SIAP: CLASSY move by RU Basketball

Ok Hillary!
sounds like you're buying the hamberders

That said: sad that something meant to be a nice gesture turns into a political argument.
It’s not a nice gesture that’s the whole point!!! Its a political statement
There are approximately 6000 federal employees who reside in the state of NJ,
The shutdown impacts 30% of Fed employees nationally
In the state we are possibly talking about 2,000 employees at most
Of those 2000 how many live within 30 minutes of Rutgers say 500,
Of that 500 how many are Rutgers b-ball fans? say 50. Of that 50 how many would have an interest in the Grand Gesture 5, maybe and probably 0..but let’s say 5
Make a big statement for 5 possible interested parties
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Can we keep the petty politics out of this? C’mon.
Dude. You can’t make a comment like this, with an avatar like that.

Just makes you look like a complete fool. Or NPC. Whichever you would prefer.
Dude. You can’t make a comment like this, with an avatar like that.

Just makes you look like a complete fool. Or NPC. Whichever you would prefer.
You Trump worshippers call us “snowflakes” and yet, you get offended by an avatar. Lol! I changed the pic so that your panties don’t get bunched up too much. You’re welcome.
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You Trump worshippers call us “snowflakes” and yet, you get offended by an avatar. Lol! I changed the pic so that your panties don’t get bunched up too much. You’re welcome.
No one got offended. Everyone just called you a moron for making that statement while having that avatar. It doesn’t make sense. It’s a free country, keep the avatar if you want, no one gives a crap.

And I’m far from a trump worshipper. Do I support him? Yes. Am I also a normal human being that has the ability to disagree with him at times? Yes.

I swear to god this country is getting more and more dumb. No one has the ability to think for themselves anymore.
And useless, racist, douchebag, government workers like you.
What a little bitch you are, coming after Government workers like that while they're working to protect you for free. I'm not a Government worker, but I'd love to chop your little bitch ass up and feed you to them while they're being screwed by this senile orange POS.
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Good point, That is unexplainable, fed buercratic employees missing a pay check that they will eventually receive vs military They are equivalent
And liberal Rutgers university drawing attention to the political issue around it.
Yes not politics you are right. Next free tix to anyone who has broken the law to get into the USA
Now that would be a sell out, or is it a give out?

You might be the smallest-minded person I've yet to see post on these boards with these comments and you're abuse of the English language doesn't reflect well on you either. Congrats.
What a little bitch you are, coming after Government workers like that while they're working to protect you for free. I'm not a Government worker, but I'd love to chop your little bitch ass up and feed you to them while they're being screwed by this senile orange POS.
Ooh. Internet tough guy. I'm shaking...
Even actions that ae intended to be nice can be turned into a political issue making the left and right crowds go for each other's throats.

Why can't people accept a nice gesture without bring the usual hate that political discussions on this board usually turn into.

If Rutgers is being political, does that mean every food-bank, restaurant and charitable organizations set up to help federal workers are politicizing those federal employees missing paychecks and some struggling financially because of not having money coming in?
Or is what their doing just trying to to help them survive during their dark days and bring a little sunshine in their lives when they need a little help from others?

Seems like some just look for reasons to hate and find fault in just about anyone or thing they can. Instead of looking for what's nice about someone/thing and let what could be considered a nice action stay that way in people's minds, instead of pushing it as a political agenda .