Your first sentence is on-the-mark and a strong argument. The rest is blowing smoke. Kowalczyk’s teams, at institutions that offer lots less than Rutgers, have been better than Rutgers over that same time period, including this year’s Toledo team. And both teams (Wisconsin - Green Bay, Toledo) were awful when he took over. And the guy recruits the Big Ten geographic footprint. We could do a lot worse, and we have in the past.16 years as a head coach, never made the NCAAs and made the NIT once and lost in the first round.
My memory is a bit hazy but I believe he was rumored to be involved in some other unsavory personal activity when he was here that may have led to him departing before Bannon but, again, I could be completely off base.
In any case, I'm underwhelmed by those accomplishments at Green Bay and Toledo.