POLL: Would you wear it?


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2001
I was hit with this question early this morning and she knew the answer. I guess she wanted to start some crap but who cares.
Originally posted by RUckusbuck:
I was hit with this question early this morning and she knew the answer. I guess she wanted to start some crap but who cares.
Is your wife awesome? Does being at a sporting event matter - like would you wear it to the mall instead?
I guess the only place I would wear it would be at home. I mean she is awesome and everything but we have never been the PDA types.
That is how it all started. She was was considering buying a "My Husband Is Awesome" T-shirt. I told her "Don't even bother."
What's in it for you? Maybe you could use it to negotiate for
Yes! Of course I would, not everyday, but wearing it would be no problem. Mostly because I could care less what all of you yahoos think. Especially, those of you that believe that wearing the shirt makes you LESS of a man. My wife IS the best, and I'm proud of it!
BTW OP the "fanny pack" comment is uncalled for, and say's more about your own insecurities then the fanny pack itself.

My wife is my partner in life, my love and the one I share my most inner secrets. The rest of the world, well who cares!
as a woman I'd like to ask the following: why the hell would she want/need you to wear that?

If I saw a man wearing that I'd laugh hysterically and talk about it for the rest of the day...and not in a good way.

the answer is: you should not wear it nor should you be put in a situation where you even have to decide about wearing it.
Originally posted by KnightsofChrome:
Let me guess, no husband, MS. Screw...
um, clearly you don't know my husband also posts on this board. It's MRS.Screw for a reason.
Originally posted by MrsScrew:

Originally posted by KnightsofChrome:
Let me guess, no husband, MS. Screw...
um, clearly you don't know my husband also posts on this board. It's MRS.Screw for a reason.
Oh I'd totally wear it.

No. there's no way I would wear that and MrsScrew is pretty awesome. (except for the chafing dishes)
Originally posted by Extra Point:
The news is reporting that parents are raising narcissists. Maybe your wife had parents like this.
Careful. She bites.
Originally posted by RUDutch:
I would wear it but I doubt my awesome wife would want me to.
Yes, even if she enjoys your appreciation of her awesomeness she might not want to be seen with an adult guy that wears a "message" T-Shirt.
Originally posted by srru86:

Originally posted by RUDutch:
I would wear it but I doubt my awesome wife would want me to.
Yes, even if she enjoys your appreciation of her awesomeness she might not want to be seen with an adult guy that wears a "message" T-Shirt.
Exactly, in fact, if she did want me to wear it, it would negatively effect her awesomeness.
I'm really shocked no one is requiring pictures of your wife before voting in this poll.
Originally posted by RUScrew85:
Originally posted by Extra Point:
The news is reporting that parents are raising narcissists. Maybe your wife had parents like this.
Careful. She bites.
What context does Screw in your nickname have? Is it like 'Oh you are so scewed' or is it the nickname for the intimacy thing? Another words is the biting bad or good?
Chrome, it's not that serious and I'm hardly insecure. Honestly, don't care how I would be perceived. It's the principle of trying to inject me with estrogen that pisses me off.
as in THE RU Screw. Getting screwed by the university for various reasons associated with a giant bureaucracy in NJ.

I thought everyone knew the RU Screw.
Is this a typical "straight" quandary/problem/issue?
Originally posted by Extra Point:
Originally posted by RUScrew85:
Originally posted by Extra Point:
The news is reporting that parents are raising narcissists. Maybe your wife had parents like this.
Careful. She bites.
What context does Screw in your nickname have? Is it like 'Oh you are so scewed' or is it the nickname for the intimacy thing? Another words is the biting bad or good?
You must have not been a Rutgers student - they teach you this at orientation and is drilled into you every step of the way. Contrary to popular belief outside of NJ, those of us in NJ know the school is not actually about the classes, but instead about navigating your way through bureaucratic BS up to your neck for 4 years (+). BTW RU Screw and Ms. Screw are 2 of my fav names on here.
On a bit of a tangent--well, it does refer to a t-shirt--I was at a hotel a couple of weeks ago and this middle aged yahoo gets into the elevator wearing a t-shirt. The graphic was a horse strung up in a noose. My wife, bless, her heart, didn't get the humor ("hung like a horse") until I explained it but I can't believe anybody would actually wear THAT in public.
The correct move is to wear a shirt that says "Your Wife is Awesome".
Originally posted by KnightsofChrome:
Yes! Of course I would, not everyday, but wearing it would be no problem. Mostly because I could care less what all of you yahoos think. Especially, those of you that believe that wearing the shirt makes you LESS of a man. My wife IS the best, and I'm proud of it!
BTW OP the "fanny pack" comment is uncalled for, and say's more about your own insecurities then the fanny pack itself.

My wife is my partner in life, my love and the one I share my most inner secrets. The rest of the world, well who cares!
Exactly right, all except for the part about wearing it. If you tell her enough, you don't have to draw attention to yourself by wearing it.

I don't like anyone who feels a need to draw attention to themselves, the fact they are attached, or pretty much anything else. Then again, I don't do Valentine's Day, can't believe people still fall for the crap about how much you have to spend on a ring/wedding, and think most of "love" outside of what you feel inside is a giant scam. "Wedding planner" is not an occupation, for example, in a healthy society, How narcissistic have we become?

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