RU grad Taryn Hatcher joining B1G Network crew

We realize Taryn Hatcher holds a law degree and played high school soccer. Beyond that what qualifies her for BTN - Rutgers sports? Maybe soccer ? Were former male athletes disqualified ? Or did BTN need a female face and take on the show?
We realize Taryn Hatcher holds a law degree and played high school soccer. Beyond that what qualifies her for BTN - Rutgers sports? Maybe soccer ? Were former male athletes disqualified ? Or did BTN need a female face and take on the show?
She's been doing sideline stuff for Philly sports on Comcast for a while now with the Flyers/Sixers.
We realize Taryn Hatcher holds a law degree and played high school soccer. Beyond that what qualifies her for BTN - Rutgers sports? Maybe soccer ? Were former male athletes disqualified ? Or did BTN need a female face and take on the show?
She has been in sports broadcast journalism for years since graduation. I know she was on TV stations in Hawaii and Philly before.
She's been doing sideline stuff for Philly sports on Comcast for a while now with the Flyers/Sixers.
Didn’t she do sideline reporting for BTN while still a student here or was it another network? She did a good job. I know that while in Philly, Mayor Rizzo never called her a crumb bum creep to my knowledge.
We realize Taryn Hatcher holds a law degree and played high school soccer. Beyond that what qualifies her for BTN - Rutgers sports? Maybe soccer ? Were former male athletes disqualified ? Or did BTN need a female face and take on the show?
lady has been involved in Football, basketball and baseball media. I believe some of that work was even for BTN. I seem to recall she was always a positive voice about Rutgers as well. Your take is sort of lame. Not sure why it get's your panties in a bunch.
We realize Taryn Hatcher holds a law degree and played high school soccer. Beyond that what qualifies her for BTN - Rutgers sports? Maybe soccer ? Were former male athletes disqualified ? Or did BTN need a female face and take on the show?
She worked for BTN previously and has been a sports reporter for NBC in Philly for a number of years. You could have looked her up yourself but as usual display your ignorance.
lady has been involved in Football, basketball and baseball media. I believe some of that work was even for BTN. I seem to recall she was always a positive voice about Rutgers as well. Your take is sort of lame. Not sure why it get's your panties in a bunch.
Yup, over 10 years experience in sports media, 6 years experience as the Flyers sideline reporter. Past experience with the B1G network and as a Rutgers sideline reporter. No brainer hire followed by no brainer comment.
Didn’t she do sideline reporting for BTN while still a student here or was it another network? She did a good job. I know that while in Philly, Mayor Rizzo never called her a crumb bum creep to my knowledge.

Forgot about junior. I think Frank Rizzo Sr. died before she was born.
@RUBOB72 I know you can be a contrarian and I respect that. But this could be the worst take I've ever seen on this board.

Taryn is a star. That's awesome that BTN was able to sign her. I look forward to her coverage.
Why …it was a very honest take on what qualifies her? If you are trying to make me feel embarrassment for posing the question you are confused. She NEVER played at above high school . There are thousands of both men and women more deserving. I used to see her in Hawaii KHNL tv. It was done not because of her sports knowledge but to fill a box. I think she’s great but does not have practical experience in major college sports. The resume is lacking. Nice for Rutgers but it was only a week ago where names like McCourty, O’Hara were being proposed. Not as pretty? I will admit she does not lack for researching. But it was box checking time on a channel known for doing just that.
Really ? You compare sideline jibber jabber for actual concrete experience in the sport? Classic ESPN…
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Why …it was a very honest take on what qualifies her? If you are trying to make me feel embarrassment for posing the question you are confused. She NEVER played at above high school . There are thousands of both men and women more deserving. I used to see her in Hawaii KHNL tv. It was done not because of her sports knowledge but to fill a box. I think she’s great but does not have practical experience in major college sports. The resume is lacking. Nice for Rutgers but it was only a week ago where names like McCourty, O’Hara were being proposed. Not as pretty? I will admit she does not lack for researching. But it was box checking time on a channel known for doing just that.
Ah so you’re going with the “she didn’t play the sport at a college level and only was a sports reporter so therefore isn’t qualified” take with what comes off as a healthy dose of misogyny thrown in for good measure. You’re nothing if not predictable.
Why …it was a very honest take on what qualifies her? If you are trying to make me feel embarrassment for posing the question you are confused. She NEVER played at above high school . There are thousands of both men and women more deserving. I used to see her in Hawaii KHNL tv. It was done not because of her sports knowledge but to fill a box. I think she’s great but does not have practical experience in major college sports. The resume is lacking. Nice for Rutgers but it was only a week ago where names like McCourty, O’Hara were being proposed. Not as pretty? I will admit she does not lack for researching. But it was box checking time on a channel known for doing just that.
It's the big ten network...I don't think the people with the resume you describe are in the budget. Who is the biggest star at big ten network currently?
It's the big ten network...I don't think the people with the resume you describe are in the budget. Who is the biggest star at big ten network currently?
Yes BTN… Taryn’s resume is LS graduate….Rutgers sports sideline reporter and in Hawaii tv reporter KHNL . If you wanted a Rutgers analyst for BTN pick an athlete who can give input. I’m not against her but it is puzzling. She never was a Rutgers athlete.
Yes BTN… Taryn’s resume is LS graduate….Rutgers sports sideline reporter and in Hawaii tv reporter KHNL . If you wanted a Rutgers analyst for BTN pick an athlete who can give input. I’m not against her but it is puzzling. She never was a Rutgers athlete.
Bob let me spell it out for you…it’s a sideline reporter job. She been a sideline reporter in a professional sport for 5 plus years. She’s beyond, beyond qualified. You suggested O’hara and McCourty, they are color guys. Completely different job. Broadcasting is filled with guys who never played the game- Costas, Torico, Buck, etc. It’s how broadcasting has always worked, not some new “check the box” hire as you’d like to believe.
Bob let me spell it out for you…it’s a sideline reporter job. She been a sideline reporter in a professional sport for 5 plus years. She’s beyond, beyond qualified. You suggested O’hara and McCourty, they are color guys. Completely different job. Broadcasting is filled with guys who never played the game- Costas, Torico, Buck, etc. It’s how broadcasting has always worked, not some new “check the box” hire as you’d like to believe.
Chris is she going to give you anything else but… “ he’s on the sidelines … they aren’t sure if or when he ‘ll be back in the game.” Chris …,it’s for you eye candy.
Chris is she going to give you anything else but… “ he’s on the sidelines … they aren’t sure if or when he ‘ll be back in the game.” Chris …,it’s for you eye candy.
You mean….sideline reporting? Yes, that’s what she’s gonna give you. Glad you agree now that she’s a good hire.
Chris is she going to give you anything else but… “ he’s on the sidelines … they aren’t sure if or when he ‘ll be back in the game.” Chris …,it’s for you eye candy.
Can you enlighten us to examples of where sideline reporter is a job much more than that?
We realize Taryn Hatcher holds a law degree and played high school soccer. Beyond that what qualifies her for BTN - Rutgers sports? Maybe soccer ? Were former male athletes disqualified ? Or did BTN need a female face and take on the show?

One of the dumbest posts I’ve read on this board in a long time and that’s saying a lot.

What qualifications do you have? Other than being a massive Boob.
Chris … I did not say she was a bad hire. She will do fine as a “ sideline “ reporter. She maybe someday sits in the studio chair but not as an analyst. Girls sports perhaps ? As I said , a lawyer and nice looking person who evidently caused much Bob hate😜🪓🪓🪓. The tough guys appear as they usual do . Except my friend Chris…
BTW : AW …never knocked her sideline job only the fact it sounded as though she would be in the BTN studios as an analyst.
Chris … I did not say she was a bad hire. She will do fine as a “ sideline “ reporter. She maybe someday sits in the studio chair but not as an analyst. Girls sports perhaps ? As I said , a lawyer and nice looking person who evidently caused much Bob hate😜🪓🪓🪓. The tough guys appear as they usual do . Except my friend Chris…
It says a lot that you view an almost universal simple opinion that your argument was bad as “Bob hate”.

Just take the L