Let's simplify ..........
When people were "lynched" for saying anything negative about Flood, did you come to their rescue and denounced the "mob lynching" then?
There were basically three factions of forum members during the positoid/negatoid wars.
One group was mostly neutral, didn't love or hate Flood, wasn't giving a lot of thought to his long term potential and mostly just wanted to enjoy the wins and put the losses behind us. I never wanted Flood as the coach right from the start, but I still fit into this group because I wanted to just get as much entertainment and enjoyment as I could from the season.
Another group could loosely be called Flood supporters who, for whatever their reasons, took it personally when people had negative things to say about Flood, recruiting, etc. Some in this group were pretty extreme about attacking forum members that had negative things to say. Some of those extremists actually wanted to ban some forum members for their negative thoughts, to which I voiced my opposition.
And the third group of people could loosely be called Flood haters who, for whatever their reasons, were constantly negative about anything football related while Flood was coaching. Some in this group were pretty extreme too and would take every opportunity to piss all over anything positive anybody said. I posted a couple times about how it was kind of crappy of the extremists here to continuously rain on everybody's parade.
Anyway, in that situation, the negatoid vs. positoid wars, the extremists on both sides were a relatively small, overly loud segment of our population that seemed relatively balanced in numbers. Not exactly a lynch mob. Although I'm sure those on both sides felt like they were being lynched due to all the attack-minded posts.
This situation is very different. Almost nobody here thinks Flood is the right guy for the job. There are at most a large handful that might be in favor of retaining him as coach. Everybody else, the overwhelmingly vast majority are in agreement that we want a better coaching staff and that Flood's not the guy.
The problem is that there is a growing faction of that vast majority that seem unable to control their blood lust for Flood's firing. They constantly seek out any minute detail of Flood's behavior to demonize and pile on. And that faction attacks anybody that says anything that can be in any way loosely construed as less than 100% anti-Flood.
This faction of people is almost entirely unopposed about wanting to fire Flood. Yet the faction of Flood haters keeps making posts demonizing this imaginary enemy, the "Floodies". Putting aside the fact that people should have a right to support who they want without being attacked, virtually nobody is posting that Flood should stay. One or two people maybe. A statistical irrelevance.
At this point, the Flood bashing posts have moved beyond argument, because there's nobody left that any amount of argument here will convince, and are now all about lynching Flood or burning him in effigy. It's a lynch mob.