take credit cards?I sell my GFs into sexual slavery each year right before the holidays. Is like a clearance sale. Helps to fund the season tickets, the donations, the hookers and blow.
take credit cards?I sell my GFs into sexual slavery each year right before the holidays. Is like a clearance sale. Helps to fund the season tickets, the donations, the hookers and blow.
I am not making comments on hicks. That is another story. Robert Martin was also injured and that played s role as well in cutting down his playing time. The "system" is ashes system that he was hired to implement. If you have a long term contract and you have players not buying in to the system you are being paid to implement ....well something has to give .Even assuming you have inside info, let's point out the following:
1. Martin and Hicks were two of our biggest weapons last year. Are you claiming Hicks had "attitude issues" too? Simply, doesn't ring true.
2. Ash is the leader and the grown-up. If Martin had adjustment issues to an offense that for no apparent reason was not using his talents, it was Ash's job to help him work through them.
3. You write "no player is bigger than the system." What system is that? At this point, Ash and Mehringer have mere words with no system that remotely worked. Why would you throw overboard Martin and Hicks and put in a system that doesn't use the talent you have?
He had issues buying In to the system and had attitude issues so he had his playing time rightfully cut. Talent or no talent no player is bigger than the system ash is building.
Then no argument from me. A shame though since I thought he was our most productive back. Surprised a little because I thought he had a very good work ethic.
poopie..... money orders?Can't. It would overly excite the revenuers.
Nope, leaves an audit trail.poopie..... money orders?