Quitting on your team at the end of season does not help your chances of landing elsewhere


All American
Gold Member
Nov 4, 2002
I think from everything I've read about the lack of interest Mag is getting from other programs is karma coming back to bite him. How could he have not realized that other programs could see what he was doing and are very hesitant to waste NIL money on someone they don't know they can rely on? It's just common sense
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I think from everything I've read about the lack of interest Mag is getting from other programs is karma coming back to bite him. How could he not have not realized that other programs could see what he was doing and are very hesitant to waste NIL money on someone they don't know they can rely on? It's just common sense
He will likely get an Austin Williams type offer from a power 5 school that’s left hanging when dust settles as a bench piece but that’s basically what his role would’ve been here

His handlers vastly overrated him because he’s not in the top 250-300 transfers and he probably thought he was gonna start and get paid
24.5% from 3 this year is more damaging than him not playing more or shutting it down at the start of the season and also at the end of the season.

If a player has a defined positive aspect to their game (3 pt shooting, rebounding, blocking shots), you will get 2nd and 3rd chances, irregardless of your past. Mag could easily try to explain away why he didn't play to another coaching staff, whether they buy whatever story Mag tries to spin, who knows.

Taking a flyer on a 26% career 3 PT shooter as a SF, is impossible to justify any school spending money on. There are simply too many better options/players available elsewhere.
I think from everything I've read about the lack of interest Mag is getting from other programs is karma coming back to bite him. How could he not have not realized that other programs could see what he was doing and are very hesitant to waste NIL money on someone they don't know they can rely on? It's just common sense
The flip side to this is he already knows where he's going and just hasn't publicly announced. (No inside info here).
I think from everything I've read about the lack of interest Mag is getting from other programs is karma coming back to bite him. How could he have not realized that other programs could see what he was doing and are very hesitant to waste NIL money on someone they don't know they can rely on? It's just common sense
Not hearing that at all. Although I wish it were true , what he did to his coaches , teammates , the university and the fans is unforgivable.
I think from everything I've read about the lack of interest Mag is getting from other programs is karma coming back to bite him. How could he have not realized that other programs could see what he was doing and are very hesitant to waste NIL money on someone they don't know they can rely on? It's just common sense

Honestly, this is why I didn’t believe it during the season. So dumb.
Did he hurt his stock with the crap he pulled? YES
Did he hurt his stock by having a bad season when he did play? YES

I still think he will end up at a good spot with a chance of an important role.

A big question I Mag or any other player allowed to workout in front of coaches.

His value is going to be fully based on what a team thinks his health is or will be.
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Because the team he's going to wants to wait until after the portal closes so they don't have attrition of their own?

This thread seems very premature.
I don’t see what your alluding to taking place much. Could backfire in a big way to have kids on your roster resent being there as a coach.
Yeah, pretty sure the delay in Mag getting picked up by a team is almost entirely due to the nature and frequency of his injuries.

Prospective teams, who operate on unemotional logic unlike butthurt RU fans, won't only look at his performance this past season, but will look at his earlier play as well. So they will see how immensely valuable he was to the team two seasons ago, and how bad the team became without him. And they will see that his performance this season was almost certainly affected, in large part, by earlier and ongoing injury issues, as well as his concerns about reinjury.

Teams will obviously take fully healthy options instead, if they can get them. But if there are spots left on some good teams, and if Mag can demonstrate that he could be healthy enough to be expected to make it through a season, then he'll probably get picked up by someone. Because he could be an extremely valuable contributor, especially if surrounded by other good players.

But only if he can remain healthy which is a huge question mark.
I don’t see what your alluding to taking place much. Could backfire in a big way to have kids on your roster resent being there as a coach.
Agree it's a sleezy way of doing things. But no different in a way from when in football, the assistants who recruited the kids would stick around until signing day and then leave. College sports isn't exactly a bastion of ethical behavior.

Guess we'll find out soon.
Cliff and Goldin are still in portal too. I don't think there is a huge rush right now to find a landing spot. We still have 2 spots open.
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then put me on ignore.

Don't say the next positive thing I say will be my 1st.

Read this thread
Read the Martini thread
Read most post game threads

He should read all the threads with you raving about the defense in the first half of 2022-23…

Agree it's a sleezy way of doing things. But no different in a way from when in football, the assistants who recruited the kids would stick around until signing day and then leave. College sports isn't exactly a bastion of ethical behavior.

Guess we'll find out soon.
It’s a bit different. It’s one thing to want to play for a certain coach and then that changes. It’s another thing to be told your going to be a major contributors / starter and suddenly get recruited over late and boxed in. A cancer in the locker room is usually counterproductive and coaches know it. This would not be a successful strategy very often IMO.
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I don't know if many people can appreciate that when you are born in the Sudan, raised by parents from one of the poorest, most war torn regions on earth that things like team, sacrifice, loyalty can seem like trappings of the rich. I realize he spent most of his childhood in Australia but the mind set of poverty takes several generations to change. I don't blame him for being more selfish and playing it closer to the vest than your average American who has never missed a meal.
Not many teams can start a guy who is a plus defender but struggles on offense. He'll find a spot but it will be a step down. How can Cliff and Mag, who are here on student visas, can earn NIL?
This is why I couldn't believe that he was purposely sitting out to save himself for next year. He's not the type of player that can do things like that and still have coaches calling. Maybe it was some other reason but I think he was legitimately hurt. He was not himself and looked horrible in the last couple of games he played. Even if he wanted to come back I know if I was running the nil budget there wouldn't have been any available for Mag because of his inability to stay healthy. Hope he finds a good spot and is able to stay healthy..
I'm all about getting that bag
Make your money while you're in your prime
Strike while the iron's hot

But what Mag did was b.s.
Milked the injury for hopes of a bigger bag

He took a calculated risk at the expense of his team
The fans
The university
And at this point, most likely, himself

You get the bag, you play
End of story
This is why I couldn't believe that he was purposely sitting out to save himself for next year. He's not the type of player that can do things like that and still have coaches calling. Maybe it was some other reason but I think he was legitimately hurt. He was not himself and looked horrible in the last couple of games he played. Even if he wanted to come back I know if I was running the nil budget there wouldn't have been any available for Mag because of his inability to stay healthy. Hope he finds a good spot and is able to stay healthy..
I’m sure he wasn’t 100%. And was probably afraid of reinjury.

I'm all about getting that bag
Make your money while you're in your prime
Strike while the iron's hot

But what Mag did was b.s.
Milked the injury for hopes of a bigger bag

He took a calculated risk at the expense of his team
The fans
The university
And at this point, most likely, himself

You get the bag, you play
End of story
I agree with Jersey. It probably didn’t go down this way, and was more of a hybrid. He knew he wasn’t 100%. Our team was basically out of the hunt anyway and he probably felt there was a risk of further injury in playing through some pain. He was also probably concerned that he wouldn’t be able to perform as well as he otherwise would have been based on the pain. Overall, just didn’t think it was worth it and thought he was better off letting his body heal up more. I’m not defending what he did - rather, I’m just saying it probably wasn’t a matter of expecting this big pay out by sitting out.
I’m sure he wasn’t 100%. And was probably afraid of reinjury.

I agree with Jersey. It probably didn’t go down this way, and was more of a hybrid. He knew he wasn’t 100%. Our team was basically out of the hunt anyway and he probably felt there was a risk of further injury in playing through some pain. He was also probably concerned that he wouldn’t be able to perform as well as he otherwise would have been based on the pain. Overall, just didn’t think it was worth it and thought he was better off letting his body heal up more. I’m not defending what he did - rather, I’m just saying it probably wasn’t a matter of expecting this big pay out by sitting out.
And that's called quitting
Especially after he held us up at the end of last year and got the bag

He's been injured many times in his career
Limited offense
Can't shoot worth a damn

And had / has a legit change to play oveseas
What better way to showcase your talents than playing on next year's team

Now, though it's still early, he hasn't signed anywhere yet
Granted, there's still 6 months to go before the season and a lot of things could change

I wish the best for him
He was a loyal son before this year
But once he took the bag, he wasn't the same
I just can't see myself ever opting to sit out if I could play. It's not like Mag had a shot at the NBA. He will make good money overseas regardless of sitting out or playing the last 10 games of his junior year (eligibility-wise). But watching my team struggle mightily without me and having just been fine practicing the day before, my ass would be out there giving everything I had. I hate losing. Hell, losing intramural games bugged the crap out of me. Lol
I don't know if many people can appreciate that when you are born in the Sudan, raised by parents from one of the poorest, most war torn regions on earth that things like team, sacrifice, loyalty can seem like trappings of the rich. I realize he spent most of his childhood in Australia but the mind set of poverty takes several generations to change. I don't blame him for being more selfish and playing it closer to the vest than your average American who has never missed a meal.
Not many teams can start a guy who is a plus defender but struggles on offense. He'll find a spot but it will be a step down. How can Cliff and Mag, who are here on student visas, can earn NIL?
Student athletes on student visas can earn passive NIL while in the US and can earn NIL outside the US. That is what Cliff did on the trip to Senegal and Portugal last year.
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Yeah, pretty sure the delay in Mag getting picked up by a team is almost entirely due to the nature and frequency of his injuries.

Prospective teams, who operate on unemotional logic unlike butthurt RU fans, won't only look at his performance this past season, but will look at his earlier play as well. So they will see how immensely valuable he was to the team two seasons ago, and how bad the team became without him. And they will see that his performance this season was almost certainly affected, in large part, by earlier and ongoing injury issues, as well as his concerns about reinjury.

Teams will obviously take fully healthy options instead, if they can get them. But if there are spots left on some good teams, and if Mag can demonstrate that he could be healthy enough to be expected to make it through a season, then he'll probably get picked up by someone. Because he could be an extremely valuable contributor, especially if surrounded by other good players.

But only if he can remain healthy which is a huge question mark.

Watching him this season, he never seemed terribly confident in his knee during games. I’d much rather think that anxiety was the issue rather than him becoming a malcontent.
Watching him this season, he never seemed terribly confident in his knee during games. I’d much rather think that anxiety was the issue rather than him becoming a malcontent.
Right? If we have to speculate, and in the absence of proof to the contrary, why not speculate in a way that casts a person in a good light? Given a choice of how to be towards others, why not choose kindness?

That’s my choice, most of the time. Others are obviously free to choose differently.
Look - Pike isn’t innocent here either and I do believe he bears some responsibility for the public perception of mags injury status.

Perhaps he was trying to motivate through the press by discussing his practice situation, but it only resulted in serious confusion for fans. I don’t think Pike should ever have discussed the fact that mag consistently practiced the day before he didn’t play…he simply needed to say he’s not ready or the knee isn’t good…
Look - Pike isn’t innocent here either and I do believe he bears some responsibility for the public perception of mags injury status.

Perhaps he was trying to motivate through the press by discussing his practice situation, but it only resulted in serious confusion for fans. I don’t think Pike should ever have discussed the fact that mag consistently practiced the day before he didn’t play…he simply needed to say he’s not ready or the knee isn’t good…
I agree with this. I was pretty surprised that Pike would discuss a players health status the way he did. OTOH, none of the things Pike said, from which some people are inferring Mag was fine and boycotting the games, actually prove that inference.

They’re suggestive, sure. But not conclusive.

It’s likely there’s a lot Pike and Mag know about the situation that fans will never know. And fine with that.
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Right? If we have to speculate, and in the absence of proof to the contrary, why not speculate in a way that casts a person in a good light? Given a choice of how to be towards others, why not choose kindness?

That’s my choice, most of the time. Others are obviously free to choose differently.

That’s not what we do around here (or anywhere).

Let’s just assume the worst, and if disproven, refuse to accept that our assumptions were incorrect.
This is why I couldn't believe that he was purposely sitting out to save himself for next year. He's not the type of player that can do things like that and still have coaches calling. Maybe it was some other reason but I think he was legitimately hurt. He was not himself and looked horrible in the last couple of games he played. Even if he wanted to come back I know if I was running the nil budget there wouldn't have been any available for Mag because of his inability to stay healthy. Hope he finds a good spot and is able to stay healthy..
@Geo_Baker_1 can easily chime in and say if it’s true or not