Does he count as a South Jersey guy?
The Swedish Colonial Society
A Brief History of New Sweden in America
The Swedish Colonial Society
A Brief History of New Sweden in America
The Obama Effect. Only partly kidding. If you're a potential recruit and you just saw the POTUS, who has great appeal for most young people, speaking at the RU commencement, showering heaps of praise on our great University, you might just be swayed at least a little. How could anyone watching Obama not love this section early in the speech?
But, however you got here, you made it. You made it. Today, you join a long line of Scarlet Knights whose energy and intellect have lifted this university to heights its founders could not have imagined. Two hundred and fifty years ago, when America was still just an idea, a charter from the Royal Governor—Ben Franklin’s son—established Queen’s College. A few years later, a handful of students gathered in a converted tavern for the first class. And from that first class in a pub, Rutgers has evolved into one of the finest research institutions in America. (Applause.)
This is a place where you 3-D-print prosthetic hands for children, and devise rooftop wind arrays that can power entire office buildings with clean, renewable energy. Every day, tens of thousands of students come here, to this intellectual melting pot, where ideas and cultures flow together among what might just be America’s most diverse student body. (Applause.) Here in New Brunswick, you can debate philosophy with a classmate from South Asia in one class, and then strike up a conversation on the EE Bus with a first-generation Latina student from Jersey City, before sitting down for your psych group project with a veteran who’s going to school on the Post-9/11 GI Bill. (Applause.)
America converges here. And in so many ways, the history of Rutgers mirrors the evolution of America—the course by which we became bigger, stronger, and richer and more dynamic, and a more inclusive nation.
We can now have a fat lutefisk sandwich
Good for he and his family , good for Ash and good for us.
Only if people would argue with my post and we all know we have 100% agreement on Obama speaking at commencement being good for RU. Yes, that's sarcasm. Didn't intend it as a hi-jack - was just happy about the commitment and happy for RU getting the POTUS to speak yesterday, so connecting them (even if not related, which is likely) seemed (relatively) harmless.Nice Hijack
-------It's against NCAA rules, and would have resulted in the death penalty for Rutgers. :rolleyes:
I preferred Trienne of Barth:sunglasses:Nice.
IMO he looks like Brienne of Tarth, another famous knight
The upside on this kid looks incredible. 3star rating having played only two years!!! Can't imagine what he may become after one more year playing NJ high school ball and another redshirt year with Parker. Ten commits and three are o-line guys. Good plan.
Ironic post is ironic (is ironic (is ironic (is ironic (is ironic (is ironic))))))...Some people just can't help themselves.