To be a TOP TEN WRESTLING PROGRAM the SKWC Needs Your Support


Gold Member
Mar 9, 2016
The Athletic Department is providing outstanding support for RU to be a Top Program:
* Scholarships
* A New Facility Under Construction
* An Outstanding Strength and Conditioning Coach
* Great Academic Support
* The Rutgers Leadership Academy
* Superior Marketing Support

The missing piece is a fully functional SKWC - Regional Training Center (RTC)

•RTCs enable athletes to practice with wrestlers competing for World &
Olympic Teams
•Top teams employ 7-11 Resident Athletes (Iowa 11, Cornell 10, Penn State 9,
Ohio State 7)
• RTCs are 501© 3 non-profits and cannot use University funding for support.
•Leading RTCs have budgets of over $400,000.
•RTCs are a major recruiting advantage.

* RU Coaches believe hiring a minimum of 4 Resident Athletes (RAs) are
necessary to become Top Ten Program
* To meet all SKWC needs for 2017-2018 $227,000 is needed.
* Current Revenue is projected to be in the $140,000 range
* If we raise $ 227,000 it will be about about 50% less than Top the Programs
* Each Rutgers Wrestling Coach is Contributing Personal Funds to the SKWC
* All SKWC Board Members are Contributing to the SKWC

Please provide support at a level consistent with your personal financial situation. You can:

* Join the SKWC at the $25 or $150 level
* Join the Pin Poll at $1 to $150 per Pin
* Sponsor a Resident Athlete
* Fund Resident Athlete Housing
* Support Coach Joe Pollard, or Director of Operations, Billy Ashnault
* Or make a general contribution to the SKWC

To learn more or to discuss specific opportunities please reach out to

David Bugen (our president)
Brian Paich (our incoming president)
Doug Dolan (Co-Chair Fundraising)
Andy Sisti (Co-Chair Fundraising)

Thanks for your support.

Go RU!
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Done, and it felt good. I love that RU is kicking ass in some of the Olympic sports, and wrestling is a blast. Having the two most successful Jersey boys wrestling on the team at the same time is an added bonus.