Rutgers Gameday Info

I feel your pain. But just because "the cop" said it was so does not make it so. Been party to too many of these types of snafus in other situations, where the person in charge says one thing, and by the time it gets passed down 17 levels to the person doling the information out the customers, the message has been altered and mangled.
Well here's the thing. If everything is now allowed in the stadium this week what happened last week? I highly doubt those officers decided to change a three decade old policy by themselves. People at other gates who were allowed stuff in were told not to bring it next week. So it's not like one gate was given this mandate, most of the gates were. Some were just more lenient than my Gestapo group at the North gate.

Someone higher up F-ed up big time and isn't even man enough to admit it. A simple apology would have sufficed, but Matt decided to act like a child taking no responsibility for his actions. How did a child get his position? These are his responsibilities he's in charge of operations, he F-ed up on the 50/50 as well.
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Maybe not, but some people in general look to throw people user the bus for any reason whatsoever. The fact that Hobbs signed off on the Yankee Stadium game has put him in the crosshairs of some. Then add the seat cushion fiasco and that has a few up in arms it seems. Houston is destroyed, Caribbean Islands are decimated, and the US is going to take a direct hit from Irma...I have friends who had 4 feet of water in their house during Harvey and others directly in the line of Irma...yet some want to moan and groan about an ass cushion and a Yankee Stadium drive. I guess that's my soap box edition for today and will leave it at that. Time to work on tailgate organization for tomorrow and focus on the positives.

So true. Our fans are such babies. They're actually crying that RU didn't issue a personal apology to everyone who experienced "the great ass foam debacle of 2017."

As much as I look forward to pages 3 to 5, if they fixed the policy issue, maybe move on and stop crying.
So true. Our fans are such babies. They're actually crying that RU didn't issue a personal apology to everyone who experienced "the great ass foam debacle of 2017."

As much as I look forward to pages 3 to 5, if they fixed the policy issue, maybe move on and stop crying.
The problem was Mr. Internet Tough Guy no one was informed prior to the game. If they were, "the great ass foam debacle of 2017" would have never occurred. I would have simply left them at home, instead of throwing them away. Tell people what they can and can't bring in prior to the game, don't make it pot luck choice of the day.
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Is this game being televised? It says BTN on the schedule but on TV it says Michigan State vs. Western Michigan will be aired at 3:30. No mention of Rutgers
The problem was Mr. Internet Tough Guy no one was informed prior to the game. If they were, "the great ass foam debacle of 2017" would have never occurred. I would have simply left them at home, instead of throwing them away. Tell people what they can and can't bring in prior to the game, don't make it pot luck choice of the day.

Wasnt the one gate doing it wrong? So how would they tell you ahead of time?

And isn't that what the clarification in the thread is all about? There are two or three other threads of people complaining about the issue, but this one is about them fixing the problem ..and people are still complaining, ripping Hobbs apart, and expecting an apology.

Like the other guy suggested, your foamy ass is a miniscule problem in the world. So I repeat: maybe move on.
Like the other guy suggested, your foamy ass is a miniscule problem in the world. So I repeat: maybe move on.
So since world hunger hasn't been solved I shouldn't complain about anything. Got it chief. I guess I shouldn't have complained when my house was inundated with 6' of water in Belmar during Sandy and our asshat Mayor decided it would be a good idea to turn the power on and burn down the house three doors down, while my meter was still attached. You know with world hunger not being solved and all what right did I have to complain. That's good anytime anyone complains about anything just pull up the starving children in Africa card. Every problem in the world pales in comparison, why are all those people in Houston complaining anyway. It's just a some water.
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Just stop already with the Mr. Hobbs crap. The man can not control every function of every rent-an-employee. Obviously folks at one gate were not in snyc with the program. We had zero problems at the East gate. Could have been a few rogue rent-a-gate-attendants free lancing. Compared to the previous 2 AD's we are light years ahead of where we were, yet some people want to burn the man at the stake for something that is small potatoes and delegated to that other person in the department.
Really? Tell that to the people who had to throw theirs in the trash. An apology is in order and it has to come from the top.
If they hired idiots its their fault. Poor training and bad communications. That starts from the top. And this isnt the first time we have seen bad communications from this group.
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So since world hunger hasn't been solved I shouldn't complain about anything. Got it chief. I guess I shouldn't have complained when my house was inundated with 6' of water in Belmar during Sandy and our asshat Mayor decided it would be a good idea to turn the power on and burn down the house three doors down, while my meter was still attached. You know with world hunger not being solved and all what right did I have to complain. That's good anytime anyone complains about anything just pull up the starving children in Africa card. Every problem in the world pales in comparison, why are all those people in Houston complaining anyway. It's just a some water.

So now you're comparing losing your ass cushion to having your house ravaged by a historic hurricane? Got it.
Really? Tell that to the people who had to throw theirs in the trash. An apology is in order and it has to come from the top.
If they hired idiots its their fault. Poor training and bad communications. That starts from the top. And this isnt the first time we have seen bad communications from this group.

You didn't even have an issue, did you?
So true. Our fans are such babies. They're actually crying that RU didn't issue a personal apology to everyone who experienced "the great ass foam debacle of 2017."

As much as I look forward to pages 3 to 5, if they fixed the policy issue, maybe move on and stop crying.
See, at least RUsworstfan can admit what a whiny mutt he is. He's still the worst, but at least he can own it.
Is this game being televised? It says BTN on the schedule but on TV it says Michigan State vs. Western Michigan will be aired at 3:30. No mention of Rutgers

Are you on Verizon Fios? If so it's 330 (not HD). I think for the local cable companies it should be on the main BTN channel, with the MSU-WMU game on the alternate channel.
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I think for the local cable companies it should be on the main BTN channel, with the MSU-WMU game on the alternate channel.
That's what it says for Optimum (Cablevision). Regular channel, 247 and in HD.
Someone from the TD club was told that Rutgers changed ownership of the 50/50 from one department to another. Guess would be it's either a whole new application that was submitted late or the new department didn't know about the license .

Either way, they know about the problem & are working on it.
Do you have any idea WHY the 50-50 changed departments? From which to which? Did the old department not want to do it anymore or did some other department request it?

Would be nice to know more. What was wrong with the TD club doing it? Was there cheating.. misfeasance.. malfeasance? Not sell enough tickets? Something wrong with the electronic vending of tickets...

This past game would have been a nice opportunity to do the 50-50 for the residents of Houston.. damn shame there is hoop-umping required even after many years of doing this thing.
Do you have any idea WHY the 50-50 changed departments? From which to which? Did the old department not want to do it anymore or did some other department request it?

Would be nice to know more. What was wrong with the TD club doing it? Was there cheating.. misfeasance.. malfeasance? Not sell enough tickets? Something wrong with the electronic vending of tickets...

This past game would have been a nice opportunity to do the 50-50 for the residents of Houston.. damn shame there is hoop-umping required even after many years of doing this thing.

Hahaha. No. No idea at all.
You didn't even have an issue, did you?
No I didn't. I don't bring a seat cushion in. But it did affect many fans. So what is your stupid point? Only those that lost one can complain?? There is a severe issue with communication with the current administration. Ignore if you want but when it effects you or a friend STFU
No I didn't. I don't bring a seat cushion in. But it did affect many fans. So what is your stupid point? Only those that lost one can complain?? There is a severe issue with communication with the current administration. Ignore if you want but when it effects you or a friend STFU

Yep, usually that's how life works.