Start Lewis Against Morgan State


Jul 27, 2001
Metuchen, NJ
Redshirt has been burned already. Season is about to go in the crapper. Bolin has been a slightly better version of Laviano, but not what we need to win more than 3-4 games. Lewis is clearly the future. Why not start him and see what he can do in a real game, not a practice? With the green jersey, the coaches can't really assess his full performance, as the scrambling and running games can't be properly evaluated.

If he does great, start him against Nebraska, opening up the full offense, and make them defend 11 guys, not 10. It might not work great, but we've seen plenty of talented true frosh, light it up, so why not for us? I'm sure many people will disagree with doing this, but we've never really tried this with a freshman dual threat QB (or at least not since McMahon, where he clearly showed he was the best QB we had). That's what I would do.
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Lewis could be good but he can also become the next DC Jefferson. The downside would be killing Bolin's confidence and totally losing the team if the kid fails or even worse gets a major injury. I see a bigger possibility for failure. A lost team will lose games to PSU, and OSU by 50 rather than less than 20 like the Udub game. If the kid was ready to be the next Lamar Jackson or Vince Young, the coaches would have seen it by now.
Agree with the op. Its pretty evident that Bolin isn't going to win you games anyway... and for the past 2 games, you can partially blame him for the losses directly for his boneheaded interceptions which basically undermine the point of starting a 5th year transfer instead of inexperienced younger players like Gio and Jonathan.

As far as Bolin "losing confidence" that'd be on him, and he'd be most respected if he took the benching well by mentoring Lewis or Gio to be better. Its pretty obvious that he's not going to be an NFL QB anyway, so do what is best for the team. He hasn't performed up to par and was piss poor against a mediocre opponent in EMU after throwing a killer INT against Washington when the defense was beating up on Browning which gave Washington their momentum to put the game out of reach.
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very bad idea.Give him playing time in this game?
This team did not score a point in game#1 vrs Towson University.
Start Bolin but make it known that Lewis will get, say, the first drive of the second quarter. Just to get his feet wet early in a game.
Ash can't risk a bad start to this game, let alone a loss, so I doubt #11 sees the field unless/until RU has safe lead.

RU needs to score, obviously, and Lewis handing the ball off doesn't achieve that.
Good god, no!

I'd rather Gio get put in for the 3rd quarter, followed by Lewis in the 4th quarter.
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The basement of the offense will be determined by the offensive line.
The ceiling, by the QB & skill players.

Right now, it looks like we're building a bunker...
KB should start and be given the first quarter and first 7-8 minutes of the 2nd quarter to prove he deserves to remain the starter. Gio comes in around the 8 minute mark of 2nd quart and plays all the 3rd.
4th quarter Lewis takes charge for game time experience .
How KB & Gio look during their time in game has whoever looks better between them earn the starting nod the next game against the Cornhuskers.

Lewis should be getting some playing time in the games and not just a play or two. Playing a quarter against an opponent like Morgan St is a good way to get him ready to
Bolin deserves another chance, but Gio based on being starter last year deserves a chance to win back being RU's starting QB until Lewis is ready to take over this season or shows he isn't a better choice than KB or Gio.
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More important that Gio gets reps. Hopefully we open a large margin and everyone plays. But the offense currently is among the worst in the country and needs a spark. Can Gio or Lewis do that? Remains to be seen. Probably not.
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Lewis needs to see some meaningful snaps but Ash may lose the locker room if he started Lewis over the team appointed captain after just two starts...Plus RutgerAl announced Bolin as the savior just two weeks ago...
The OP should stick with weather predictions... Bolin needs to be the QB starting on Saturday... Gio and Lewis both need to play with the emphasis on Jon Lewis...Curious to see if Kill being ill after the hit caused much of the confusion with the Oline and offense in general... I suggest we open it up ... good or bad...Pound the rock... spread the is well expected to take 3-4 years to become a middle of the pack in the B1G eastern division... if it happens sooner more power to the staff and players...
We do go through this each year. His redshirt is burned. One play does that. A medical redshirt is still available but a totally different situation. That would require a season ending injury by a certain amount of games played. I believe it's 4 games
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This is not an exhibition game where we can feel free to rotate quarterbacks at will. This, unfortunately, is our best chance to win this year, and we'd damn better. We will be a laughing stock if we don't.

The offense is geared to KB's skills; Gio doesn't strike me as the same kind of dropback passer. And my understanding is that Lewis made mental mistakes on his two runs last week (didn't Ash say that), and so I don't think he's ready yet for a big role.

I think everyone is exaggerating the importance of the QB. We had other offensive problems last week, such as our receivers not getting open, and weird playcalling that switched away from the run just as the run was achieving success.
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Lewis could suffer a hangnail before his 4th game and get his Red Shirt rubber stamped.
The OP should stick with weather predictions... Bolin needs to be the QB starting on Saturday... Gio and Lewis both need to play with the emphasis on Jon Lewis...Curious to see if Kill being ill after the hit caused much of the confusion with the Oline and offense in general... I suggest we open it up ... good or bad...Pound the rock... spread the is well expected to take 3-4 years to become a middle of the pack in the B1G eastern division... if it happens sooner more power to the staff and players...

I'm with Bob.
vkj91 said:
First, his redshirt is not burned. Why do we have to go through this exercise every season.
Second, he's going to play but won't start. Nor should he
Why is his redshirt not burned vk?
I think he means Lewis can redshirt as a soph, Jr or senior and that's why his redshirt wasn't burnt.
Lewis just can't be redshirted this season.
A lot of people think after a players freshman year they can't redshirt except for medical reasons, that is wrong.
Matt Scott of the U of A redshirted his senior year (2011) ( not medical) because he stood a better chance of starting in 2012 after Nick Foles eligibility expired after the 2011 season ended.
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Maybe he could but not that easy. It's by the 4th game of the season not his 4th game. We also were talking about a normal redshirt being burned I thought.
Very unlikely Jon Lewis would agree to a redshirt post freshman year. He would transfer over that option. He will not redshirt in 2017 unless he gets hurt the next couple of games. And he will not redshirt at RU in the future. When was the last time we had a QB redshirt post frosh year? Never. You guys over analyze things.
Ash can't risk a bad start to this game, let alone a loss, so I doubt #11 sees the field unless/until RU has safe lead.

RU needs to score, obviously, and Lewis handing the ball off doesn't achieve that.
Who said anything about just handing off. Give the most talented QB we have on the roster the keys and watch him go, mistakes and all. There's zero chance of losing this game no matter who plays QB, so my thinking is let's see if he's as good as advertised when they take the green jersey off (which the staff has really never seen).

I'd like to see Ash realize he needs to play with some gamble, not to try to just keep scores close. Let Hollywood and Tom Cruise be your guide. What could go wrong?

Very unlikely Jon Lewis would agree to a redshirt post freshman year. He would transfer over that option. He will not redshirt in 2017 unless he gets hurt the next couple of games. And he will not redshirt at RU in the future. When was the last time we had a QB redshirt post frosh year? Never. You guys over analyze things.

Absolutely. People arguing that his RS isn't burnt are being didactic - there's no situation where he redshirts in the future, outside of a major injury early in the year, so his playing one play last week, for all intents and purposes, burned his redshirt.
Agree with the op. Its pretty evident that Bolin isn't going to win you games anyway... and for the past 2 games, you can partially blame him for the losses directly for his boneheaded interceptions which basically undermine the point of starting a 5th year transfer instead of inexperienced younger players like Gio and Jonathan.

As far as Bolin "losing confidence" that'd be on him, and he'd be most respected if he took the benching well by mentoring Lewis or Gio to be better. Its pretty obvious that he's not going to be an NFL QB anyway, so do what is best for the team. He hasn't performed up to par and was piss poor against a mediocre opponent in EMU after throwing a killer INT against Washington when the defense was beating up on Browning which gave Washington their momentum to put the game out of reach.

Seems that you don't realize that most interceptions are caused by wide receivers running the wrong route & is not the fault of the QB, & considering that nearly every one of RU's WR's are new to the team I will let you figure who is at fault for the INT's
Only Janarion Grant, Juwan Harris ,Jerome Washington and maybe Doo Wop Mitchell are experienced ... the other 4-5 guys are trying to learn in the fly... put Bolin with Louisville's WR 's and you better believe he would look like a Heisman candidate... Put a Sanu, Britt etc out there and we'll get separation...
Remember no excuses but Cole was not 100%...Dorian was out of whack ...Kill was out... let's see if we can improve 25-30% this week if we can't it'll be a looooooong winter on the banks.
Let's hope Lewis and Rescigno are both going to be able to get some serious play... what has always happened is we never get up 3-4 scores before the mid point of the 2nd better not have plan to far ahead.
And what do you do in week 3? Are you going to have 2, possibly 3, QBs unsure of their role on this year's team? IMHO a supremely bad idea. Start Bolin and let the team score some points. What would ideal would be to be in control at the half and give both Gio and Lewis multiple series in the 2nd half with minimal pressure.
And what do you do in week 3? Are you going to have 2, possibly 3, QBs unsure of their role on this year's team? IMHO a supremely bad idea. Start Bolin and let the team score some points. What would ideal would be to be in control at the half and give both Gio and Lewis multiple series in the 2nd half with minimal pressure.

Because they are scoring so many points with Bolin. Why don't we wait until game 8, where we have a demoralized 1-7 team averaging 14 points per game.. that strategy worked so well for us the past couple years
This is not an exhibition game where we can feel free to rotate quarterbacks at will. This, unfortunately, is our best chance to win this year, and we'd damn better. We will be a laughing stock if we don't.

The offense is geared to KB's skills; Gio doesn't strike me as the same kind of dropback passer. And my understanding is that Lewis made mental mistakes on his two runs last week (didn't Ash say that), and so I don't think he's ready yet for a big role.

I think everyone is exaggerating the importance of the QB. We had other offensive problems last week, such as our receivers not getting open, and weird playcalling that switched away from the run just as the run was achieving success.

Also putting in Lewis for that second play was a huge blunder. That killed momentum that the team had, which I would argue was the most of the day.

Lewis is can be great, but correctly execute a pretty simple read, I am not sure he is ready to drop back and work through progressions hitting receivers that aren't getting open.
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Who said anything about just handing off. Give the most talented QB we have on the roster the keys and watch him go, mistakes and all. There's zero chance of losing this game no matter who plays QB, so my thinking is let's see if he's as good as advertised when they take the green jersey off (which the staff has really never seen).

I'd like to see Ash realize he needs to play with some gamble, not to try to just keep scores close. Let Hollywood and Tom Cruise be your guide. What could go wrong?

what could go wrong? Well, uh, we might lose the game?

The "he'll just hand the ball off" belief is based on the possibility that Lewis is just not ready to run a pass offense. I sure hope he learns; I don't want a repeat of last year with a freshman QB who couldn't do anything but run.
Lewis will come in on 2nd and 9 from the opponents 34 yard line and will either hand off or run. Then he will jog off the field and Bolin will throw an incomplete pass on 3rd.

For Christ's sake man, learn our offense.
Lewis will come in on 2nd and 9 from the opponents 34 yard line and will either hand off or run. Then he will jog off the field and Bolin will throw an incomplete pass on 3rd.

For Christ's sake man, learn our offense.

I think everyone on the board agrees that was a terrible play call. I would think the time to insert Lewis is on a first down. But I'm not a football expert, and presumably Ash and Kill both are.
Only Janarion Grant, Juwan Harris ,Jerome Washington and maybe Doo Wop Mitchell are experienced ... the other 4-5 guys are trying to learn in the fly... put Bolin with Louisville's WR 's and you better believe he would look like a Heisman candidate... Put a Sanu, Britt etc out there and we'll get separation...

Grant barely practiced in summer camp rehabbing from ankle injury, Harris missed most of camp with a bad back, not much experience with the new QB