The last couple weeks certainly haven't been pretty - potentially impermissible contact issue, carroo and company getting suspended for the first half, and now these 5 arrests. But are they offenses that should lead to termination of Coach Flood's contract?
I don't think any of them should on their own. Impermissible contact issue should be a 1 game suspension maybe unless they can prove that he knew the rule and broke it anyway. Players breaking curfew is a non-event really. The 5 arrests are a big deal, but how can he be responsible for everyone all the time?
The problem isn't any of these issues in isolation, but its hard to ignore all happening at the same time. The program needs discipline. When you have a QB that's a potential stater using his day off to go to a bar with a fake ID along with a team captain, it seems to me that the players aren't scared of Flood at all. That seems to be the biggest issue.
If Julie/Barchi choose to fire him, they're not going to get a proven coach no matter how much money they throw at him given what a s-itshow it's been here in the athletic department. There's only one guy that would see past all of that...Schiano, but who knows if he would want to come here again anyway. In a scenario where Flood is fired, he's the only guy I can see us moving forward without taking a big step back.
I don't think any of them should on their own. Impermissible contact issue should be a 1 game suspension maybe unless they can prove that he knew the rule and broke it anyway. Players breaking curfew is a non-event really. The 5 arrests are a big deal, but how can he be responsible for everyone all the time?
The problem isn't any of these issues in isolation, but its hard to ignore all happening at the same time. The program needs discipline. When you have a QB that's a potential stater using his day off to go to a bar with a fake ID along with a team captain, it seems to me that the players aren't scared of Flood at all. That seems to be the biggest issue.
If Julie/Barchi choose to fire him, they're not going to get a proven coach no matter how much money they throw at him given what a s-itshow it's been here in the athletic department. There's only one guy that would see past all of that...Schiano, but who knows if he would want to come here again anyway. In a scenario where Flood is fired, he's the only guy I can see us moving forward without taking a big step back.