Week 7 NCAAF Rankings- Thoughts?

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore
Alabama #7 loses to 2-2 Vanderbilt- they slips 6 spots in AP and 5 spots in coaches poll.
Tennessee #8 loses to 3-2 Arkansas and slips only 4 spots in AP 5 spots in coaches poll.
Ole Miss #9- beat South Caroline, up 3 in both polls.
Texas A&M #15 beats Missouri and up 10 spots in AP and 7 spots in coaches poll
Missouri #21 loses to Aggies and down 12 spots in AP poll and 9 spots in coaches poll

Miami #6 up 2 in both polls after beating Cal
Clemson #10/11 beats mighty FSU and up 5 in AP and up 3 in coaches poll
SMU #25- beats Louisville, and up from unranked

Ohio State #2 up 1 in both polls after beating 3-1 Iowa.
Oregon #3- up 3 in both polls after beating MSU
Penn State #4/5 up 3/2 after beating UCLA
Indiana #18/20- up 5/4 after beating Northwestern
Illinois #23- up 1/2 after being idle
Michigan #24/21- down 14/11 after losing to Washington
USC -NR (26)--down 15/11 after losing to Minnesota

Big 12- ehh, who cares.

Michigan and USC punished severely.
Clemson overranked?

Alabama slips only 6/5 spots????
Tennessee slips only 4/5 spots????
Interesting. So I’d say there’s no doubt our loss hurt Michigan. If we won, we’d probably have crashed through pretty far and Washington would get more respect.

The bright side? There’s probably quicker ground to make up that you’d think if we can convert next week. Right now it seems we’re a mile from top 25 but winning tends to get folks thinking. And as a stand alone (if it were that) there’s a lot to consider about our loss.

Forget the damn bad spot on the TD. Forget even Black’s drop. It was a weird game. Wind gusts making FGs impossible. One team can’t make them even on normal days - weather def helped them. 95 degree heat day in October and they get a shaded sideline sticking us right in the sun. A lot of obscurity in this game all of which would start getting pointed out if we turn things right around. Of course, if we lose next week, we’re just a mediocre 4-2 team hoping to get to a bowl. Next week is huge for the trajectory of the season.

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