Politi Weighs in on RU BB - Link

Originally posted by BKIn118:

I need to say a couple of words about this...

Admittedly, I did not hear every word Julie said at our meeting. I am often pulled away by verifying 50/50 totals or door prize winners...or just getting organized to clean up and move things out so we can get home at a decent hour.

That said, more than one person had expressed this sentiment (or a similar one) to me upon exit, and the days following our gathering. Just look at that Court Club thread for your verification on that. These articles (SP isn't the only one that fishes in our pond) are often generated by reading this forum.

As one of the few BASKETBALL FIRST guys left out there at Rutgers, I wasn't enthusiastic about what I heard. That's the honest truth. But we shouldn't rush to judgement on this topic with JH and her administration. There are things going on behind the scenes that give me cause to hope.

Is a new RAC happening? No..probably not. But the RAC isn't the problem in my opinion. Having seen 3/4 of the B1G arenas first hand...we aren't that bad off as it pertains to the actual building!

I will leave the debate as to what is needed for the program to succeed to others in this forum. I have my own opinions which I have made known to the staff, the administration and anyone else that will listen, but it isn't my place to air them here.
This post was edited on 2/23 11:19 PM by BKIn118

You have a very unique view of the program. It would be of great value to share some of what you think is needed long term. The bickering on the board about a practice facility for instance does no good. Hearing from a guy like you that has seen what we are competing against would actually bring insight and alignment to the board.
ruman posted on 2/23/2015...

A plan that says nothing will change for 5-7 years is not a plan. That's surrender. And where is the Athletes Village plan? Think it is like a Unicorn

This. Some of you need to take off the kid gloves when discussing the AD. Basically she's given herself a free pass for the next 10 years. Unacceptable.
Originally posted by cRURah:
ruman posted on 2/23/2015...

A plan that says nothing will change for 5-7 years is not a plan. That's surrender. And where is the Athletes Village plan? Think it is like a Unicorn

This. Some of you need to take off the kid gloves when discussing the AD. Basically she's given herself a free pass for the next 10 years. Unacceptable.
BK118 is really on to this

THE RAC as an arena is a really good COLLEGE facility for hoops..

Ask visiting fans...when it is on and the crowd is in the game...the place is a GREAT place to spend 2 1/2 hours to watch a college basketball game. The players have said they LOVE playing here when the place is on....and the fans love the atmosphere...

Long term, we need a new arena...but there is no reason why the RAC with some continued fan improvements, be a solid experience for fans and the kids playing there for the foreseeable future) . They have made steps (Scoreboard, lighting, sound system) and need more of these to finish the job. No reason why this can't be continually done

What we need is the practive and training facility...badly.
Originally posted by cRURah:
ruman posted on 2/23/2015...

A plan that says nothing will change for 5-7 years is not a plan. That's surrender. And where is the Athletes Village plan? Think it is like a Unicorn

This. Some of you need to take off the kid gloves when discussing the AD. Basically she's given herself a free pass for the next 10 years. Unacceptable.
Or laid out the realities of what is going on right now and the foreseeable future .
Sometimes blunt strait talk about problems are hard for some to accept and the blame ( right or wrong) is put
on the person telling it like it is.
What's unacceptable is the way the RU Basketball program has been treated for many years and that started
many years before Hermann was hired.
Paying off the debts occurred before Julie became AD and tasked with eliminating subsidies along with making the Athletic Department self sufficient, is something no AD before Hermann was ordered to do.
But that's part of her job now and the straight talk many dislike hearing is something she needs to say to the RU Faithful
in order to let them know their donations are being use by her the way she was directed to use them and help from the State
should not be expected to help the RU Basketball programs fund any upgrades to it, big or small.

Hermann wasn't saying she was giving up, she was asking for RU MBB fans to be patient and know Basketball upgrades were going to be a longer process than originally thought , because of what her boss said must be accomplished before she could start funding upgrades to the Basketball program(s) out of the Athletic Budget.
sorry madhat--pernetti had the same task about being self sufficient--this is not new.
Originally posted by cRURah:
ruman posted on 2/23/2015...

A plan that says nothing will change for 5-7 years is not a plan. That's surrender. And where is the Athletes Village plan? Think it is like a Unicorn

This. Some of you need to take off the kid gloves when discussing the AD. Basically she's given herself a free pass for the next 10 years. Unacceptable.
Did you ever take a finance or math class. Which is greater, raising $60 million once or $20 million a year for 7 years. She needs to get rid of the deficit, or much of it. When it is all said and done, the number she will raise to fund the deficit will be far greater than the $60 million for the facility upgrade.
Originally posted by ru66:

sorry madhat--pernetti had the same task about being self sufficient--this is not new.
And though had pledges , Tim didn't upgrade the Basketball program or use the difference between what Schiano was making and what Flood 's salary was to put in the Athletic Department's budget.
It was used to reduce the subsidies his department was receiving and not for any of the RU Athletic Programs.
If anyone thinks the money Pernetti had pledged for basketball upgrades, remember the number of those on the waiting list for season tickets before RU Stadium was expanded and the number that actually purchased season tickets from that list.
Unless it's in your hand, it doesn't exist.

We can talk about what the other AD's had going for them or against them, but the fact is: Basketball has not been supported by
Rutgers for many years., because there is always something that must be accomplished before money is put into upgrading RU BB.
This is a problem Bob Mulcahy ignored ( or was a part of) Tim faced and didn't overcome, so don't expect Julie to preform
miracles and majicaly fund the upgrades RU MBB drastically needs.
Just be glad she's willing to talk about it so RU MBB Fans know what's going on.