PSU- Wisconsin - Wow - Surprise - Wisconsin May Have Lost the Double Bye


Gold Member
May 2, 2024
Penn State upset Wisconsin - at Wisconsin!

No matter for RU, but even so ... wow.

I guess when teams have nothing on the line, anything can happen (like Wisconsin ... though actually they DID have something on the line: a #4 seed ... in a 2-way tie with Purdue, Wisconsin wins the tiebreaker ... but if UCLA beats USC, then there will be a 3-way tie, all 3 teams at 1-1 in the mini-pool, with only UCLA having a win over Michigan St, the team #1 in the standings - so UCLA woiuld win the tiebreaker and would get the 4th seed, and a doubke bye.).

So ... Wisconsin might just have cost themselves the #4 seed by losing at home to Penn St - if UCLA wins tonight vs USC.
Actually ... Maryland could also end up at 13-7, for a 4-way tie for the 3rd/4th seeds ... If they lose at home to NW.

In a 4-way tie at 13-7 with MD, Purdue, Wisconsin and UCLA, creating a mini-pool of 4 teams ... Maryland is 2-1, Wisconsin is 1-2, Purdue is 2-1 and UCLA is 1-2. Maryland and Purdue would get the #3 and #4 seeds and double byes, and I believe UCLA would get the #5 seed over Wisconsin - who'd have the #6 seed - due to its win over Michigan St. I think Maryland would beat out Purdue for the #3 seed - Each lost to MSU but each beat Michigan- the #2 team in the standings. The next 2 teams in the standings, tied, would be Wisconsin and UCLA - and Maryland beat both while Purdue is 1-1 ... so Maryland gets the tiebreaker.

Now ... what happens to Wisconsin if UCLA and Maryland both lose, and there is a 3-way tie between Maryland, Wisconsin and Purdue? All 3 are 1-1 in that mii-pool. But Wisconsin would be the #5 seed, losing the double bye due to them losing to Michigan while Maryland and Purdue each beat Michigan (all 3 lost to MSU).
I think it means we have to play Purdue second round if we win tomorrow and first round. Sigh
I think it would be Wisconsin, the #6 seed, because I think Purdue would beat out Wisconsin for the #5 seed if there was a 3-way tie with UCLA, Purdue and Wisconsin. How so? Each would have a mini-pool record of 1-1. The next tiebreaker is overall record within the mini-pool against the highest team in the standings, working the way down the standings until one team gets an advantage: #1 team is MSU. UCLA is 1-0, Purdue and Wisconsin are each 0-1. The NEXT team in the standings is Michigan - and Purdue BEAT them while Wisconsin LOST ... so I believe Purdue gets the winning percentage advantage vs Wisconsin.

I think.
I think it would be Wisconsin, the #6 seed, because I think Purdue would beat out Wisconsin for the #5 seed if there was a 3-way tie with UCLA, Purdue and Wisconsin. How so? Each would have a mini-pool record of 1-1. The next tiebreaker is overall record within the mini-pool against the highest team in the standings, working the way down the standings until one team gets an advantage: #1 team is MSU. UCLA is 1-0, Purdue and Wisconsin are each 0-1. The NEXT team in the standings is Michigan - and Purdue BEAT them while Wisconsin LOST ... so I believe Purdue gets the winning percentage advantage vs Wisconsin.

I think.
I thought after UCLA gets the nod at #4, the tiebreaker to decide Wisconsin and Purdue is head to head between those two. Advantage Wiscy..
If I was a b1G coach with a decent team the last thing I would want is a long run in the B1G tournament.

If I am Wisconsin I use the bench and play no one more than 28 minutes and what happens happens. Does anyone really remember b1G championships? Elite 8, Final 4 and national champioships is what people remember.
I thought after UCLA gets the nod at #4, the tiebreaker to decide Wisconsin and Purdue is head to head between those two. Advantage Wiscy..
The tiebreaking rules state specifically that in a mini-pool, even after 1 team has been given an advantage, it does NOT revert to head to head.


B. Multiple team tie:

1. Results of head-to-head competition during the regular-season.

a. When comparing records against the tied teams, the team with the higher winning percentage shall prevail, even if the number of games played against the team or group are unequal (i.e., 2-0 is better than 3-1, but 2-0 is not better than 1-0).

b. After the top team among the tied teams is determined, the second team is ranked by its record among the original tied teams, not the head-to-head record vs. the remaining team(s).

2. If the remaining teams are still tied, then each tied team's record shall be compared to the team occupying the highest position in the final regular-season standings, continuing down through the standings until one team gains an advantage.

a. When arriving at another pair of tied teams while comparing records, use each team's record against the collective tied teams as a group (prior to their own tie-breaking procedures), rather than the performance against the individual tied teams.

b. When comparing records against a single team or group of teams, the higher winning percentage shall prevail, even if the number of games played against the team or group are unequal (i.e., 2-0 is better than 3-1, but 2-0 is not better than 1-0).

3. Won-loss percentage of Division I opponents.

4. Coin toss conducted by Commissioner or designee.
Maryland doing their best to keep it interesting with a close game against NU
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If I was a b1G coach with a decent team the last thing I would want is a long run in the B1G tournament.

If I am Wisconsin I use the bench and play no one more than 28 minutes and what happens happens. Does anyone really remember b1G championships? Elite 8, Final 4 and national champioships is what people remember.

Plenty do...its part of having championships

Just because Rutgers has been horrific in conference tourneys for 25 years...
The tiebreaking rules state specifically that in a mini-pool, even after 1 team has been given an advantage, it does NOT revert to head to head.


B. Multiple team tie:

1. Results of head-to-head competition during the regular-season.

a. When comparing records against the tied teams, the team with the higher winning percentage shall prevail, even if the number of games played against the team or group are unequal (i.e., 2-0 is better than 3-1, but 2-0 is not better than 1-0).

b. After the top team among the tied teams is determined, the second team is ranked by its record among the original tied teams, not the head-to-head record vs. the remaining team(s).

2. If the remaining teams are still tied, then each tied team's record shall be compared to the team occupying the highest position in the final regular-season standings, continuing down through the standings until one team gains an advantage.

a. When arriving at another pair of tied teams while comparing records, use each team's record against the collective tied teams as a group (prior to their own tie-breaking procedures), rather than the performance against the individual tied teams.

b. When comparing records against a single team or group of teams, the higher winning percentage shall prevail, even if the number of games played against the team or group are unequal (i.e., 2-0 is better than 3-1, but 2-0 is not better than 1-0).

3. Won-loss percentage of Division I opponents.

4. Coin toss conducted by Commissioner or designee.
It's confusingly written, but I've seen a couple articles/sites interpreting it differently from you. Guess we'll find out