your post is closer to the truth than most....when are we landing the next james bailey. quincy, or a phil sellers....a tried ,and true program changer.....possibly he's already here...still, pike ,and staff have to kick it up a notch...dam, you would think some blue chipper out there ,is drooling at the prospect of being the program changer here....funny, jose alverado is a junior at g-tech is averaging 18pts per game, and you never hear his name
mentioned as far as press clippings go....i'm quite sure he would be getting
lots of attention at ru for being the point guard that helped us to the dance.
of course pike didn't have a bag of cash for him to play here...thats just my assumption. but remember the drama. it's gonna be us, or them.....i knew it would be them ....and guess what, g-tech really sucked this year...he might have just as well sucked with us at, but he would have been in the spotlight here...i hope, and pray the * headband * is the real deal, and we have our program changer. for the next four years.