Rutgers vs Eastern Michigan / Game Thread

but I won't give up completely or surrender hope for victory against anyone
but getting harder to follow the way team is looking now [eyeroll]
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Hayes needs to quit it already. He's been getting beat all day and he's still acting like a punk
We're losing at home to Eastern Michigan and you're worried about what the press will say?
Jerry Kill is a big name coach.
Former B10 coach of the year.
Do you think he forgot how to coach in 3 years?
Jerry Kill is a big name coach.
Former B10 coach of the year.
Do you think he forgot how to coach in 3 years?

Which tells you exactly what you need to know about why a big name coach wouldnt want to come here, to be the head coach. This is a VERY tough job. It's akin to being the GM of the New York Mets with the Wilpons as your bosses. It's like, impossible.
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