Rutgers Players Message To Students

As always, they need a reason to come out and support. The hardest part is keeping it up through the season, especially if it becomes another long season.
Sadly many students would rather just remain partying at their off-campus houses or rooms as a result of being harassed by overzealous law enforcement in the parking lots during prior years.

very true!
Noticed muted presence past week by MCSD - may take a year(s) to undo the perceived harassment environment.

My daughter would not tailgate campus due to MCSD PRESENCE - THAT WAS TWO YEARS BACK.
Even though I graduated over 10 years ago the police in the lots still consistently pull me out of the crowd to ID me. I have literally been sitting down, having a beer, and they make me get up and show my ID. I would understand if I was standing on top of a car being rowdy that I would attract police attention but I am quite calm at this point in my life. I can see why the students do not want to deal with that.
There are a lot of students who board the gameday buses at College Ave (or walk over Landing Lane Bridge), get off on River Road and walk straight into the stadium with no tailgates to stop at.
very true!
Noticed muted presence past week by MCSD - may take a year(s) to undo the perceived harassment environment.

My daughter would not tailgate campus due to MCSD PRESENCE - THAT WAS TWO YEARS BACK.

To be fair, If you don't act like rowdy jerk offs who walk into other peoples tailgates or drive into the the lot with a truck full of 30packs of Natty Ice and no food just asking for trouble.

I agree the students need to get back in the lots, but they also need to realize that acting like jerk offs will cause the police to come and break up their party. That has not changed in the 20 years since I graduated and should never change. Party Responsibly and don't bring attention to yourself.

When 500 kids show up around a box truck full of beer what do you think is going to happen. and Yes That happened.

The kids starting to get pulled out and Id'ed was the effect of the unchecked rowdiness of the years prior. It is cause and effect. If you act like a jerkoff you will be treated like a jerkoff. Same goes for the adults. If you don't bring attention to yourself no one will bother you.

Just saying
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How do the "big time" schools handle it?

I can tell you at USC you'd have to be doing something egregious to get stopped by cops if you are drinking. They aren't picking people out of a crowd to I.d.

Part of the issue is the stadium is farther away at RU. Frats and who ever else can't just walk over at game time. Much better than UCLA's set up though.
Another though is maybe it is time for Rutgers to Organize a tailgate on college ave and do a soccer style walk over to the game. Maybe create some sort of a block party where a portion of College Ave gets shut down. Bring in vendors including beer for of age students, a Dj or Live Band. Have students buy Drink tickets and food vouchers etc.... Ohio State very successfully does this by bringing in Carnival type vending trailers and creating a big self contained square and was alot of fun to be at.

Maybe do something on the Quad then organize a walk to the stadium over the Landing Lane Bridge.
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I know Rutgers' campus layout isn't unique, but it is a hindrance that the Stadium isn't the easiest to get to for students. At OSU, the Shoe is within walking distance for any student who lives around campus so it's easy to have football blocks at fraternity houses, drink at apartments/other off campus houses, plenty of bars within walking distance of the stadium too. I have heard of other school having sanctioned tailgates for students in a designated area where they I.D. and take safety precautions. I know Hobbs mentioned looking into options like this and the sooner he can figure that out the better.
To be fair, If you don't act like rowdy jerk offs who walk into other peoples tailgates or drive into the the lot with a truck full of 30packs of Natty Ice and no food just asking for trouble.

I agree the students need to get back in the lots, but they also need to realize that acting like jerk offs will cause the police to come and break up their party. That has not changed in the 20 years since I graduated and should never change. Party Responsibly and don't bring attention to yourself.

When 500 kids show up around a box truck full of beer what do you think is going to happen. and Yes That happened.

The kids starting to get pulled out and Id'ed was the effect of the unchecked rowdiness of the years prior. It is cause and effect. If you act like a jerkoff you will be treated like a jerkoff. Same goes for the adults. If you don't bring attention to yourself no one will bother you.

Just saying

This issue has been discussed ad nauseam on this board. But you are mistaken if you think that only rowdy students who brought attention to themselves were targeted by the police. I know a few young adults of legal age, who were tailgating with their middle-aged parents, who were harassed by the police. I don't know what the law or police manuals say but common sense says you don't question or try to intimidate a sober person for having a beer in their hand unless you have reasonable cause. Looking like you are under 25 years of age is not reasonable cause.
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How do the "big time" schools handle it?
Although MD is not considered a big-time football school i can tell you that many of their kids (mostly the frat/sorority crowd) also never make it in from the parking lot or from their houses where the tailgates start early into the game. My kid managed to go to 2 games in 4 years though he was often part of the tail gate scene. Cops at UMD are probably a bit more lenient than what others above have described at RU but their presence is still very obvious.
This issue has been discussed ad nauseum on this board. But you are mistaken if you think that only rowdy students who brought attention to themselves were targeted by the police. I know a few young adults of legal age, who were tailgating with their middle-aged parents, who were harassed by the police. I don't know what the law or police manuals say but common sense says you don't question or try to intimidate a sober person for having a beer in their hand unless you have reasonable cause. Looking like you are under 25 years of age is not reasonable cause.

On Saturday, MCSheriff officer carded a 26 year old in our crowd that was mostly group of 50 some year olds. I can assure you that he was not drunk and was doing nothing rowdy or wrong in any way. But he WAS sipping a beer. This is harassment. No basis for carding him and making him go to the car to locate his wallet. And what if he did not have his ID with him? Do they arrest because they SUSPECT he may be under 21?
They have successfully stopped the rowdy student parties in the blue lot. But they are obviously not satisfied with that. They still seem to enjoy harassing people who are not doing anything wrong. Maybe they get an incentive for every $700 fine they can collect?
Incidentally, the RU police came by first and they were friendly and polite. They told me that the sheriffs had not yet arrived but would probably come through soon. Sure enough...
I can tell you that the ND campus and South Bend police do not bother anyone at tailgates unless of course there is a fight or some other trouble. Underage students drink openly in the parking lots and almost every single one goes into the game. No ticketing or carding
MCSD came through the front of the Blue Lot only once, and pretty late into the afternoon on Friday. Rutgers PD rode their ATV through the front row once as well.

Last night at the Chris Ash Radio Show, Ash, Blazek and Dorian Miller all commented about how loud the crowd was and how it pumped the team up. Additionally, Miller said that Washington had a difficult time hearing their play calling because of the crowd. That was from a partially empty stadium. Our stadium, despite it being smaller than so many other B1G stadiums is deafening. Those guys on ATV's should be harassing the people staying in the lots and not going into the games.
Although MD is not considered a big-time football school i can tell you that many of their kids (mostly the frat/sorority crowd) also never make it in from the parking lot or from their houses where the tailgates start early into the game. My kid managed to go to 2 games in 4 years though he was often part of the tail gate scene. Cops at UMD are probably a bit more lenient than what others above have described at RU but their presence is still very obvious.
I partied once or twice at the College Park dorms back in 2001 after I had graduated RU and was working in the area, and a friend of mine was a student there. Calling it "bit more lenient" is being kind. They were loud & obnoxious parties, with students spilling out into common areas, cars pulling up & leaving, etc. And this was on-campus housing. I was astonished and quite jealous.
Actually it is reasonable cause.
If every cop chased everything the book classified as reasonable cause everywhere, we would need 1000x times number of officers. As it is, they can use discretion so as not to occupy finite police resources on petty issues such as a 20 year old holding a beer, when a fight could be about to take place a block away.
Police have successfully ended the crazy parties in the blue lot. Why do they keep harassing people there? Walking up and down the lines is fine but why card people where there is no sign of any trouble? And not some party with bunch of 20 somethings but group of men and women mostly aged 50+ who were harboring a 26 year old. I don't get it. Serves no purpose except to annoy and turn folks off

This. Blue Lot got neutered in 2014 when a bunch of people got bumped out of Green, Yellow, etc and were upset at the atmosphere of Blue. Bitched their asses off to the AD and a lot that was already policed heavily turned into overkill. Students started getting harassed big time, said F this and decided to party in their houses at home and a lot now stay home because they lose track of time and are 40 minutes from the stadium or don't want to make the effort to walk 10 minutes to the student center, wait 10 minutes for a bus, wait 10 minutes to get to the stadium etc.

But of course I will get told this is nonsense, I don't know what I am talking about. Not like I speak to 50+ students every week...

Blue is a library now and frankly I'll probably just pay up and move next year.
Simply letting underage drinking go on without caring or rules will eventually will lead to tragedy.

If you're worried about tragedy ... then you should see the snapchat and instagram videos of the on-campus parties on gameday that have took the tailgating lots place. Hundreds of students piled into NB backyards, many standing on rooftops or the like. And instead of doing that for 3 hours in a lot .. they skip the game and continue it for as long as they can go.

They need to get some sort of Alley option back going for the 21+ year olds. Make it a cool environment where they hire a DJ, let the kids pile in and bring their kegs. And when the game starts you shut it down. The challenge there is that even most 21+ year olds will skip it because the younger students can't join, but that doesn't stop the NB bars from being packed on Sat nights. So I think if you make it a cool enough draw and give them enough freedom with oversight only for dangerous things .. then you actually curtail some of the on-campus partying and make it fun to tailgate and go to the games again.
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My Lord our fans can literally RUIN anything positive. That was a great tweet, Buy three student athletes for their fellow students, and in less than 3 post to turn this into bitchfest!!. SMDH.

Thank you Dorian, Saquan, and Kyle! Hopefully your message gets out loud and clear and the students come out loud and in large numbers this Saturday!
This. Blue Lot got neutered in 2014 when a bunch of people got bumped out of Green, Yellow, etc and were upset at the atmosphere of Blue. Bitched their asses off to the AD and a lot that was already policed heavily turned into overkill. Students started getting harassed big time, said F this and decided to party in their houses at home and a lot now stay home because they lose track of time and are 40 minutes from the stadium or don't want to make the effort to walk 10 minutes to the student center, wait 10 minutes for a bus, wait 10 minutes to get to the stadium etc.

But of course I will get told this is nonsense, I don't know what I am talking about. Not like I speak to 50+ students every week...

Blue is a library now and frankly I'll probably just pay up and move next year.

Maybe in the back of the lot. In the front of the lot it is pretty good and fun, but responsible.

I don't get this notion that every party needs to some out of control rager to be a good time. I get it I've been that age to, but the disrespect we got from the kids 3 years ago was far beyond anything ever dealt with and I have been in Blue lot for the better part of 20 years and have seen both sides.

Again cause and effect. From 2006-2012 there was a police presence, but the kids also knew, at the time it was in the front of the lot, to stay contained in an area and they were left alone.

What happened the year the shit hit the fan was that about 5 hours before game time a box truck or couple of pickup trucks would show up with 50 cases of beer and ice, and a PA System, no food or real semblance or structure of a tailgate like in years past, and kids would show up get hammered then disperse through the lot and act like arrogant drunk idiots harassing opposing and Home fans, taking food from other tailgates ( I personally witnessed this at my tailgate) , pissing on cars (Again personally experience on MY CAR), and being general overall pricks.

Do you expect people who spend upwards of $1000 in donations to park in that lot to just turn their heads and say " Hey there kids".

I am far from a get off my lawn kind of person, but when does one reach a breaking point to where it is detrimental to thousands of paying customers and their own experience?

There is no debate in my opinion, THEY the students Ruined it for themselves.

They acted like locusts and were treated like the plague they were and now the current student body suffers due to it.

This was not just one or 2 groups that called them out it was hundreds of people over the span of several weeks of the same behavior, and what we have now is the result.
Maybe in the back of the lot. In the front of the lot it is pretty good and fun, but responsible.

I don't get this notion that every party needs to some out of control rager to be a good time. I get it I've been that age to, but the disrespect we got from the kids 3 years ago was far beyond anything ever dealt with and I have been in Blue lot for the better part of 20 years and have seen both sides.

Again cause and effect. From 2006-2012 there was a police presence, but the kids also knew, at the time it was in the front of the lot, to stay contained in an area and they were left alone.

What happened the year the shit hit the fan was that about 5 hours before game time a box truck or couple of pickup trucks would show up with 50 cases of beer and ice, and a PA System, no food or real semblance or structure of a tailgate like in years past, and kids would show up get hammered then disperse through the lot and act like arrogant drunk idiots harassing opposing and Home fans, taking food from other tailgates ( I personally witnessed this at my tailgate) , pissing on cars (Again personally experience on MY CAR), and being general overall pricks.

Do you expect people who spend upwards of $1000 in donations to park in that lot to just turn their heads and say " Hey there kids".

I am far from a get off my lawn kind of person, but when does one reach a breaking point to where it is detrimental to thousands of paying customers and their own experience?

There is no debate in my opinion, THEY the students Ruined it for themselves.

They acted like locusts and were treated like the plague they were and now the current student body suffers due to it.

This was not just one or 2 groups that called them out it was hundreds of people over the span of several weeks of the same behavior, and what we have now is the result.

I never liked that behavior but you act like the "rent a U-Haul truck" just magically appeared in 2014. It was going on for years and years. The difference is the people who paid to be in Blue knew what they were getting into, knew there would be people like that sometimes...the people who got bumped into Blue in 2014 had no idea of what they walked into. Notwithstanding, just because you have a few jackasses doesn't mean you destroy your student game day experience but lo and behold that is what Julie Hermann and loud complainers helped do. I have been repeating the same crap for 3 years now. Responsibility needs to come from both sides but something needs to be done.
I never liked that behavior but you act like the "rent a U-Haul truck" just magically appeared in 2014. It was going on for years and years. The difference is the people who paid to be in Blue knew what they were getting into, knew there would be people like that sometimes...the people who got bumped into Blue in 2014 had no idea of what they walked into. Notwithstanding, just because you have a few jackasses doesn't mean you destroy your student game day experience but lo and behold that is what Julie Hermann and loud complainers helped do. I have been repeating the same crap for 3 years now. Responsibility needs to come from both sides but something needs to be done.

The main difference?

Up to that point people were also not donating money by the thousands and could pretty much get blue lot for no money down. Cost of the lot goes up, so do the standards. Couple that with a large new season ticket holder base at the start of the Big Ten entrance and you have people who also did not know what they were getting into. Expecting things not to change as the culture around the program changes is short sighted on your part. Things evolve.
It's scary that adults even need to worry and spend time on this topic. We just can't let go of our kids anymore and let them figure out their own life... a huge shame. Creating the softest, most over-guarded generation of people probably in history
Now to the present.

The vast majority of Rutgers seniors were freshmen in 2014. They never saw the crazy, raucous blue lot of 2012 and 2013.
What they do remember is the alley.

It would be nice to find a way to make the alley both attractive for students to attend, and safe.

Totally can get behind this
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I never liked that behavior but you act like the "rent a U-Haul truck" just magically appeared in 2014. It was going on for years and years. The difference is the people who paid to be in Blue knew what they were getting into, knew there would be people like that sometimes...the people who got bumped into Blue in 2014 had no idea of what they walked into. Notwithstanding, just because you have a few jackasses doesn't mean you destroy your student game day experience but lo and behold that is what Julie Hermann and loud complainers helped do. I have been repeating the same crap for 3 years now. Responsibility needs to come from both sides but something needs to be done.

the issue is that in the past students tailgated but it was dispersed in groups, what was happening was incredibly large groups totalling over 100-250 people..that changes everything, it just does. I do not get the thing that all students have to go to one spot just because, its got to be something unique to this generation because in the past students were just fine when they kept in down in numbers, now its just about being able to be part of a group of 500...they ruined it for themselves because they were so disrespectful and obnoxious..thats the bottom line
Hey skoolie
where do you tailgate
I want to bring 100 of my friends to take your food and piss
on you're vehicle
You're OK with that, right?

I think the MCSherriffs are jerks
We had a 20 year old with our group in Yellow last year
get cited. Quiet tailgate, mostly 40-50 year olds, no rowdy behavior.
There was no reason to card and ticket this "kid" who was tailgating with his parents.
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The students came our pretty well against Washington ...though the left a bit early for my taste...not saying that they needed to be there at the end, but they didn't have to exit in mass when they did

Then again...can say that about everyone else

Win and they stay....see 2015 Michigan state