It is significant that UCONN's agreement not to join a Power 5 football conference, and the accompanying $30 million dollar buyout, apparently only applies for the next 6 years. After that, the buyout drops significantly. The more I think about it, they really aren't giving up on football yet. They likely determined that based on current TV contracts, etc. there is no realistic chance of joining a Power 5 conference in the next 5 or 6 years. They are hoping that they can stabilize/revitalize basketball by rejoining the Big East and then be in a position of relative strength if there is another round of realignment. There's nothing they can do about their market, etc., but they're gambling that their basketball programs will be enough of a draw down the road if someone wants to expand in the northeast. They're hemorraghing money now anyway, so this is a hail mary to hopefully position themselves better for a future invite. They have to somehow keep football alive for the next 6 years, which won't be easy, but I don't think they're going to give up on it yet. Of course, in 6 years time if there doesn't seem to be a reasonable prospect of them landing somewhere, they'll have to make a decision on what to do with football, but for basketball and other sports they'd still be better off in the Big East.