Source? Or are you just making shit up again?
And are you really going to say Tillet is now one of the best dining halls? How possibly could you know this?
There was a spike in admissions after 2006, which was attributed mostly to football.
“Rutgers’ success on the football field has prompted many people to take a closer look at the university.”
In the world of recruitment and admission, awareness counts for a lot, and senior admissions counselor Shalonda Tanner has noticed the difference. “It seems as if we’re getting a lot more buy-in to the Rutgers brand, and as a marketer of the university trying to attract quality candidates for admission, it is helping us. We couldn’t even pay for the publicity that we’re getting,” Tanner said.
Athletic success highlights academic quality, boosts pride
Tillet has actually been renovated and the dining hall has been relocated to behind the student center. Here’s a TikTok video.