Isaac Asimov's. He was singular minded in his work - constantly writing, every day, weekends too... except when his wife forced him to go on vacation.

When asked once why he doesn't like to take breaks from writing, he said something to the effect of: I love what I do, why would I want to take time away from that? He once said: "If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster." He also said: "I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die."

I think that Ash and Asimov would be kindred spirits.
This is very telling from Politi: "Ash, as an interview subjective, is refreshingly open and unencumbered by typical coaching cliches."

The winds of change are truly upon us.
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If anyone out there was wavering in the least about renewing their season tickets, these articles should wipe away the indecision.
I was pretty sure I wasn't going to renew my season tickets this year, however after reading about Ash I believe he can't be anything, but successful. This is something I may not want to miss.
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All I got from this is that Politi sabotaged the program by running overtime, ruining the day's schedule, and forcing Ash to push back meetings....

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His work ethic reminds me of Isaac Asimov's. He was singular minded in his work - constantly writing, every day, weekends too... except when his wife forced him to go on vacation.

When asked once why he doesn't like to take breaks from writing, he said something to the effect of: I love what I do, why would I want to take time away from that? He once said: "If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn't brood. I'd type a little faster." He also said: "I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die."

I think that Ash and Asimov would be kindred spirits.
If it works for him, good. Diversions, hobbies and breaks are healthy too. Different strokes for different folks. Maybe now that he has reached the goal he has sought, after a couple of years, he will find a hobby. For some, all work can lead to burnout . . .
How can you read these first two articles and not be over the moon with excitement? I need to donate more to the B1G Build project and yes, I will! :)
Wow, just wow, and it looks like Mrs. Ash might be of the same mold as an Ann Bowden type college football wife. I guess we'll see tomorrow but think it's GREAT that Part 3 is about her!

If it works for him, good. Diversions, hobbies and breaks are healthy too. Different strokes for different folks. Maybe now that he has reached the goal he has sought, after a couple of years, he will find a hobby. For some, all work can lead to burnout . . .

It really depends on the person. Asimov was amazingly prolific as a writer, and just never stopped. He found something that he loved, that he was good at, and that would pay the bills - and he just did it every day. In fact, he wouldn't even dwell on past things he'd written.. because that time was lost that he could be writing new things (had a policy of "twice through the typewriter" and then he'd never look at it again).

Some people just have that mentality - their work is their hobby, and their work is what makes them most happy - and it seems as though Ash does.

Edit: There's a story where Asimov's wife made him go on vacation to Cape Ann, MA. He ended up meeting with a college group that was trying to write a parody of Kiss Me Kate... and spent the entire week in with them writing lyrics, never going outside. He never even took time to go see the show they had written together before he left. The joy was in the work itself.
It really depends on the person. Asimov was amazingly prolific as a writer, and just never stopped. He found something that he loved, that he was good at, and that would pay the bills - and he just did it every day. In fact, he wouldn't even dwell on past things he'd written.. because that time was lost that he could be writing new things (had a policy of "twice through the typewriter" and then he'd never look at it again).

Some people just have that mentality - their work is their hobby, and their work is what makes them most happy - and it seems as though Ash does.
Right. Everyone is different. People who work in sports and entertainment can be very dedicated to their craft because work is fun to them. See the article I posted on Shane Burnham. Does not work for every profession. I guess Jack Torrance in The Shining was not an Asimov disciple.
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I like his background.Probably because I identify. Blue collar family. He really had to hustle to have a buck just for essentials.
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On of my greatest regrets is basing my career on chasing $$$$$, and not doing what I love.

I read Asimov's Foundation series when I was 13. One of the greatest qoutes I have every read, and it stuck in a 13 year old brain "The advance of civilization is nothing but an exercise in the limiting of privacy." Prophetic words.

Coach Ash is a winner. He aligned himself with a staff full of winners. He is rrecruiting winners. I wish the team and staff the best. Finally feel that we will move up in the world, and not slip back. Coach Ash will lead the way, and show us how.

Thx for posting the links.
I like his background.Probably because I identify. Blue collar family. He really had to hustle to have a buck just for essentials.

Oh yeah, reminds me of my dad. Dad came from Germany at 19 and worked for US Steel shoveling coal into the blast furnaces. When the war broke out he was a welder to build landing craft for the Army. In three years he took 2 days off - both Sundays. Never spent time with me as that was a woman's work. Be careful of that work ethic; it does more than make a dull boy.
All I got from this is that Politi sabotaged the program by running overtime, ruining the day's schedule, and forcing Ash to push back meetings....


Please tell me you are being sarcastic!!
It really depends on the person. Asimov was amazingly prolific as a writer, and just never stopped. He found something that he loved, that he was good at, and that would pay the bills - and he just did it every day. In fact, he wouldn't even dwell on past things he'd written.. because that time was lost that he could be writing new things (had a policy of "twice through the typewriter" and then he'd never look at it again).

Some people just have that mentality - their work is their hobby, and their work is what makes them most happy - and it seems as though Ash does.

Edit: There's a story where Asimov's wife made him go on vacation to Cape Ann, MA. He ended up meeting with a college group that was trying to write a parody of Kiss Me Kate... and spent the entire week in with them writing lyrics, never going outside. He never even took time to go see the show they had written together before he left. The joy was in the work itself.
Great story. You are pointing us toward a great secret of successful people. They are 100% involved, highly motivated but they are not invested in the outcome. Life hands us results that we don't want but champions get right back in the trenches. Moderately successful or unsuccessful people use up too much mental bandwidth brooding about outcomes. You can't write, for example, if your mind is thinking about how many books you are going to sell.
Kinda shocked that he's been making six figures for at least six years and hasn't paid off his college loans yet....hopefully he hires a personal accountant.
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