A few thoughts. This stuff is probably right on the line & probably crossed over sometimes. The husband may have been a problem. As for old school, I may be the most or one of the most representative of that school on the Board.
Freshman year in college,1960, I was playing football on the JV team. Freshmen couldn't play varsity sports then. We had a former Marine who had coached the Ethiopian track team as our coach. Didn't know shit about football. One day in practice he ripped the helmet off our best running back by far & smashed him across the face. Guy was an older married guy with 2 kids. Very quiet, no wise guy. Have no idea what he may have done. No repercussion whatsoever. After practice & after the backs kicking the shit out of each other running through dummies in endless tackling drills, we would run, culminating in God knows how many wind sprints. Then we had to run up a very long steep hill to our lockers in the athletic building. If you stopped or paused you were kicked off the team. You could crawl however. Guys would be throwing up, crawling through their own puke. Adage-when you don't know how to coach run the piss out of them. How's that for old school?
Played baseball forever. Don't see the point or value of baseball or softball players running endless wind sprints. Maybe Zappa can weigh in on this. Was at an RU baseball practice last year & after practice Littero had these guys run wind sprints. I don't mean some wind sprints but f--n endless wind sprints. Guys doubled over. I thought what the hell is the point of this. Someone is going to get hurt. Sure enough a good ball player, a starter, pulls up with a bad hammie. Then another guy. These coaches buy into all the current fads & practices, many without any positive value.