never read it anyways cuz they have shart coverage of the shore area.. they like north jersey better and i don't give two sharts about what happens north of middltown
These posts are the equivalent of telling someone "whatever you do don't look". They make people even more curious as to what could be so bad.
Rarely read to begin with. Been about a year since I regularly read their stories, but I'M IN!!
Done with them. has become almost funny in its shameless, baseless hit pieces. The SL is not fit to line a birdcage.
Count me in. -The SL is a sensationalist rag that doesn't employ journalists; it employs hatchet men.

If for some unfathomable reason I ever feel the need to look at garbage I don't need the SL for that. ...There are plenty of dumpsters around.
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I've been in for quite some time. Plenty of alternative sources to get Rutgers Athletics information. Use the NY Media and national websites for my Pro Needs
Can't make the pledge with respect to Todd Hunt. Easy as far as the rest go.
It's been a while now, but I will NEVER click on an article by Dick Duggan, Weasel face Sarge, or Ahole Politi.
If I saw them at a game, I'd say "Ahole" as I walked by
Fans should REALLY get on those jerks.

Has anyone here ever run into them?

(I WILL read every T Hunt article I see)
Seems like those other site options pretty much regurgitate the stories. Their links are often the same story as the Njcom ones.. be careful out there folks
Real easy... if you see a story on this site, or see a article, go to and type a search for that news item with "" and "-ledger" in the search string. You'll usually come back with other sites with the same information. It's rare that either of those sources have an exclusive on anything.... and even if they do, wait a day or so and someone else will have it.

I had canceled my Ledger subscription because of lack of quality, poor editing, and essentially being an AP Wire aggregator (and the annoyance of having to discard/recycle all that paper) even before the Sherman/Margolin nonsense... and stopped clicking entirely at that point (mid/late 2008)

I've never read a Todd Hunt article. I haven't read a Sargeant article since he moved to the Ledger. It annoys me when people put a link without noting that it's a link and I accidentally click on it (though I've gotten better over the years with checking before clicking).
Feel bad that Todderick has to be lumped in with the other guys, but I'm in.


Instead of worrying about NJCom, we should all be more worried that Jim Harbaugh is eating Flood's lunch on the recruiting trail. Now that Mitchell has announced for Michigan, that gives them three players from the NJ top ten, with Rashan Gary likely being the fourth. The NJ dream team comes to fruition but not at Rutgers.

Boycotting reporters we don't like becomes a pointless sideshow to this ugly reality.

...really? Now that the narrative had changed and it looks like Flood will be ok, just can't help moving those goalposts?

Joe P.
what took you folks so long? I cancelled my script to the Ledger 10 years ago and the only time I click on them is to read what a terrible piece of crap they wrote about us when somebody links it here.....only so I can see for myself and not assume. WELCOME ABOARD!
I used to read the Star Ledger religiously every morning with coffee.....cancelled the daily/Sunday subscription about 5 years ago.

I used to go to/read the website religiously every day - stopped doing that about 2 years ago

Owned a business and refused to advertise on the website

I've minimized my clicks to the website to (very rarely) links from Scarletnation

It's not only about the SL coverage of Rutgers. That News Outlet has really gone downhill across the board and in many cases the focus is only on the negative, the writing and opinion pieces were suspect, troll bait comments are promoted, and the thoroughness or research is lacking. If there were no links in posts/threads here - I would not go there at all.
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It's not only about the SL coverage of Rutgers. That News Outlet has really gone downhill across the board and in many cases the focus is only on the negative, the writing and opinion pieces were suspect, troll bait comments are promoted, and the thoroughness or research is lacking. If there were no links in posts/threads here - I would not go there at all.

Very much this.

The Ledger has been declining in quality for a long time. So much of the original content is gone and replaced by AP wire stuff, and the content they do create is shoddily edited and often sensationalized. When I had a subscription (roughly from 2003-2006), the amount of typos and bad writing had me hanging on to essentially the sports section, comics, and classifieds as the only worthwhile elements of the paper. With the rise of online comics and classifieds, that left only sports... which wasn't enough, on its own, to warrant me keeping up my subscription.

And then the sports went down the tubes, too - so, they have absolutely no value to me anymore.
People are free to think what they want but I don't know how many more examples people need to see that the SL/ are trying to use our school and our program as kindling to light their own fire. It's like taking 7 years to figure out that drinking Liquid Plumbr is bad for you.

Joe P.
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I haven't clicked on a link for years now. I sometimes feel a little bit bad as my brother-in-law works for them (not in sports). He develops a lot of the interactive web-based stuff (informational maps, surveys, quizzes, etc.). A lot of it sounds pretty neat when he describes it to me, but I respectfully tell him that I refuse to support or The Star Ledger in any way due to their anti RU athletic agenda so I cannot check out his work or suggest that others do either. He's a good guy so I do feel kind of bad about it, but he understands and respects my viewpoint.
My local paper..the Hunterdon County Democrat (believe owned or part of the group) changed it front page logo to look just like the Ledgers...and I noticed the articles/opinions became very much agenda driven. (although not so much about Rutgers Sports but other)..ready to cut them off as well.
I'm with willis - this is so silly...

Neither side of the coin is silly. If you still covet what you are getting out of your SL / Website experience then great for you guys. If not then there also is no reason to think other people's opinions on the matter or someone trying to drum up a boycott as silly. The SL has certainly provided enough fodder in this one situation alone for people here to question motives - and this is just one instance of many across a variety of writers.
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So, I get an e-mail today from Rutgers University announcing the Honors College students moving into the the new Honors College Dorm. The e-mail finishes with, "Read the story about it on :scream:
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For the rest of the football season, I pledge to not click on any articles that refer to Rutgers University athletics.

I reject the muckraking style of their employees and I will not add to their revenues by viewing or speaking about any of 's content.

Here are alternate sources of Rutgers Football content:

Sound off and join me!

Maybe you should pin the sites for ease of access.
Scarlet Scuttlebut is the best! Let's put the SL and out of business once and for all!
Why do u say Todd is no longer cool?
What did he write?
Never have seen an anti- RU message from him
I'm in and I've been in since the Rice/Pernetti thing. Funny thing is, if you don't go to their website, it all kind of disappears. There is really no need.

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