When will we know if Grant is coming back for the 2017 season ?


Hall of Famer
Aug 23, 2002
I think he's probably not gonna, but we could sure use some good news.
Thank you, I just asked the same question as the OP in another thread.
Thanks for the date, something to wish for and look forward to other than signing day . Hope he stays. Not only for the field but for the locker room.
Agreed. Getting Grant back is equilavent to a 5 star recruit. It would be a huge boost to our hopes and excitment for next season.

Grant is easily a top 3 all-time RU football favorite of mine. Along with Leonard & Rice. He tops even Sanu, and Paul James who are also some of my top favorites.
If Grant's decision is still in the deliberation process - Have to think that the hiring of Erb can only help to make staying at RU a more attractive option.