I'm not 100% certain he was referring to the RAC. But the RAC is only a great facility when it is crowded with a cheering crowd - that has been missing for a while, I think.Not sure I do. There are something like 350 D1 basketball programs and you don't think the RAC was one of them? Frankly I haven't seen a change in recruitment for either program driven by the APC. We haven't had the Power 5 level practice facility , true. But to suggest the RAC..considered one of the best BBall environments in the country is an embarrassment I don't get. Did Diamond transfer out of Rutgers because the APC wasn't good enough?
And to be clear. Please don't interpret my comments to be lacking in appreciation for the great things she accomplished in the past. I'm not suggesting she didn't deserve what she was paid years past. But this is still a good bit of a business and loyalty has other forms. This concept of moving into an admin role is certainly a good example IMO.
I was a big advocate for the women's program and have attended games going all the way back to my frosh year in '77. MY interest in the program has waned last few years and I watched only one game this year. First round PSU. Something's got to change. (or not).
I have read articles about the impact of facilities. It isn't the only factor. But as Rutgers slid after the "Fab Five" fiasco, better facilities would have been yet another factor in convincing higher recruits to come. So far as I can see, the better facilities have had an impact on both men's and womens's sides.