Start Lewis Against Morgan State

Agree with the op. Its pretty evident that Bolin isn't going to win you games anyway... and for the past 2 games, you can partially blame him for the losses directly for his boneheaded interceptions which basically undermine the point of starting a 5th year transfer instead of inexperienced younger players like Gio and Jonathan.

As far as Bolin "losing confidence" that'd be on him, and he'd be most respected if he took the benching well by mentoring Lewis or Gio to be better. Its pretty obvious that he's not going to be an NFL QB anyway, so do what is best for the team. He hasn't performed up to par and was piss poor against a mediocre opponent in EMU after throwing a killer INT against Washington when the defense was beating up on Browning which gave Washington their momentum to put the game out of reach.
We got nothing more to's obvious he's not a difference making can see that even in a's a swagger/confidence even in losing as they learn...EMU told me all I needed to know about Bolin and what we can expect..
You know best, the coach who said this at the TD Club meeting last night is wrong & you are correct....moron

Ya think he was protecting his QB by saying that ?????? Brilliant study you are.
You are just too stupid to understand a private conversation about all the inexperienced wide receivers.
is that all you have, calling two different posters stupid for criticizing Bolin for throwing into quadruple coverage and the coach obviously having his back when questioned about it? LOL
see my last post

What was Joseph's injury?

The rules are pretty clear. You need a documented season ending injury. The athlete must be unable to play. That would be impossible to reconcile with the athlete particpating in practice as a "full go." Maybe with a green jersey, if the injury is something that results in the doctors saying no contact. I would like the example of where the staff "made up" a minor injury and used it as justification for a waiver. People always say it happens. I don't know the examples though.

This is really much more common than you guys think. Look how many kids we read about in the SEC getting "forced out" with injuries. You really think all those kids have legit career ending injuries?

I don't know kids getting forced off scholarship with an alleged career ending injury has any bearing at all on a Medical Hardship Waiver. Maybe I miss your point.
A medical hardship had to be documented by a medical doctor. A medical doctor is not going to risk their career on some bogus injury to protect the career of a football player.
Lewis could be good but he can also become the next DC Jefferson. The downside would be killing Bolin's confidence and totally losing the team if the kid fails or even worse gets a major injury. I see a bigger possibility for failure. A lost team will lose games to PSU, and OSU by 50 rather than less than 20 like the Udub game. If the kid was ready to be the next Lamar Jackson or Vince Young, the coaches would have seen it by now.

Nobody even wants to consider the possibility that Lewis could be D.C. Jefferson who was higher rated coming out of high school. Lewis and Oden were rated exactly the same coming out of HS. There were calls for Oden to start last year until we actually saw him play. I think Lewis is good but there's a possibility he's not. Everyone acts like it's a foreigner conclusin that he's Cam Newton.
Nobody even wants to consider the possibility that Lewis could be D.C. Jefferson who was higher rated coming out of high school. Lewis and Oden were rated exactly the same coming out of HS. There were calls for Oden to start last year until we actually saw him play. I think Lewis is good but there's a possibility he's not. Everyone acts like it's a foreigner conclusin that he's Cam Newton.

Was Newton a foreigner? I don't remember.

I'm not unsympathetic to your point. But I think that's just one of about five reasons why he shouldn't start.
Was Newton a foreigner? I don't remember.

I'm not unsympathetic to your point. But I think that's just one of about five reasons why he shouldn't start.

BTW, I think Lewis should start. Bolin just isn't very good. I don't even think he's better than Gio.
You know best, the coach who said this at the TD Club meeting last night is wrong & you are correct....moron
It is very hard to watch a game and know why a pass was incomplete or intercepted.

I forget who the QB was or who we were playing.. maybe Pitt, Army of Navy.. but some years back, at home.. we were driving toward the north endzone for the game winning TD and the QB threw the ball straight to the LB... on a pass that had worked 3 times in that drive (went to the well once too often).

So.. what was it? Bad throw? Bad timing? Bad route? Bad read?

When everyone spoke about it later they all agreed..

The QB and WR (or was it a TE?) both keyed on what the LB would do.. they both watched him turn his hips to drop deep in coverage.. so the route had to be cut off and the QB throw underneath.. the problem was that the LB has seen that route and been burned by it 3 times in that drive... so he turned his hip and them went straight back and jumped the route.. got the INT and ended the game.
It is very hard to watch a game and know why a pass was incomplete or intercepted.

I forget who the QB was or who we were playing.. maybe Pitt, Army of Navy.. but some years back, at home.. we were driving toward the north endzone for the game winning TD and the QB threw the ball straight to the LB... on a pass that had worked 3 times in that drive (went to the well once too often).

So.. what was it? Bad throw? Bad timing? Bad route? Bad read?

When everyone spoke about it later they all agreed..

The QB and WR (or was it a TE?) both keyed on what the LB would do.. they both watched him turn his hips to drop deep in coverage.. so the route had to be cut off and the QB throw underneath.. the problem was that the LB has seen that route and been burned by it 3 times in that drive... so he turned his hip and them went straight back and jumped the route.. got the INT and ended the game.

Bolin would've had a lot more interceptions if EMU wasn't terrible. I will give Bolin a pass on the one vs. Washington where the receiver fell. Although that was still a bad pass. The tipped ball is what it is. The final interception was horrible and unforgivable. Winners don't throw an interception in that situation. That was piss poor.
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Bolin would've had a lot more interceptions if EMU wasn't terrible. I will give Bolin a pass on the one vs. Washington where the receiver fell. Although that was still a bad pass. The tipped ball is what it is. The final interception was horrible and unforgivable. Winners don't throw an interception in that situation. That was piss poor.
lol..this team has many bigger problems then QB going forward.
1. The line could not out physical a mid level Mac school who had lost 58 straight to power five schools and unable to run the ball at will when needed..
2. The WRs get no separation at all. Next to the poor job of special team coaching and development,Wide receiver coaching is a close second for lack of coaching and development from last season into this year.
3.The linebackers ,minus Deonte Roberts are not in the proper allignment and miss tackles. In playing a 3-4 scheme the LBs should have way more tackles then they currently do.
So to say the QB is the main problem to not beating a mid level MAC school is off base.
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Ash doesn't look like a risk taker to me. If we can't win this game with Bolin, we won't win any this season. I have pretty much rolled back any of my pre-season enthusiasm that was bolstered by a gallant effort in game #1. Add to this that our Offensive coach is a health risk and I just don't see us doing anything that even remotely looks like a roll of the dice.
Ash doesn't look like a risk taker to me. If we can't win this game with Bolin, we won't win any this season. I have pretty much rolled back any of my pre-season enthusiasm that was bolstered by a gallant effort in game #1. Add to this that our Offensive coach is a health risk and I just don't see us doing anything that even remotely looks like a roll of the dice.

Ash is a boring guy. Nothing about him is exciting. Boring uniforms, boring gameplan, boring press conferences, boring clothes. He's a square. Never go for it on fourth down, never let a freshman throw, etc. I'm not sure that's going to work in the northeast.
First of all Lewis is a young kid and this is shaping up to be a bad team. I rather he develop physically and mentally before putting him in games? Do we really want to risk a career ending injury.

I'm personally against starting Lewis. I rather he get reps with the practice squad and sporadically see action in garbage time.
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First of all Lewis is a young kid and this is shaping up to be a bad team. I rather he develop physically and mentally before putting him in games? Do we really want to risk a career ending injury.

I'm personally against starting Lewis. I rather he get reps with the practice squad and sporadically see action in garbage time.

If he's going to hand the ball off twice a game, then they should've redshirted him.
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Ash is a boring guy. Nothing about him is exciting. Boring uniforms, boring gameplan, boring press conferences, boring clothes. He's a square. Never go for it on fourth down, never let a freshman throw, etc. I'm not sure that's going to work in the northeast.
He's also an outsider. Most high school coaches see him as a mid western guy who has very little in common with Jersey kids. All that in your face screaming and yelling wore thin on the athletes as well. If he doesn't lay 20-30 on Morgan State I'll be shocked.