Sagarin has RU at 112 and EMU at 104 Cosgrove computer has us as a 14 pt. underdog. It also picks Western Mich. over Mich. St, and Ohio U over Purdue by 8.
Is that still around?

Apparently, yes. Dunkel has us ranked at 109 vs 94 for EMU -- about 6.8 index points below them. (we're about 45 below Washington for what that's worth!). Since we lost to Washington by 16, Dunkel is off by 29 points -- which, when adjusted by my biased opinion, would make us about 22 point favorites over EMU using transitive math!
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If you use rating system and home field RU a 1.5 favorite.

This has been covered on this board many times before in many prior seasons. Sagarin uses last year's data until there's enough data for this year. That would explain the ranking based on our horrible performance last year.
Predictions are BS. We'll find out how the game goes on Saturday and we'll know a bit more about our team after the game.
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I prefer the "you can't measure anything based on the incompetence of Drew Mehringer and I know what I saw last week" Index....

Loaded up at -3.5 and would still lay 4.5 if I could find it.......
We were down at least 14 if not 21 to NM.

If not for Grant it's a big loss.

What ?
We were down by 14 at the end of the 1st Qtr. We outscored NM 21-0 in the 2nd Qtr and were up by 7 at half and never looked back. All this with a FCS level QB at best running the RU offense.

NM would easily beat Eastern Michigan . The game Saturday will be not be close.
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There have been calls for E.Mich to cut their program.

If we lose to them, we should.
you guys made me go look up Eastern Michigan and see why you are so fuxing scared of them...cripes- they went 7-6 4-4 in the MAC...Even our shitty team last year would have done at least that well with their schedule last year. This year, they gave up nearly 200 yds on the ground in their first game.
Our OL and DL just went against some very big and very good lines at Washington and not only held their own but may have outplayed them for 3 qtrs.

Any team can win or lose any given week. Just ask UNLV and Baylor...but we should not lose to EMU on our home field. We should actually win this pretty big.
There have been calls for E.Mich to cut their program.

If we lose to them, we should.

If the game at home against Eastern Michigan is close and then we only have 2 wins this year.
Certainly not the direction the Program needs to be heading.
you guys made me go look up Eastern Michigan and see why you are so fuxing scared of them...cripes- they went 7-6 4-4 in the MAC...Even our shitty team last year would have done at least that well with their schedule last year. This year, they gave up nearly 200 yds on the ground in their first game.
Our OL and DL just went against some very big and very good lines at Washington and not only held their own but may have outplayed them for 3 qtrs.

Any team can win or lose any given week. Just ask UNLV and Baylor...but we should not lose to EMU on our home field. We should actually win this pretty big.
Most sane people are predicting us to win. Just that the score differential will not be big. With the deliberate plodding nature of this new offense, we might be able to keep scores close against the big boys, but we've yet to see whether Bolin can stretch the field and/or score fast if we happen to be down early. In fact, that 2-minute drill at the end of the first half was an unmitigated disaster as we left a TO on the field.
Apparently, yes. Dunkel has us ranked at 109 vs 94 for EMU -- about 6.8 index points below them. (we're about 45 below Washington for what that's worth!). Since we lost to Washington by 16, Dunkel is off by 29 points -- which, when adjusted by my biased opinion, would make us about 22 point favorites over EMU using transitive math!
That sounds about right.
So Eastern Michigan is that good? Wow! I was hoping we would have a home field edge. This is a must win game for Rutgers football.
Geez Trap, NO they are NOT that good, yes they went to a Bowl, but mostly by default, of an easy schedule. Just like we used to do during the Schiano days.
I prefer my own research, which is based on research, athletic abilities, schemes, our core against theirs(DLine & OLines), and of course coaching. Look at that as a whole and you will have a pretty good idea of our chances.
I thought we had a chance with Washington, and came really close. This team has one positive note, they have a decent QB. But, that's it. The rest of the team is good but MAC good, and regardless of what all the hype is about MAC teams, they are all still inferior to the Division I teams(all of them). To lose to any one of them by a Div.I team is just unexcusable. We should win this game by 2 TD's.
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So Eastern Michigan is that good? Wow! I was hoping we would have a home field edge. This is a must win game for Rutgers football.
Every game is a must win game for Rutgers football if you are a die hard fan.
this is a big game to win in Ash rebuild plans..and his long term job security. Ten game losing streak needs to end Saturday.
Unacceptable in any year for this to happen. EM should have won more handily based on what I saw